Sake 101: A Guide to Sake beginner
A trip to Japan would without a little sake sample not be complete ! But unless you are an avid sake drinker, it can be difficult to know where to begin
In order to help you navigate the world of interest, we have done a lot of research in Japan. Off with sake connoisseur Consulting Sake tasting and sampling sake throughout Japan
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We hope that our Sake 101 guide helps you get the most out of your next experience's sake!
Sake 101
What's sake? Ask this question in Japan compared to the rest of the world, and you will find two different answers.
In English, "sake" refers to the alcoholic fermented rice beverage in Japan, you're likely in your sample have local Japanese restaurant (or local sake bar, if you're lucky!).
But ask for "sake" in Japan and can be met with a quizzical look. Why this? Because in Japanese "sake" refers to all alcoholic beverages in general. These include beer, wine, liquor, and the drink we call "sake" in English.
So what the Japanese call "sake" to do? In Japanese, the word for what we refer to as sake Nihonshu . Nihonshu translated as "Japanese alcohol", and if you ask for Nihonshu at an izakaya greets you with a smile.
language lesson aside, we get to keep to this wonderful drink as sake in this article, things as simple as possible.
Key Sake words
One of the best things about Sake that there are so many different types and variations - but that's also one of the most overwhelming things sake beginners
If you want to be an interest Samurai, you need to go because of school. But if you want to start with the basics, here are some key concepts and terms that your head, helping to wrap this delicious drink.
Good Water is one of the essential ingredients for good sake
One of the first steps in the interest of producing the polishing of rice , to be the grain of rice before the actual reasons "polished" decision-making process has - or milled -. remove the outer layer of each particle, its starchy core exposes
In order to obtain a perspective on rice polishing, keep in note that to obtain brown rice white rice, you need to polish rice to about 0 % (ie 10% of polishing).
produce good sake, you need to polish a lot more than that! We will continue to get into a little more detail below, but for now keep in mind that good sake is usually between about 50% -70% (ie from 30% to 50% is covered with plaster) is polished. So if you read that half was up 60% polished, this means 40% of the original rice grain has been polished away, to leave it only 60% of its original size.
Junmai is the Japanese word for "pure rice." This is an important word in the world of sake, as it separates the pure rice sake from the not pure rice sakes.
Junmai is brewed only rice, water, yeast and koji - there are no other additives, such as sugar or alcohol. Unless a sake bottle says "junmai" (this will be drawn up as 純 米 in Japanese), they have added Brauer alcohol and / or other additives.
While junmai sounds like a good thing (and it is usually!), Just because a half is not junmai does not mean it is bad. Additives such as distilled alcohol breweries used by experienced brewers to change and improve flavor profiles and flavors, and can be very smooth and easy for some to drink sake.
Now make sure you have learned what polishing and mean junmai, let's talk about the different types of Sake
types of Sake
Photo credit talk: Jon Åslund over Compfight cc
your understanding for polishing and junmai (from above) will help you understand the differences between the different kinds of reasons, see
There are so many different types of reasons that -. To keep things simple - we are only going to focus on some important species and classifications. Along with a good cup of sake, that's all what you need some sake to enjoy at a specialty sake shop, bar or izakaya tasting
You can also classify the sake of factors. The type of rice is used where the amount in which it was produced, the rice has been polished, the brewing process, as it was filtered and more
We want you to enjoy sake tasting -. Do not overwhelm! - So here is a handy list of the main types and classifications of reasons that you encounter. If you learn only some or all of these, you will know more about Sake than 99% of travelers who visit Japan!
As mentioned above, junmai refers to pure rice (純 米) (not additive) sake. Moreover, the means junmai classification that the rice has used at least 70% has been polished (ie, the percentage number that you see on the bottle only 70% or less, ie, 61-70%) - at least 30% has plastered. While it is difficult to over-generalizing, tends junmai sake a rich full body with an intense, slightly sour taste to have. This kind of reasons especially nice when served warm or at room temperature.
Honjozo (本 醸 造) used rice (polished as junmai at least 70% above). However Honjozo definitions containing a small amount of distilled brewers alcohol is added to smooth the taste and flavor of Sake. Honjozo sakes are often light and easy to drink, and can be enjoyed hot or chilled.
Ginjo & Junmai Ginjo
Ginjo (吟 醸) is premium sake, the rice used, which was polished at least 60% (the percentage means that you see on the bottle only 60% or less, ie, 51-60%) - was plastered at least 40%. It is brewed with special yeast and fermenting techniques. The result is often a light, fruity and complex flavor, very fragrant at rule. It's easy and often to drink (though certainly not as a rule) served chilled.
Junmai ginjo is easy ginjo sake that (without additives) also fits the "pure rice" definition.
