
Defining a Budget Traveler

Defining a Budget Traveler -

Budget traveler walking through a park carrying a backpack Under long-term travelers, there is a degree of competition appears to be a one-upsmanship, visit a place on the while spending least amount of Money. It is to say a badge of honor: " Well, I did France cheaper for X dollars than you ," as if that is cheaper you go, the more authentic your experience.

I 'this attitude on my side have seen expressed when I share my cost-of-travel posts. There are always a few people who say things like: " Well, I think you spent, because I did it for half price ."

I've never understood this equitable competition. To me, a backpacker or budget traveler to be has nothing to do with how much money you spend. Rather, it has everything to do with as you spend it. Just as you need to have deep pockets or a trust fund to pay to not to travel, you must also do not live on a shoestring traveler even to mention a budget.

One of my biggest pet peeves is this obsession with fairness, I see among many travelers. I have never understood why a person would live like a beggar, while saving money for a trip, only to then go on this trip and still live like a beggar. If you spend only a small amount of money, better to take a shorter trip, all activities want to do that you say than ever: " I'd love to do that, but I can not afford it, ". on your longer trip

for me is traveling about being frugal - not cheap. It's about not spending money on frivolous things to waste. Not snacking or a million tacky souvenir or going out and getting drunk to buy every night. The point is to know when and where you spend your money, no matter how much you have to pass.

Can be visited places for dirt cheap? For sure. You can be like that guy who mooched for 12 months from the Europeans and thus spent only $ 5,000 USD. He spent as little of squat, hitchhiking, never going out, not a museum, and to get free stuff from people. This is a great way to travel cheap. I'm sure the locals really appreciate him for the community to give something back, as he did. But beyond that, if you camp, cook all your own meals, not drinking, or never Extra do everything costs money, you can always go somewhere and spend very little.

But I do not see the point.

Every time I visit a place and then they do for a budget guide, I admit that I always spent. Without a doubt, you can always visit a place for less than I do. I spend too much because travel is my life, and I like to treat once in a while. It's why I included not only what I spent, but also discuss why I spent and how much the country should really cost

But my guide reflect my understanding of what is a budget traveler. Someone who spends money smart, not cheap. They are for the traveler who wants to go away, may not have much money, but still want to enjoy many activities.

Budget traveler walking on the beach empty handed I did not visit Italy the beautiful to skip meals and gelato. I have to turn down a wine tour not to Bordeaux. I did not spend a year to save money on so that I could cook dinner every night cheap in a hostel kitchen. I do not dream to Australia from the outback to turn around and say: ".. No, the trip is a bit out of my budget Perhaps another time "

I remember, when I went for the first time abroad. I did everything was so cheap like me. I skipped to do a lot of things I would love to do on behalf of "budget travel." I've never been to Italy, that the cooking class took, never diving in Thailand went, never did a wine tour in Australia, and never went to the Tower of London.

I regret those decisions today.

I said I would, if I had money next time. But, you know what? Next time has come. Other things have have gotten in the way.

Everyone has their own view of what is a budget traveler. To magazines such as Budget Travel and travel and leisure , or writers like Rick Steves, "budget" is $ 0 + USD $ 40 USD Hotels and meals. I read these magazines and look at their prices and go " How is the budget travel?" That's expensive! But I think for their readers who have a bit more money and are most likely fixed middle to upper middle class, these prices are budget.

The look simultaneously at my budget recommended some people and say, " as the budget is " There are always ways courts do cheaper if you are willing to sacrifice bring to. Personally, I like camping, tenting, and cooking my own meals - when I am in the desert. But as part of a day-to-day travel lifestyle? It is not for me. And based on my experience, I do not think that for the majority of travelers there is realistic.

One of my biggest budget tips about what you want to spend money on before your trip, and then use that as the basis of your budget for education. In this way you do not spend a lot, while on the road, because you prepare as much as possible. You will not come home early because you got through cost out of the blue

If you are aware of your costs, you can better plan your budget and be frugal with your money -. Without being cheap. Because you do not get a second chance, as often as you think you are. Spend your money on the great activities you dreamed instead to skip it just because they come with a price tag.

Traveling down not some races. They are no better traveler, because you went to France and decided to spend no money. That does not make you a budget traveler. I think that just makes you cheap. I think that the conversation needs of "fairness" to move "sufficiency". A traveler who spends his money wisely, no matter how much he spends, a budget traveler is.

Because sufficiency is cool. Fairness is not.

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