
How to teach English and live in Spain

How to teach English and live in Spain -

cat gaa and teenage students
There are many ways to live abroad and to work to work by voluntarily on a yacht , in a hostel, to be an au pair or teaching English, one of the most common ways is to help people find work abroad (at least for English speakers).

Today I want to share Cats story of a 30-year-old American who fell in love with Spain, while studying abroad, began to work, fell in love with a Spaniard, and now runs her own company there. It's easy to teach to go to Asia, but also to teach in Europe is a little more difficult, so I wanted to ask them how they did it and what advice she has for other

Nomadic Matt :. Say . each about yourself
Cat: My name is Cat Gaa, and I am a recently discovered 30 people like historical fiction, train, lunch siestas, and all-beef hot dogs. I am originally from Chicago by Michigan and Iowa have but sultry called Seville, Spain, my home since 07 with a journalism degree completion

How did you get into the classroom?
Spanish was my zodiac theme in high school, so my mother eagerly was to send abroad while studying me. She had spent a semester in Rome in the 70s and made me promise at least for a summer, to go abroad to improve my language skills.

those six weeks in Valladolid studies had me finished a life in Europe longing for. After looking into the work exchange programs in the UK and a radio job offer in Chicago weighing, I could not think about it, to stop Spain. The study-abroad office at my university steered me to a bilateral assistant teaching program between the US and the Spanish Ministry of Education, and I swore that I would take a position if offered.

Five days before my college graduation I was accepted English somewhere to teach in Andalusia in a school. Even coming from a family of teachers, I was worried, but excited.

One year stretched into two, and I am now my ninth year starting as a teacher professional. They

cat gaa teaching school

Tell us about your experience.
I spent the first three years as Auxiliar de conversación or English asisstant, at a high school in rural Andalusia. I was placed on a student visa, salary and insurance available that I could renew up to three conditions. I quickly realized that teaching my distinctive and creative personality fit, so I decided to try to stay in Spain for a fourth year, I had a boyfriend at the time and wanted to see where the relationship would go ( spoiler: we got married in 2015 August)!.

faced with unemployment, I sent my resume to every school and language academy in Seville and the surrounding towns. I had the experience, but not all of the qualifications and no work permit. Fortunately a private bilingual school was desperate and asked me for a detailed interview (Three hours plus two teaching experiments!). I spent two terms as the first class working classroom teachers. I was largely underqualified, have never designed with great discipline issues curriculum or traded, but I learned a lot.

Unfortunately, the pay and conditions at the private school were terrible, so I began to examine a working after-school language program. A friend recruited her Academy for their organization and holistic approach to teaching - something that I had was in my previous job is missing - and the hours were much less. I taught while full-time graduated from the academy a master's degree and my personal blog maintained, then the Director of Studies was offered position after four months. The 2015-16 term will be my third as academic director of the school.

Is it be easy to find work in Spain? What skills or degrees do you need?
As someone who has a work permit, a teaching certificate, and the years of experience, I have no problems of employment had as a teacher. However, since I have no teaching degree, which has been validated in the EU, I can not teach in a public or semi-private school without the school to go back.

If you are new to the teachings or lack the proper credentials, it may be harder. An easy way to get your feet wet is to get on a teaching program and start earning years towards Spanish stay, or to do a TEFL or CELTA course.

Because of the global financial crisis, many are upping their skill set of English courses take. This means that English language schools dive all over the place, though many are carried out by people who do not speak the language or are not teachers themselves. This has a speech bubble created, and it is affecting the sector negatively. Schools that is no experience or certification required are likely to be less than professional, and you run the risk to be taken advantage of.

cat gaa in Budapest
Normally EU countries tend to look for other EU citizens first. As an American, you have that to be true, or is there enough demand where you are looking for teachers outside the EU
It is true that many schools do not want to risk undocumented hiring someone - fines of up to 30,000 €! - And would rather hire a European because of this. But mother-tongue teachers are a must for parents in Spain, so if you have experience, you have to rent a shot of cash under the table.

Obtaining a work permit in Spain of a school is difficult legally, because the employer must create the position in a public forum, called Bolsa de Empleo , three weeks to prove that the most qualified for this position are. After three weeks on, the most likely scenario is that you must return to your home country for 3-4 months will process the visa.

cat gaa and teenage students

[1945007Was] is life in Spain?
Phenomenal. Fun. Vibrant. Challenging. What stands out to me the most is how regular my life in Spain feels now that I found, fluent in español and have a job. I know how more adult things to do in Spain, as in the United States, because I have lived my adult life in Seville! The biggest difference is that I do everything in Spanish.

I I-hate-Spain days more often than you (would usually imagine by long lines, bureaucracy and the haughty attitude sevillanos ), but here's the quality of life is much better than in the US. I enjoy my bike cheap produce to work in riding, and to purchase, as well as the local culture and the accessibility of travel.

My first few months in Spain were very shaky, but. I struggled with the language, and my confidence disappeared. I could not mention enough courage and order a pizza, let alone open a bank account or apply for my residence card work up. I had no one to vent my feelings and often felt alone. Calls home did nothing to make me feel better if I'd once considered no longer home.

