
Why can change the world Travel

Why can change the world Travel -

Friends from around the world in Thailand There always seems to be something bad in the news. If it bleeds, it leads right? Even if it does not bleed, it is still there. And all this bad news seems to dampen the world of the spirit. The economy, climate change, terrorism, nationalism, poverty, disease - to take care of the list of challenges and things seems endless. The future, while still uncertain, appear even more so lately. If the planet uninhabitable in a few decades? Will some jihad get his hands on a nuke and blow up Paris? Will Israel go to war with Iran? Will there be enough water and resources to go to? Is the sky falling?

surveys often show that people, while generally optimistic a little concerned about the short or medium term. Globalization, a force that compels us together, has accelerated changes in the world. People do not really change. It scares them. I'm still angry about the new Facebook

But I am optimistic for two reasons :. Technology and the youth. Technology brings all closer together and makes archaic notions of race and difference obsolete. Firefox was invented by two people halfway around the world from another who never met. I get a graphic designer from sites. We buy products from companies that. On another continent We discuss in blogs with people from all over the world. The Internet makes the global village smaller, and this makes people less hung up on ideas of race, sex, religion and nationality.

Friends in Barcelona That's great. Because one of the sad reality is that most Americans do not travel overseas. But with the youth not as a fear of the outside world, I think they travel more and that travel will change the world. Sure, it's not a panacea, but I think increased travel to cure many of the social ills we help are facing.

Why? Because travel alerts you to new ideas, new cultures and new people. By interacting in the world with people from all over, put a face to the name. You are not some people who "over there" with any problem really does not live you. Instead, they are real people with real problems. We live either die together or alone.

And as much as travel, our differences pointed out, it is our similarities and highlights. Traveling around the world, I have found that the differences between the cultures and minor are all over the world, all people have the same hopes and dreams. We want all sure happy to be working to do what we love, to be loved, and make sure that our children have a better life than us. These ideals are not limited to one place or ideology. While we go about it differently, we are all after the same things in life. I think to realize that will do wonders to help, to heal the world.

Travel all changed. Nobody ever sees life in the same way again after a trip. We all come with a greater appreciation for life back, and for the people. So travel can change the world.

Friends from around the world It will not solve the economic crisis or to reduce energy costs. It will not solve climate change. It will not send a man to the moon. And it is certainly not in bed making breakfast, even though sometimes I wish it did. But what can change social perceptions and misconceptions. It can expose people to problems, they would not have seen at home. It can show them that not all Muslims are terrorists, or that the French do not really hate America.

Travel People taking out of their comfort zones, forcing them to confront something new and different. And while the boomers had their day, and Gen X got a little jaded, the youth of today are more excited to travel. Call confirm "Gen Z", but studies and surveys, what I see on the street - the youth of today call out in greater numbers in order to try and make a difference in the world. You want to see what lies beyond its borders and to make a positive impact on them. It is elected Obama this generation that helped get. It is this generation that more than the other volunteers.

So that is why I am hopeful. Young people today seem more interested in travel, as the people at my age! This is a promising trend, and how this next generation gets more in the world, they will go and see it more. Travel will not make us all sing kumbaya and hold each other's hands, but it will help to break down some of the walls that separate us. It will show us that we are all in this together, and that we are not as different as we do so, as we are.

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