
How not to feel overwhelmed

How not to feel overwhelmed -

feeling overwhelmed by planning
planning a trip can be stressful.

Where do you start? What should you do first? What's step two? Will everything work out? Is there to take a best route? It is to think a lot!

Taking time off and travel around the world is a big change in your life, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed. seem endless

do your list of things.

So how do you create overwhelmed to stop feeling? How do you get over the fear of not knowing where to begin

It's easy - and I have a unique four-step process designed to do so (patent pending):

First, you buy your ticket to where you want to go first. , Off (Not sure where you want to start Simple Start where the flight is the cheapest ..?)

Second, the computer and 93,754,302,948,320 websites about travel stop visit (except me - you should see my always read!). They are suffering from the flood of information, if you do not.

Thirdly, going out with friends and the start date of your trip to celebrate.

Fourth smile.

it - that's it. You bought your ticket. You go. There is no turning back. There is no need to worry. All other planning is secondary.

I once in an industry that is one feature that people will look at up to 20 sites to explore during their trip.


This is before they book everything themselves.

No wonder I get so many emails from people who say "Matt, I feel like I'm in over my head . "

Information is power, but in our society Information- overload, too many resources, let us in conflict and powerless.

I understand, you could feel a lot of anxiety planning your trip, as you correctly that everything goes want to do. I remember how it was when I plan my first trip. I had every leader under the sun in my room. I have tables. I was constantly worried that "the perfect trip." Who does not want to be your travel or holiday of your life perfect and life-changing, is not it?

I've been there and I understand, but I can tell you from years of experience that the more you plan your trip, the more you fear face. They will overwhelm with so much information that you are going over there to do nothing but stress

It is one thing to plan your trip. it is another thing, every day, to plan it


About planning to stress, and I can tell you from years of experience that your plans change .:

Someone already is on a new target say and you are there instead to Amsterdam from race.

The following is the streets walking and in unexpected places to eat.

you will meet a group of people who remain to convince you on this tropical island with them just a little longer.

in short, to change things, so do not go overboard. Do you have a general idea of ​​what direction you want to go, plan your first few stops, and then let the wind take.

not to become a tedious plan. They are anyway not follow it

In 06, my first route across Europe should be as follows :.

Oslo -> Prague -> Milan -> Florence -> Rome -> Naples -> Corfu -> Metorea -> Athens -> Greek islands -> Athens

But it ended as follows :

Oslo -> Prague -> Milan -> Florence -> Rome -> Venice -> Vienna -> Amsterdam -> Costa del Sol -> Barcelona -> Amsterdam -> Athens

Fast folded nothing like I had planned. It worked better. Cooler, more interesting things and people pulled me in another direction. My trip to Southeast Asia was completely changed when a friend said, "want to come to me, meet in Chiang Mai?" Instead fly to Bangkok, I landed in Chiang Mai and then on to Laos!

I have rarely kept my original plans. I do not know many travelers who have.

Once you have booked your flight, come up with a list of everything you have to do before you go (it will not take as long as you think) - buy buying backpack, travel insurance, get your visa if necessary, get new bank cards, book a hostel, cable canceling, etc., etc. most of them can be carried out of this stuff a few months before going


to move down the list.




buy a book or two, some general knowledge to pick up how to travel and prepare for the journey. Read a guide and a good idea about where you are going. Develop to fill a general plan and then in the details on the way.

You can not really know what you will do in a destination before you get there. Read the guide on your flight, because that's when it really matters.

you can not do, or change anything until you start your trip and the pre-trip stuff takes much less time than you think.



Everything will work out itself.

And when she does, you'll wonder why you emphasized so much in the beginning.

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