
How to which companies Decide on this site at the end of

How to which companies Decide on this site at the end of -

One of the things a few people brought in my annual reader feedback survey, the question was, how I companies choose I recommend. People know are curious as to why certain companies made the list and some have even asked if I mention only provider that "to support the cause" (that is, make me money).

I think it is a big question. I have not really talked about it before this.

referenced Why get some company and often promoted here on my side, while many others never get a casual mention?

and what are my criteria for enterprises to my resources page or on my list of favorite companies to mention?

The people are inherently suspicious about bloggers and online content, and it is easy to assume that I recommend companies, because they gave me money (especially in light of my recent post on Travel blogs and sponsored trips).

pay But that's not how I decide.

It's really simple :.

I like and use it

this is

Any company that I is I mention on this page or think value for travelers has, whether that is so. a search engine, hotel booking site, credit card, travel insurance company or hostel. I have tried and used every resource I mention

I get many offers for ads on this site or offers from companies are that they want to compensate for mentioning and promoting that I -. And I turn it all down. If I do not use a company, I will not put on this page. How can I? I have no idea if it. Worth your time or money When I started business, the promotion only because they paid me, where is my credibility?

Have you ever noticed that there is never a single preferred airline Web page on this site? I have received from many companies lucrative offers, but I have refused every time. There are a few good sites that I recommend to start the search, but not one is the best all the time - and no company wants me to recommend their rivals, so I turn them all, because I can not honestly say "I use only this one point in the flight reservation." It would go against everything I have ever written about the search for cheap flight.

So for flights there never is a recommended company.

company I recommend on this site are here because I use their products and have proven track records. They all have competitors? Sure, and some are really good.

Take Airbnb for example. There are many large property owners outside: VRBO FeWo-direkt.de rent and established, and Wimdu. All offer the same service. So why Airbnb make it? Because they have the largest stock and a good user interface, and I like it the best, so they. On the resource side and the other not

There is nothing more to offer than that.

travel companies here mentioned, because I love them, use them, and think that they are the most useful for the type of trip I recommend.

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