
My Own Private Budapest

My Own Private Budapest -

A hunting statue in Budapest on a nice day Budapest. The beautiful city on the Danube. It is a city that I've never heard anything bad about. "If you love Prague, Budapest love," people would say to me. And they were right-I like Budapest did. Not nearly as much as I like Prague, but that's another story. This story is about Hungarian folk dance.

Before I went to Budapest, I called a friend of mine. "Do you have a friend in the office Tourism Budapest? Do you think he could give me a pass town visitors?" Well, did his friend better than that. A few emails later, I was meeting with Marta, who was not only a city pass me, but it was my tour guide for the week. Marta was the office intern, and as me to show the city, offered, it was an opportunity that I do not miss.

We always dream to have a local guide, and here I was, ready to show the my "real Budapest." As travelers, we go from tourist site to tourist site, the desire for an in-depth look at the local life. What exactly is the local life in Budapest? Now it comes to a lot of food and dancing.

Marta and I have all the major attractions. We saw the castle, the church, the famous bridges, the famous baths and did the tour of the Hungarian Parliament. I was very excited to see the underground tunnels under the castle. I love it "under-ground tourism," whether it is in drains or Catacombs, the ghost tours of Edinburgh, the ruins at Naples or tunnel under the castle in Buda-pest. While cool, had the tunnel little fake statues of people and an art exhibition on consumerism, which made them a little cheesy.

When Martha asked me what really to see in Budapest, I wanted, I said, "I want to see how the locals how to day living a day. Show me your life here."
A view of the bridge and streets of Budapest, Hungary
Marta is an enthusiastic folk dancers and one night she took me to a local dance session on the Buda side of the city. While Pest busy, modern, and the center of life of the city, Buda, where you will find the castle, through the cobbled streets and the old Eastern Europe you imagine in your head. Walking down-lined streets, brick buildings, we stopped at a stepped in a great place and were treated to a local Hungarian beer hall.

Marta did all right. Beer and food were placed before me, and I was just eating, told. Sorry I did not write the name down, but the crusty bread with sausage spread was really good. The meat was a little spicy and smoked and fresh bread on the same day. I had two.

As the night progressed, the tables cleared, started the band, and the dance began. Hungarian folk dance reminds me of Irish folk dancing with a bit of Russian and Jewish folk dance mixed. Everyone dances in a circle or swirls around partner. There are a lot of foot stomping and singing. Here is a small selection:

Editor's note : I have this at night with a point-and-click camera. The video quality is not great. Apol methodologies.

The dance long into the night. Beers were served and drunk. More food was placed in front of me. Spending time with Marta gave me a look at the Hungarian life I would not otherwise have seen. I learned a lot about the food (Hungari-on food, while difficult, is also delicious), the culture and the history of a place I would have been not only glean able see listed pages in a travel guide. She introduced me to traditional food, took me to the local markets, gave me an in-pressure history of the city and the country, taught me some Hungarian, and of course, took me dancing. Walking around with a guide would have never even given me a drop of this experience.

just to see the top sites or activities, is listed in a book does not say how lived the life of a target. For me, I am going to know that. Big Ben is big, but live like Londoners is more important to me. It makes me a Organi-tion as CouchSurfing appreciate even more. CouchSurfing connects with locals who let remain is in their house or simply meet for drinks. In Munich I met locals who me a festival experience at a local rock I took would never have done, or would be if not known for them. In Broome, I learned of Australian politics. In Denmark I was taken to a family dinner on Sunday.

route to a destination, does not mean you need location X, Y or Z to visit to have seen it. Sometimes it means clos-ing the leader, skipping all the must-sees and dos, and simple folk dance to spend time in a beer hall with a group of strangers.

If you are looking to Budapest going then is my favorite hostel stay Aboriginal. You can 20% off your stay, if you get my guide to the world.

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