
As with travel error Cope (Because I can not stop them making)

As with travel error Cope (Because I can not stop them making) -

lost from mistakes made while traveling
I make many mistakes. Despite years of constant travel to over 70 countries, I can not believe how many times I still make rookie mistakes when should I know better. For example, in just the last few months I have:

  • is nearly at the wrong airport - twice
  • mistakenly booked two air tickets for the wrong day (yay, termination fees!)
  • overpaid for a taxi when I knew I was ripped off
  • for marketing of goods (as much pay)
  • haggle forget
  • forget travel insurance to buy three days in my travel
  • shorts on a trip to a tropical destination
  • forget accommodation during Christmas
  • no car in Curacao rent not book ahead pack (even though he knew I should ), because I'm cheap, and I will be a large part of the island is missing because the bus is not there went

are the only remind those I off the top of my head in recent months. There are countless other instances where I break my cardinal travel rules 27 (so why Rule # is the most important 27).

After all these years on the road, I still mess up.


Every day I receive many emails from new travelers who are filled with anxiety, fear and worry. Just a few days ago, a girl who was preparing to study abroad told me that she thought that she made the biggest mistake of her young adult life. Looking at her two suitcases filled her with fear. worried Another man that he does not always actually be "ready" to travel. And another reader was concerned about her lack of worldliness only she would mess up.

And how many, have many other people, they ask email me help. How can they avoid mistakes? How can ensure you that everything will go smoothly?

It is easy to look around and see travel writer as "experts" and "gurus" who seem to travel the world with seamless effort. We glide through airports, make instant friends with the locals, and integrate seamlessly into new and unfamiliar cultures. We are like Ninjas.

But I do not want someone like that. All my "expert" friends make many mistakes. I have experienced many firsthand obvious mistakes of people who should know better.

But we are all human and humans make mistakes. Even the "superhuman travel experts."

It is natural to worry about problems that might happen on the road. It's just that to let the worry and fear that cause Cripple and panic. Before I went on trips, the worst, "what if" scenarios consumed my thoughts. How would I deal with this or that situation? What if I got on the wrong train, booked the wrong flight or the wrong hostel choice?

I have all three of these things done (and more). It's easy to beat about the stupid mistake. Damn, how could I be so stupid as to leave my passport in a plane ?!

But you can not get let down.

Anything you can do to move past.

I heard a long time ago to beat me on my journey errors. Now, I live with them, because I know that I will always do hold. I can only continue to learn from them, and I hope that they do not again (but I probably will).

So the next time you book the wrong flight, to take the wrong bus, or something screws up, know that you are not alone and that others, even the experts have, much worse made mistakes ... and we survived and moved on.

only take and carry a deep breath.

There you are to make a lot of mistakes along the way

But that's fine - .. no perfect traveler is

And you will only emphasize themselves if you try to be a.

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