
Pura Vida in Costa Rica

Pura Vida in Costa Rica - Learning

la fortuna waterfall in costa rica The most striking part of life or traveling through Costa Rica is what I call life as easy is it to calm "effect. "; the most stressful decision to make the whole day, is often where you watch the sunset. Physical changes come thanks to the possibility of living in a world surrounded by unspoiled nature. Monkeys playing in the trees, and roosters roam the streets. But not everything is perfect. I lived a year in the country of the "pura vida", and I was surprised that have through the many misconceptions people across the country.

The most obvious error that all Expat noticed how many people think it is synonymous with Mexico or mix them with it in Puerto Rico. Many travelers are surprised that margaritas and tortilla chips are scarce. Ticos (the word for native Costa Ricans) actually eat a very simple diet mostly rice and beans. My local friends often make a big family large pan it in the morning. At breakfast, it is served with an egg; Beef, chicken or fish will be given later in the day, with a fresh cabbage salad for dinner. In addition, it is very expensive, as well as everything to import in this small Central American country. The wine is three times the price, which in the US., Among many other things (So ​​if you order it in a bar, expect it to come out of a box.) I have a friend who is planning marriage, and she constantly hears: "But in Mexico, they offered us this ... But in Mexico, we have a deal that "your answer is always:" .. Then go to Mexico to marry disappoint "

famous nature Costa Rica (jungle, rain forests, beaches). They are immaculate and beautiful. But sometimes the seemingly few beach bars to do there. In their efforts to preserve nature, there are strict laws about how close can build a bar on the beach, a house or hotel. As you would expect in such a laidback Central American country, the municipality ignored this for many years. But the country has intensified enforcement and all over Costa Rica, beloved ceviche booths and waterholes were demolished so that beaches could return to their natural prettiness.
a monkey in costa rica
Some things you never get used to (a man holding a baby with one arm as he accelerates his bicycle the main road down still turns my stomach). But do you think that there is a solution for every problem. A pipe is leaking in your front yard, and you can not get through AYA? Do not go ballistic. Flag down a truck and they wonder. Sometimes the garbage men are not coming for a week. Honestly, they probably have a beef with someone close to you, and has done it on purpose. The dustbin will eventually be removed. In the meantime, seeing it as part of the charm.

I arrived at the Liberia airport to a mass of people in the immigration line recently. It was chaos. Americans were seething at the Mass, men screaming and pushing. I was just angry - so rude to them. They landed just in a open-air airport in Costa Rica. Do you really think that someone would come and start directing traffic? Smile, and wait an additional ten minutes. This is not the United States. The slow lifestyle manifests itself in many ways, not all of them to everyone's taste.
a costa rica sunset
On the other hand, often a "problem" will only be solved somehow. Once I needed a new wallet and could not have one for sale. (There are about three stores in my pueblo, most of them only souvenirs for sale.) But had the people in my town wallets so I knew eventually I would find out how to get it. One day, the answer is literally knocking. One day a woman knocked on my door packed with French beauty products and colorful clothes with a catalog. I flipped through it and sure enough, I found a wallet! A few weeks later, she returned with from San Jose. This is how you shop, when the nearest big city is 4 hours by car - and few people have to start enough money for a car. I replaced my torn Gucci covered with a plain brown cloth wallet in colorful flowers. It was $ 10 - and the

Abby Tegnelia is a writer who lived in Costa Rica .. You can follow her away at Day Dream. She recently moved back from Costa Rica to explore the concrete jungle of Las Vegas and New York City.

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