
The 9 Best Places to Teach English Overseas

The 9 Best Places to Teach English Overseas -

Teaching ESL in a classroom with students in Asia
Every year, tens of thousands of people abroad and teach English. Young and old, they go for many reasons: to learn about a new culture, to earn some money to travel, looking for adventure, or just enjoy something new

The time that I in Asia teaching spent of English, was life changing .. in Thailand and Taiwan, I learned that I could make friends and start a life in a strange place, and adapt and thrive in a different culture. It gave me the confidence that had nothing else going on.

But to teach with seemingly millions of places where are the best places to go? In which countries is the best experience, pay or benefits? Here is my list of where to score a fun, rewarding and well-paid job teaching English abroad:

South Korea - South Korea is one of the best places - if not the best - English to teach. Jobs are plentiful, you get the reward high (USD $ 00-5000 per month), and awesome benefits as a contract bonus, healthcare, free accommodation and fare refund. Many graduates are attracted to Korea because of the money, advantages and the fact that Korea takes many for the first time teachers. If you have no experience, this country is one of the best options for you. As a place to live, Korea has many things going for it: the food is delicious, the country is dirt cheap, and the people are friendly. And you will be able to find many other international young expats. Because they earn so much money in a country with such a low cost of living, most people leave a substantial part of their debt paid! You could after a year easily be reached on foot with your loan of teaching (school or extracurricular) and paid money for the journey!

Japan - Japan's reputation for good jobs means that it attracts so many people such as South Korea. Although the years of plenty to teach from easy in Japan and quickly to make money long, long ago, the people are willing to stay at least one year can usually save a significant sum of money. long-term teacher with generous benefits and completion bonuses while the cost of living can eat a lot of your content, especially in Tokyo, there are a number of programs (including the JET program the government) that reward. Moreover, the Japanese are incredibly friendly and polite, the food is endless gourmet heaven, and the culture is unique. It is one of my favorite countries in the world

The Middle East - The Middle East attracts many teachers in a primary. His salary packages. Countries in the Middle East offer incredibly large salaries (USD up to $ 80,000 a year for an experienced teacher), many benefits and no taxes. A teacher can walk around with $ 50,000 USD after a year away. However, this is no place for the recent college graduate. These countries want certified and experienced teachers. If you could not teach at a public school in your home country, you hardly get a chance to get a job in this part of the world. As such, most of the teachers are older and settled here and have families. Dubai, Qatar and Abu Dhabi are the most popular teaching goals

Thailand -. Thailand attracts many young and new teachers with the low cost of living, warm beautiful weather, tropical beaches, mouth-watering food and a party atmosphere. Most language teachers are ex travelers to save on the lookout for future trips ... or Travelers who they thought were doing, but in the end never left. The payment in Thailand is not as high (USD $ 1,000-2,000 per month), unless you teach in Bangkok or at an international school. But in Thailand Teaching is not about to earn a lot of money - it's about everything else: the ease of getting a job, the food, the fun-loving atmosphere, the weather, and everything in between. It is one of the best destinations for young, new teachers, especially in a larger city, because you are fit in the right

China -. As China rises in global stature, his need for English teachers is growing as more and more people need to know the language for their work. Moreover, the culture places emphasis on learning. As such, it is one of the easiest places to find work. No matter where you go, you can work, and look for saturated cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. You can earn lots of money there (upwards of $ 3,000 USD per month) taught, and many jobs give completion bonuses, free accommodation, free lunch and fare refund. China is the brave new world and a country in constant change. It is a good location for teachers of all abilities - there is something for everyone

Prague - Prague has a seemingly wide range of teaching jobs. The town has greatly grown in size in recent years to attract a large number of tech startups and expats who has created more employment opportunities for teachers. While it is very difficult to get a job in the public school or university, there are from the town selection of language schools much. The pay is not as high as in other countries in the world, and there are few advantages (especially if to Asia or the Middle East in comparison), but you are only a stone's throw from anywhere away in Europe (make Prague a excellent central base from which to explore the continent), and the city is one of the most beautiful, vibrant, fun and growing cities in Europe

Spain -. in recent years (and despite the economic downturn) Spain has become one of the best places to teach English. There are many jobs, the government has an active program for attracting teachers and your visa means that you are free to travel in Europe. There are also many ways to teach private lessons on the side. You do not get a lot of advantages (or high pay compared to Asia or the Middle East), but the pay is to live still enough away from.

Taiwan -Taiwan is an excellent country English to teach thanks to many employment opportunities (although with young children typically), high salaries, benefits similar to South Korea, and many other young teachers to share with a social life. The country provides a very high importance to learn English, and you will find an open area to be educators opportunities in addition to your normal, steady job! I loved my time in Taiwan, made some wonderful friends, and adapted to a culture that is not affected as the western

everywhere with Craigslist -. Do not use formal job required or do not plan to stay too long in one place? Enter ads on Craigslist to let people know that you are available a tutor and / or for a conversation exchange. Most people want to be only one language, partners will be able to learn how the language, instead of speaking only learn from books or online courses - they care less about grammar rules and to know more about what when to say. So a free ad to head out for coffee with your new acquaintance, and some money for drinks as you travel the world!

I had fun teaching overseas. It was on of my favorite experiences on the road, and it has taught me about myself so much. You gain a lot of perspective on life of living in another culture. While there is an opportunity to teach, where English is not the native language, about the goals, draw the biggest crowds, offering to pay the best, the best odds and are the most fun. If you think to be an English teacher overseas about doing, my advice is to go to one of these objectives and do it!

Would you like more information about the teaching?
I wrote a in-depth teaching 186-page guide abroad. This book will help you show these tricks and eliminate your stress, anxiety, and to find the worry about a job. It will save you weeks of research online and give you the accurate and timely information that you need. It is written by teachers for teachers with dozes of interviews with teachers from around the world their experiences and job sharing recruiters to help RCA and hired your interview. Click here to read more

Note: I wrote earlier that you earn per month in China for $ 4,000 upwards. That was meant to say $ 3,000.

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