My first travel series: On the road
The editorial NOTE: People are always asking about my first trip around the world. Look in the archives and can never find it. It's because I hid it. All posts from my first trip are locked away for many reasons. But I will periodically posts from this first trip around the world are highlighting. And me having about to head home for a few months, there is no better way to say the end of a leg as of first of the legs on the first entry in this week!
24 July 06
The time has come finally for me to leave Boston. After a year and a half of waiting, planning, waiting, it is finally to go at the time. It has made me not really, I really do that. Right now, I'm just anxious to get on the road and start. I'm somewhere safe, the US cross in my car and overlooking some vista, I'll know that I on actually do this and just grin ear to ear. I am very excited to see the world. I've never really traveled a lot and I'm really looking forward to break free of life and to explore the world. I'm nervous, but it's of excitement in the shade. As it stands now, I'm not going back until comes to be October 07 . It will be more than a year that I am a thought Away that excites me and makes my parents sad. This is to be gone a long time, but I'm really looking forward to be there and to see so many new and different things. For the first time I feel totally free. I have nothing to do me now something to keep back. no bills to end any degree to pay, no leases to remain without a job to keep me. I always like to plan things, always like to know what is the next step, but for once, there is no next step ... and I love it! The future is a mystery. Well, I'll never really know where the day may take me. I have made this trip for me many targets ... Start doing yoga again give up gambling (evil), push ups a day to meditate, and more photos. I hope I achieve them. The American way of life is structured so that it feels strange not to know what I'm doing. I think when I get used to it. I wonder what is again like setting, but for now, today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I will finally try these dreams to live in my head.
I will miss you all, while I'm gone, but if you get stuck in planning a vacation, you look at me! Perhaps we will be able to meet somewhere. I am thrilled to see so many of these long lost friends when I go cross-country and quite a few visitors have while I'm abroad. I'll I can do this blog to update the best while I travel and try to stay on my e-mail above. The Internet makes it easy to stay in touch, and I hope that many of you reading this, comment and stay in touch! Do not be a stranger.
... because come tomorrow ....
Tomorrow I'll be gone.
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