
This One Time While in a hostel ...

This One Time While in a hostel ... -

life in a hostel Someone told me recently I have a lot of funny, weird, happy and interesting hostel have stories. Finally, I go for 54 months. Many crazy things have happened to me over this period. Hostel life is a crazy life. some of my favorite hostels stories about the last four and a half years after thinking include:

The time in New Zealand, when an Israeli girl who refused to shut off light her bed, because she was afraid of the dark. She then proceeded to talk all night to her boyfriend. One of the other roommate went to withdraw their light. After a brief discussion, they have lost, we were able to sleep in darkness and silence.

The time that I was playing at a hostel in Prague and the whole hostel, drinking card game of "Kings". We never left the hostel at night, because we had so much fun together. That was my first night in Europe and made me realize I'd love to travel.

In addition, at the same hostel in Prague, each hearing every two people was in my dorm try to have sex. All of a sudden, the guy says, "I'm sorry this does not happen often," to which the girl replied. "It's O. K. It is not a big deal" Everyone belongs in the dormitory that and burst out laughing. The man left the next day.

In Amsterdam, my friends and I had to sit on the roof of the Hostel Photos of channels. We should not there, and to be everybody, but I have thrown out. Why I have a special treatment? I had it for three weeks already, the manager liked me, and I was to leave in two days.

In Valencia, a guy who blames the hostel staff of stealing his wallet, got drunk, tried the desk to fight guy and was unceremoniously ejected from the hostel. I remember his girlfriend cried a lot. But it made for good entertainment laid nightlife.

In an inn in Boulder, Colorado, this guy in his sleep about the people continued to try to get him. He muttered to the whole day. As the only person with me in the room, I was sure he would go nuts and stab me. It was the only time that I. Really afraid dorm mate

In a hostel in Vietnam, I could not figure out how the door opened and this German man for 10 minutes yelled at me for waking him. He continued to get me back, by making the lights at 6:00 turning on and a lot of noise the next two nights. I went to him to get back from my alarm for 2:00 setting it in my locker locks and drinking nightlife.

Speaking of Vietnam when I was on a bike trip early in Ho Chi Minh, the guest house manager would not me my bags. I had left with him while I was cycling, but I came back earlier for a few days and there were no rooms available. I tried to get my suitcase and he said I had promised to stay there, so I could come back tomorrow and get a room and my bags. No matter, I needed that night. I had to steal my own pockets and fight my way.

life in a hostel in a hostel in Barcelona, ​​two drunken Americans broke into our hostel, turned on the light, saw this Canadian guy and shouted: "This is a guy in bed!" It was not. It was a girl. She left crying and the Americans and Canadians almost got in a fight. It was a shocking scene.

While. In a hostel in Dublin, one of the guys in the room "to relieve the tension" before he went to bed He was not not subtle it.

In New Zealand, my friends and I got a Dutch girl drunk for the first time in their lives. She threw all about the common room and was forced to clean it! We felt sorry for her and took her out to dinner.

While in the pension in Ko Lipe, Thailand, I was a centipede bit got during sleep. Centipede bites hurt ... much. My foot was on fire for the rest of the night and I could not sleep. It is still my most painful travel memory.

While on the island of Ko Phangan in Thailand, my friend came at 4am in throw me out, because he had brought a girl back with him. As a nice guy, I left to sleep outside and to be eaten at the end by mosquitoes. The next morning, he told me: "Nothing has happened, you could be a few minutes later" "Why did not you back in..?" I asked. He shrugged and kept eating breakfast. I locked him in the next night from the room by mosquitoes to be eaten.

In Spain, I went to two other roommates "to learn to know each other." It was embarrasing. They looked at me, but just kept going. I told them, I get to come when they were done, so I could go to sleep.

While in Cambodia, I was tested in one of the many backpacker hostels in Phnom Phen and immediately asked if I wanted to weed. I said no. Coke? No Ecstasy? No thanks. I just want to go shower. The man gets out of the words, "You're a loser." [It’s common in Phnom Phen for backpackers to buy drugs. Drugs are everywhere.]

In Melbourne I went room in a hostel dormitory and saw a friend from Boston to see. I had no idea that she would be there, once again proves that it is indeed a small world after all. Just like old times, we began to insult each other (in the way to do friends) and the English girl looks at us and says: "Wow! You two must really hate each other." No, we're friends with a laugh! It was a good few days in Melbourne.

In a hostel in Surfers Paradise in Australia, this guy naked on a dare ran through the hostel. I'm still of the thought.

In an inn in Portobelo, Panama, I woke up to an old man snoring in the bed opposite me traumatized. I love it when seniors come to hostels because it's great to see, do not give into the "Hostels are just for young people" stereotypes. But I do not know how to me to wake up all let it hang out. He was not only snoring, but his legs were spread wide open and he was completely naked. It was a really unpleasant place. Worse than the naked guy running.

in recent years, in retrospect, I have so many memories hostel that when I wrote them all good, I could fill a short book. And that's what I love about hostels. They are removed with some crazy story not always walk, but you will still walk away with a memory and interesting people to have learned. It's why I'll always stay in hostels when I travel. They are far more interesting places as hotels

( The editorial Note. These stories have many years accumulated in some of them, I am a young 20 something so my answer. Perhaps not have been the answer I would give today as a mature adult.)

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