
What I learned on my vacation (or thought to be a travel writer)

What I learned on my vacation (or thought to be a travel writer) -

Nomadic Matt having a happy time with a silly hat on his cruise "If a vacation is not your life?" People asked me before my trip. "You're always on the road!"

Yes, I'm always on the go, but it is not a holiday - Travel for me is work. It's fun work, and I'd rather be as a travel blogger again in my old cabin job, but it is still work. All these blog posts and wonderful tips do not come naturally. I hunt all the research and follow-up, so that visitors to this page you will have the information they need the world cheaper, better to travel, and more.

Back when I was just a simple backpackers, I had nothing to do, and all the time to do it. Every day was Saturday. Well, that's not the case. I remember when I write my book in Cambodia. Friends would tell me: "Let's Go Crazy Tonight get", and I would say: "I can not, I have a Skype meeting in the morning!"

This is the truth about travel writing: it is not a holiday; it's a job. Just like any other job. imagine most people, wonderful things to do myself in faraway places, go on crazy adventures and jet-setting to exotic locations. And sure that happens. But so does the site that you do not see on the blog: sitting for days in my room to do work, HTML Fixed bug working on books, writing blogs to answer with Skype meetings and emails. (On a good day, it takes me only two hours to answer all the questions that I get!) No one thinks about all the back-end stuff that goes on, and sometimes it feels like it's more that as necessarily.

Last week I went on vacation, because I needed a break from work. I needed to relax, forget everything and press the reset button.

My vacation taught me a lot. First, I realized that the old adage take a week over your body to relax completely true. It took me six days at sea before I finally stopped to think about the work. (It did not help that Royal Caribbean has me Fi, which meant that I still checked Twitter, email and Facebook.)

On one of the many conferences that I attended recently, someone asked me if I thought I would still be in 10 years to do this. My immediate response was, "I hope not." And then I went to qualify for them, as if I had my answer to justify.

While on this trip I had a lot of time thinking about my knee-jerk reaction to this question

And when I thought about it, I realized what I already worrying about lately blogging. this site has to work more than fun. My second lesson was that somewhere along the line, travel a job had become. I never really wanted to be a job. I just wanted a way to make money to travel more. Back in 08, I wanted to know what I could hold to travel the world. As a travel writer!

Nomadic Matt drinking on his cruise vacation Well, I love to travel and enjoy blogging thing more than I would otherwise have enjoyed to do something, but the sudden realization that your passion has can be a job be a shock. It was only last year that I have come, how much can be realized from a job this website. My trips are completely different than they were when I used to be a simple backpackers. On the one hand, I love what I do and the people I meet. But on the other hand, I do not so secretly wish I could before this blog at a time back when every day was a Saturday, and I could do what I wanted.

What my vacation really taught me that to be as a travel blogger, it's as simple consumed from your blog, you sometimes miss the forest through the trees. As a blogger, you are always connected, there are always answering emails, start with your journey through the blog posts to see they can be, and, before you know it, your life is your blog and your blog is your life.

and when that happens, burned out get, and in any other job, as you lose your fire for them. "Work." They do not hate it, but it is now

And then the light bulb in my head came on: I need to take more vacations . I have more trips offline and take trips that did not make on this blog. Not all my trips can be about this blog. Some just need to be me ... and me only.

While I was away, my blog does not explode. My readers have not log all hits. The world did not end. No email came that requires an immediate response. My life was not over yet!

Over the past year I have this blog have let my life, rather than just be a part of my life. It's so simple a manner that I (and I think a lot of other bloggers) forget that we can separate and all will be well.

So, I thank my last holiday for me recalls a truth I had forgotten .:

We should live to work, not work to live

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