
27 golden rules for travel not Ruining and becoming a master traveler

27 golden rules for travel not Ruining and becoming a master traveler -

nomadic matt's golden rules of travel
Each industry has its own "best practices" - established rules and standards which lead industry. Travel is no different. There are many rules to live that help us to navigate the unknown world with fewer costly mistakes and this help accelerate the pace at which we melt into the local culture. They make traveling easier, better and less stressful.

I my own rules.

Below my 27 golden rules for travel are. If you follow them, you will become a master traveler, be able to travel the world, with zeal and daring expert ninja-like knowledge ... to break all without breaking the bank, so you can keep cutting a path forward through the world for more:

adventurous - You only live once. You will get the chance to do wild things you've never dreamed of when you are traveling. Do not hold back. Count to three, say "screw", and take the leap. She did not come so far for nothing. Say yes when someone asks, climbing to go dancing salsa, spelunking, or try the hottest pepper in the world despite not spicy food like

Get a no-fee ATM card -. Why give your money to the banks? Get an ATM card that does not charge and use that extra money for more trips. In the long term you actually add to this $ 2-5 costs. I use Charles Schwab as my bank, but you can find also offer many other, the no-fee accounts - or one that is part of the Global ATM Alliance, and pay any fees within this network. There is never a reason for a bank fee to pay

Get a credit card rewards -. Why pay for the trip, if you get it for free for? Use a travel rewards credit card earn points and miles that can be redeemed for free travel. In addition, sign up for a no-fee card like Capital One No Hassle Card, Chase Ink or United Mileage overseas to avoid transaction fees. Through travel hacking and using these cards, I have gained hundreds of thousands of miles per year - that even for a family of four enough

always make a backup - always a backup perform banking and credit cards in the event of a lost, stolen or hacked. In this way, while you are fixing the problem, you still have access to your money. Instead the problem to paralyze your trip, it is just an annoyance

Join a frequent flyer program -. will leave for all those flights will reward you a frequent flyer program accept the accession. Then, you will earn miles for flying perks and free flights. Do not miss. Miles are like money - and you would not waste money, you would

traveling alone - travel alone at least once. It will teach you to be self-sufficient, promote independence, allow yourself to become familiar with and get out to speak of forces to strangers anymore. You will be surprised how easy it is to find yourself on the street

simple sentences learn -. The locals do not expect you to be an expert, but a few simple sentences to learn the local language is a long way to go lovable in their hearts and what they go the extra mile for you. It will bring a smile to her face that you have tried, and perhaps even lead some friendships and invitations to events out. "Hello", "How are you" and "thank you" a long, long way, no matter where you are in the world

stay in hostels -. Get to know travelers and experience the community spirit by staying in hostels a couple of times to travel. They are not all dirty party places that you see in the movies. Most hostels are very clean, offer breakfast, have comfortable beds and Wi-Fi, organize events, and know the area very well. They are not only for young backpackers; They will stay there (and even some families) to find people of all ages. Try it out. You may like it

Use Tourist Boards -. Tourist offices have a wealth of knowledge. When you get to a new destination, visit the tourist office and ask the employee an incredible number of questions about the place. You know exactly where to do what and when. The visit is often one of the first things I do in a new city

Couchsurfing -. Get going to stay a free place to meet the locals to learn with a Hospitality Network. use these networks, you can use a local free and get the inside scoop on an area to stay. I have some amazing people met by hospitality networks that I have, I have shown a side of life never known who would otherwise be

Try new foods -. Culture is best is often experienced by eating. Do not be afraid to try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and experiment. You could, in fact, as it (the fried caterpillars in Zambia were delicious!)

with your plans be flexible -. Travel is a series of happy accidents involving way to the top. Do not skip the friends, the random city go just met, because you say your route otherwise. You will regret it. Go with the flow and be open to new things - that's when the magic happens

Pack Light - Take it over packer by a former (and sometimes current). Never half things you need take. Put everything you need in a stack, and then remove half of it. The lighter you travel, the more easily you travel

Take extra money -. Something always happens. I never thought I would fly at the last minute to Fiji to replace my camera in Italy, or buy an extra iPhone cable in Australia. Always take more money just in case. You may not need it, but do not want to be without a little more, if something bad happens

Tell indeed much -. Do not sit limit. Say yes to new experiences. Adventure and exploring the unknown which travel is all about

Get lost -. Stroll through a new city without a map. Get lost - because in the end, you are not going really lost, you have only to discover new experiences. So put away the map and hiking. Eventually, you'll find your way

Call home -. Your parents miss you. Do not forget to call and say hello

Get a Cell -. It will be easier to stay in touch with friends (and call home), meet other travelers and Contact hostels with a telephone. SIM cards and prepaid cell phones are cheap, so there is no excuse not to keep in touch

travel slowly -. This is not a race or competition. I know you want to get a lot in your limited time, but you see a lot more if you see much less. Travel slowly and every place you want to experience. Not from the station go to the station; which is setting for a stress, inedible time. By traveling less is more

live somewhere once -. At least once a stop. Get a place to get to know. Learn the language. Make friends locally. Explore. If the local. Life in a strange place gives you a different perspective on life and a real sense of what it's like to be an outsider

Avoid taxis -. They only cost a lot. Do not use it if you have no other option, do

a water bottle bring -. Not only this, all plastic water bottles are bad for the environment, but the cost of each one adds over time. A bottle of water here, a water bottle are, and you have spent $ 50 this month on the water. Get a metal bottle and drink the tap water

Buy Travel Insurance -. You never know what might happen on the road. Get a travel insurance, so that if something happens to you, or break your camera, you are covered. It is only a few dollars per day. Do not be an idiot to be

Bring basic first aid -. pass cuts and scratches, and you can get what you need anywhere in the world, but it is still good to wear bandages, antibacterial cream, and some hydrocortisone cream in case. Also tape wear -. You will never know when it will come in handy

to the beaten track Get off - London, Paris, and the temples of Kyoto are amazing for a reason, but the beaten paths rise, go away from the crowds, and explore on your own. Find something new, persevere, meet the locals, and to discover. The road less traveled is generally a good

photos of your friends Take -. Years from now, you should look at your younger self back and see all the people who changed your life. Nostalgia can be a wonderful thing. Make sure that you take photos of your friends. You will want later

And finally the most important tip of all ...

Ignore all my advice and do what you want - .. It's your trip , Go where you want, when you want and how long you want. You do not have this or that to take care. Make mistakes. To learn. Make more mistakes. Have fun and a better traveler. "If I only had more miles," but "damn, that was a lot of fun." At the end of the day, you will not look back and think

So get out there and have fun!

You deserve it.

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