
Why I take the TSA X-ray machines not

Why I take the TSA X-ray machines not -

Man waiting on line to go through a TSA x-ray machine at an airport Lately, the main travel news in the states is on the new Advanced Imaging Technology TSA (X-ray machines) and the overzealous pat downs that accompany them. I have the X-ray machines used twice in Boston: once in September, when she had just begun it and roll in the past month once. Since then I have seen in many airports, but I either use the regular line or the X-ray machines were not getting used. Now that they are rolled out everywhere and used more, people will finally take notice and complain about them.

I find that ironic, since almost everyone loved the TSA after the failed Christmas bombing almost a year ago. But leave it to screw up to the TSA. You can not do anything right. Basically, I'm looking for the new machines. In fact, I would like to more airport security related to something like they have in Israel. But every time I see the new machine, I'll be deciding. It's not the delays I do not mind, it's the fact that the TSA does.

For starters, there is the question of security. Every time I get x-rayed my teeth, my dentist is a leading blanket over me and leaves the room. Because and what we know about X-rays in general I have no desire to expose myself to any type of X-ray, although the TSA says it is safe. What is particularly worrying for me, because I fly a lot and do not want to get an X-ray every other week. If it is a once in a blue moon was experience, I would be less concerned about the health effects. But I am a frequent flyer, and the long-term effects of continuous X-rays are for me not been studied enough to say: ".. OK, that's for sure I'll do it"

But what concerns me more is that it the TSA is doing this. I have no faith in the TSA. None. They seem to always be vulnerabilities need and so lacking. Years ago, a child hidden knife on Southwest aircraft to make a point about lax security. I know friends who went with sharp objects accidentally have. I have scissors get through. If they miss the little things, how to catch the big stuff? I do not trust them to stop the terrorists. If you pay people $ 10 an hour, they are not really risking their lives for a stranger, nor are they experts or professionals. There are reports of overzealous workers and bad experiences. Anyone who has ever really a good interaction with them? Let us see some real security experts and professionals in there.

In addition, as noted on Gizmodo, x-rays, which would supposedly be deleted, were of US Marshals actually stored. As we know to be the TSA does not do that? Who is to say that someone is not putting away to look for a beautiful private collection of people on later? Given the poor track record of the TSA and how bad are TSA agents in general, I do not trust them with these images and my privacy. I think people have real privacy concerns, which are partly related to the fact that nobody likes or trusts the TSA. an X-ray This requires a lot of giving up your privacy and that requires a lot of trust. Americans simply do not have that kind of confidence in the TSA more. Even Hillary Clinton would opt out.

But opt-out to get this advanced screening process and an intensive and intrusive pat down. The controversy over the X-ray machines centers really about this. People who have opted out have complained about insensitive searches and unfriendly staff. Always wanted is still intrusive than an X-ray, and is no done correctly, many problems will occur. There are videos of the circulating (including this last one a child involved). In response to the complaints by circulating the TSA gave the video:

videos like this just make the TSA more hated. They are basically saying: ".! We hear your concerns, and we do not care deal with our intrusive ways" By doubling down and not try to accommodate guests, there is even more room. Already there are calls in Congress held a hearing on this issue to have. It's just too big of a problem now.

Once again, the TSA by unclear messed overzealous, callous, and their rules. Things will probably get worse, especially how the TSA has dug in his heels. It is amazing that they have not learned the lessons of the past, and continue to be so bad. You need for a better staff, better policies and more training on how to interact with the traveler. Everyone wants the airport security. I believe that there is a chance to a good balance between safety and professionalism.

And yet, as I'm more concerned about the health and how the images are stored, when I'm a guy copping a feel, I'm going to pat down to decide. But I'm not happy about it because I do not think it will be carried out in a professional manner, and the numerous reports and complaints already show that I run into problems. Police officers undergo intensive classes how to handle searches with the utmost care. TSA employees do not go through such rigorous training. I would rather do, to the X-ray machine as an "intensive" pat down. But to health and privacy concerns are addressed, I will be passing machine and hoping not get the TSA agent "to feely."

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