
Why travel alone

Why travel alone -

watching the sunset alone in a national park in alaska "Joe, do you have your ticket booking yet?" I asked.

"No. I've changed my mind. I will not go."

"What? You are not to Australia? We have for months planned this vacation!"

"Yes, I do not feel like it. We'll go another time."

In the coming weeks I tried to get my friend to reconsider, but to no avail. When Joe changed his mind, he changed his mind. Our trip to Australia - our big post-college adventure - was gone. And none of my friends wanted to replace him. If I wanted to go, it would have to be on your own.

There is a pattern that repeats itself over the years. While a few people have joined me on the way, more often than not, is planning friends in remote places contrary not pivot. When it comes to the wire, always something comes up, they are suddenly too busy, or they get cold feet and their minds to change.

It has taught me that if I wait for the others, I'll never go anywhere

But there are places I want to go to see people, to gain experience, and food to try - .. and only so much time to complete it

so I refuse to wait. I will not let others keep to realize me from my dreams.

It can be frightening alone, especially if you have never done it. But for me growing old without any experience of life want is worrying

If you have to postpone a trip because someone wait on going with -. To stop. Just go. Do not let others hold you back from your dreams. Trust me, on the way you will make a lot of friends - of other solo travelers who thought "screw, if I do not go, I'll never go" to the locals keen to meet new people. You're never alone when you are traveling.

More than that, Solo travel gives you the greatest possible freedom. You wake up and it's just you - what you want, where you want, when you want. This freedom and infinite space of possibility, you meet. You hit the limits of what you like and do not like. There is no one to pull in any direction or put your reasons overridden. Want sushi? Get sushi. want to leave? Leaving. Would you like to try bungee jumping? Go for it

It's sink or swim, and you must learn how to survive -. Who can be trusted, how to make friends, how to find your way alone. This is the greatest reward of solo travel: personal growth. Every time you go away, you learn a little more independent, to be confident and consistent with your emotions and desires.

Solo travel is not for everyone. Some people back home soon after departure, others cry for weeks before they embrace, and some embrace it only once. But you will never know that if you do not even travel to do it yourself. Whether a weekend, a two-week vacation or trip around the world, try at least once.

Do not wait for people or the life you hold back your dreams. You could wait a long time until someone finally says yes. There is only now -. And if you do not go, you will regret it

had Because if I wait not stopped, I would still be in my cell, Joe tries to convince her to go to Australia, and wonder if I ever get to see the world.

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