Daiginjo & Junmai Daiginjo
Daiginjo (大 吟 醸) is super premium Sake (hence the "dai" or "large") and is considered by many as the highlight of the Brauer Art. It requires precise brewing process and uses rice that has been polished down all the way to at least 50% (ie, the percentage number that will be placed on the bottle 50% or less) - was at least 50% plastered. Daiginjo sakes are often relatively expensive and must be brought generally cooled, served its beautiful light, complex aromas and flavors.
Junmai daiginjo is easy daiginjo sake that (without additives) also fits the "pure rice" definition.
NOTE: according to the above is, the more rice is higher polishes the classification stage. However, do not jump to the conclusion that because you just polishing the rice more reasons will be better. Ginjo and daiginjo sakes are usually considered high-end sakes - and are often sought by Sake expert - though often love for reasons experts the cheaper local stuff as long as it has made from quality ingredients by good brewers. Ultimately, you should have your own taste and preferences trust.
Futsushu (普通 種) is sometimes referred to as a table half. Rice has hardly polished (somewhere between 93% -70%), and - while we are not qualified in any event to be snobs Sake - is the only material that we probably from a stay recommend gone! Surprisingly, you can really sakes of good quality to get at very reasonable prices, so if you are looking forward for a bad hangover (and not so special flavor), try to stay away from futsushu.
Although for reasons not usually as wine ages, it is usually left for about 6 months or more, while the flavors mellow ripen. However shiboritate (し ぼ り た て) sake goes directly from the presses in the bottle and on the market. (People tend to love or hate it.) Shiboritate seems to be wild and fruity sake, some compare it even to white wine
Nama zake
The are most sakes pasteurized twice. Once just after brewing, and again before shipment. Nama zake (生 酒) is unique because it is not pasteurized, and must be cooled as such are kept fresh. While it is of course also depends on other factors, has often a fresh, fruity taste with a sweet flavor.
Nigori (濁 り) sake is cloudy white and coarse with very little filtered bits of rice in the circulation. It is sweet, as a rule and creamy, and can range from silky smooth to thick and bulky enough.
Ji-zake (地 酒) means "local sake" and is a big word to keep in mind when traveling to different regions of Japan. Sake is brewed in the country and good jizake usually goes very well with every local cuisine of the region -. And since it is on site, it is usually fresh and often beautiful priced
a reference to the above: the tasting guidelines and generalizations are made about designed to provide a base guide. There are many factors that modify the properties of all sake (rice and water used skill of brewers, etc.), so please call variations expect when it comes to each profile's sake, and keep an open mind!
How to drink Sake
Now the fun part and final step comes: the Sake
The most common questions that we drink listening beginner reasons:
- should drink interests cold, warm - or at room temperature
- What kind of cup or glass you drink it from
to Chill or Not to Chill?
There are no hard-and-fast rule, and the most important considerations are: the specific reasons in question, and your own preferences
Some sakes are best cold, while others. Taste perfectly when heated. Each sake is different, and sake connoisseurs will tell to experiment. Our philosophy is: do what tastes best to you. It's no fun if you're worried, if what you are doing right or wrong
That said here are some general guidelines that you help your sake in the cooling or heating are .:
- personnel for their recommendation, the shop or restaurant: they will know whether it is best cold, warm - or so or so [1945025toavoid] Extreme :. . Not interest: whether cooling or heating, be careful not to overdo it, because an over ~~ POS = TRUNC and ~~ POS = TRUNC, a sake certain flavors and fragrances disrupt
- How warm directly to heat. Instead, pour the interest in a container (like a Saki Decanter, ideal!), The can handle some heat, and then allowed to warm slowly in a water bath. Avoid it is too fast or too strongly heated, and hopefully it goes without saying that you should not do it in the microwave!
- At the risk of over generalizing, many Sake experts say that ginjo and daiginjo sakes are usually not best heated (served since cooled will improve its flavors and fragrances), while many junmai and Honjozo sakes do well or so (since heating this type of sakes tends to draw its complex aromas and smooth it out a bit.)
many sakes taste at different temperatures - so different temperatures different pull features - making it very worthwhile to experiment for themselves
(Photo credit: macglee over Compfight cc)
what kind of outlet to use
we wish we could say that all Sake experts agree - but of course that is not the case.
With premium sake, many experts recommend Sake to drink from a glass, as this will avoid getting in the way of the complex and often subtle flavors and aromas, tends.
But it is also fun to drink sake from a ochoko or masu and the Sake receiving enjoy themselves can greatly improve the experience!
If you do have a sensitive palate and can deeply appreciate sake deep properties, then it is worthwhile to invest in good Sake drinking ~~ POS = TRUNC.
As other at all, is the golden rule not to take things seriously, and enjoy it!
What next?
the best way to really gain an appreciation and understanding for the sake, it is to drink! So get out there and try some sake - you will be surprised to see certain type, style and temperature do you like best
We offer sake tasting experience with local Sake connoisseur in Tokyo, Kyoto and all over Japan , and occasional sake brewery tours.
Kanpai (cheers)!
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