
How can the world cheaper travel Prolonged and Smarter

How can the world cheaper travel Prolonged and Smarter -

how to travel the world on 50 a day, second edition When I wrote the first how to travel the world on $ 50 a day it was only a small PDF manual with some travel vouchers be downloaded from this page. There should be a one-stop, easy-to-follow guide for planning your trip. When Penguin publisher approached me to turn it in 2013 in a printed book, I was beyond excited. Me? With a book you can buy in a store? For a small child who used to write in a notebook during English class, it was a dream come true.

And while I loved the first issue, I wanted it to be bigger, bolder and more inclusive. Before he hit the bookstores, I was already a second edition plotting.

Today, two years later, the issue is made. In addition to covering totally kickass be (I hated the old one), this expanded edition ended, which launched the first. With more than 100 new pages of content, it contains many new, revised and updated information you traveling even cheaper in 2015 Tourism is constantly evolving to help and this book is you can stay up to date. (And in the publication, I give much away - up to 1800 $ in travel products, if you buy the book (see below))

What is different [

  • added detailed travel sections on China, India and Japan
  • Updated all prices and existing content
  • there were information on why airline prices are the way they are
  • tripled the appendix of recommended companies, hostels, and travel sites
  • Current information on how to find cheap flights and RTW tickets
  • including tips and advice on how the common Terms to use, business travel cheap
  • There are information about hacking (the art of points and miles for free travel)

There are a lot of new content in this book is , with detailed tips and advice that will not be discussed on the blog (the section on backpacks is three times as long as it is here on the site!).

This book is not not only for the Americans also. One of the things that I did in this issue, much more information for non-Americans, as proposed, banks, credit cards and insurance was include. If we get to a destination, we all have the same cost, but I wanted to make sure that everyone had the tools they needed before they went away. They are most of these apply to find most, no matter where you are - I wanted to make sure

Order your copy of : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Indigo

Here is the table book content:


  1. Getting Over Your Fears
  2. Is Travel really too expensive?
  3. Banking Overseas
  4. the right credit card
  5. airplane tickets
  6. buying a backpack
  7. Travel Insurance
  8. Get a travel discount card
  9. What with your order


  1. The savings Mind-Set
  2. saving tips money
  3. Tips to save services
  4. money on food and drink
  5. advice saving money on Transportation
  6. Tips for saving money on activities


  1. Europe
  2. Australia
  3. New Zealand
  4. Southeast Asia
  5. Central America
  6. South America
  7. China
  8. India
  9. Japan

putting It All Together
Appendix A : Recommended travel companies (! 10 pages)
Appendix B : Recommended packing list
Appendix C : Vaccinations


, you can STILL Order a copy HERE : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Indigo

If this site has helped save you money in the last couple of years and you have wondered how you could help support on the site, to buy this book is a great way to give back and help the location municipality hold supports. Give the book to your friends and inspire them to travel more.

It's a new year and one of the things to solve the people left to do is travel. When looking for ways to do that and spend less, this book will be your ultimate planning tool.

I am very, very, very excited about this issue. I think this time, it will be even greater than before. I'm doing a 40-city book tour in the next few months (come say hello!).

I am talking about the country driving, take all, and always motivates people to travel more. , Thank you for your support over the years and help make this edition possible to

- Matt

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