I do not homesick more. Spanish cities have become increasingly international, so if I have to be an English corrected, I can take a friend for coffee see Calling a movie in its original version, and even buy ingredients for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My advice is to be an immersion experience open, which also speaker of your own language. Look for groups such InterNations or informal language, called intercambios .

cat gaa and friends in typical dress

What advice do you have looking for teachers to find work?
coming to find work without a visa or on a teaching program to Spain, is a solution for many, but in the long term it may hurt your chances for residence. There are many ways to come legally to Spain, so do your research!

Once you have an avenue to get the certification. A CELTA is higher regarded as a TEFL degree, because it is more severe, but personality counts for me as well. I am responsible for my teacher language school for the setting, so experience and adaptability are important. Madrid and smaller villages with less English speakers will have more opportunities for teachers.

After a job hooking, remember that it is a trial period of three months, so do not rest on our laurels! Be sure your contract terms salary, vacation time, and unemployment to understand, so that there are no problems with your employer.

How to do a job teaching when not in Spain are? How to find schools? What are you looking for? Really go through the tiniest! List all the resources that are too good!

Open Season for English teaching jobs is always on, but most schools will do the majority of their hiring April to June and September to early October. Often there is a need for another teacher on an hourly at other times of the year to take, namely January.

Most schools for a resume ask a cover letter, a current photo of you and two references. Once you have everything ready, you can blindly send applications to see who bite. If you are still at home, add a projected date for when they will be in Spain.

Do not expect an email back if you are not selected for an interview. If you have not heard of a school, follow to request politely for an interview. Talk to every experience that you have; if you have not previously learned, express your willingness to learn and your flexibility -. these two attributes I are looking at new teachers

You can find schools by Google easiest and recommendations on sites like Tefl.com, Expatcafe and Facebook groups. Look for schools with a developed site and a good reputation (newer schools are paid lower salaries generally and are disorganized).

cat gaa finishing the Camino de Santiago

What dizziness or questions should pay teachers?
Scams are usually not a problem in schools in Spain, although if you have the right to work legally, make sure that your contract carefully read. In fact, make sure you have a contract in the first place, and one that covers your health insurance and your vacation.

Spanish companies reserve the right to shoot within 0 days after commencement of the contract, if they consider unsuitable for the job, offering no reason and no severance pay. If you make it to the end of your contract, though, you get a bonus received finiquito called . This should also include all the holidays that were not taken.

never to pay for an item, unless it is with a reputable company (such as CIEE Teach in Spain) or a TEFL Institute! I've heard of companies that recruit people under the pretext that they have to pay part of their salary back to the bounty hunter. Since the number of jobs available, it is best to steer clear of those.

I would be with your employer, assertive book. I hear from many unhappy teachers whose employers ask them to take on more hours outside their contract, to satisfy customers. If you feel uncomfortable, remember that your employer needs you more than you need them (and I say this as someone who works a language school!).

Why think teach you is a good option for people looking to live in Spain
Not everyone who has come to Spain to teach their work has fallen, but remember: you have a job with young people to work with a great schedule and plenty of days off. Your students are to you, no matter what happens. You can live in a country, which is nice for Western Europe and full of things inexpensive appear on the long weekends and do.

probably While working as a teacher in Spain do not work will cushion your bank account, the country is better known than, say, Southeast Asia, and it is almost like a soft landing. I think Spain is a great place for TEFL teachers before to get their feet wet elsewhere. This is a growing sector and there are many opportunities for employment.

cat gaa at Marqués de Riscal winery

For someone to live and work (looking generally, not specifically for teaching) in Spain, which are three pieces of advice would you give them?
with people who move to Spain for a number of reasons in the work, I have noticed that many seem to think that they only show up and find out things when they are on the floor. While this is a viable option for some is, it limits your movement in Europe and your visa may hinder options in the future. Research the many types of visas for Spain at your nearest consulate website, and you will be surprised, you will probably qualify for many.

This brings to come legally me to the point. While there are ways to illegally come to find work, and eventually obtain residence, the rules are strict and without any legal contract, you are not qualified for public health or unemployment, nor can you earn days to your pension and retirement. If there is a risk you are willing to take, then they go - just know that the office of the foreigners you can disqualify for certain types of visas, the way

cat gas traveling around Spain

Finally. remember that Spain is different. I find that those who come and go quickly are those who complain that nothing like their homeland is. I have a long list of nuisances in Spain, but if you get past the strange bank opening times, the long lines everywhere, and the long nights, you will realize that Spain can be a pleasant place to live and work.

Cat Gaa blogs about life in Seville, Spain, and everything that goes with it together in her blog Sunshines and siestas - follow them find their way to destinations doctrine and life in Seville


And if you want to be a teacher, you should check my book, How English Overseas Teach , which lays out how to become an English teacher to apply as in companies breaks down from country to country information and also offers interviews with other teachers and job recruiters! You do not need to be stressed or overwhelmed about this process. This book shows you a teaching job is always easier than you think!

the next success story
One of my favorite parts about this job is to do people who travel stories. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world, and I hope that these stories that show that there is more than one way to travel, and that it within your reach your journey to achieve goals. Here are other examples of people who work overseas to finance their trips:

As Jessica and her friend found jobs all over the world
How Arielle a job on yacht got
How Emily taught English to finance their RTW Adventure

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