
And then I did not move to Stockholm ...

And then I did not move to Stockholm ... -

Colorful buildings in Gamla Stan, Stockholm, Sweden Remember how I have spoken to move since the beginning of the year to Sweden? Remember when I moved last month to Stockholm? Even if it would be only for a few months, I was very excited to move to Sweden. I mean, it's nice, it's clean, the people are nice (and nice), the quality of life is very good, and did I mention, the people here are nice? Plus, I had to learn Swedish looking forward, my own kitchen and joining a gym.

Well, as you probably guessed from the title of the blog post, I'm not moving to Stockholm more.

What happened?

I was the youngest victim of crappy stables in Sweden. In Sweden, they do not build homes to meet demand, so there are more people who want a place for the seats available. This is especially true in Stockholm, because most people want to live here. For Sweden, if you want to rent a place, you need to get on a list. There is also a minimum number of points you need that determines your place on the list. Or the kind of place you can get.

I'm not really sure.

It's all very confusing. I have no idea how the Swedes points "get". I just know that miracles are usually involved. One of my friends had her sister rent an apartment for her, because her sister had "points." One of the girls who works at my hostel easily and put on this list her fiancé. You will get first in line for the next available space 15 years from now. It is so bad that people are their newborns on the list, so that it was an apartment from the time they grow up.

Why is it so? No idea. Even the Swedes complain about them, and they seem to be at a loss to explain the system to me. "It's just the way it is," they say. The right-wing, more market-oriented party does not want to change the laws in the near future either. Add the fact that Stockholm is not new places not build to be demand, and you have a recipe for a city without housing. Certainly, this keeps the city old and historic, but it's a pain in the ass. I do not understand why they do not throw a few high-rise buildings on the outskirts of the city, where people might not notice as much.

This housing terminal leads to a huge secondary market, where the owner rents out its space at a much higher price compared to other. Sometimes the tenant then turns around and rented it to someone else for more money!

So this is the first problem I'm facing.

The second is that I'm only here until November and most of the apartments want a longer commitment than that. (They may want only a month, and I have no desire, on the constant hunt for a new to be home every month). Thirdly: I'm not Swedish, and I think that hurts too, although I can not prove it.

in the past month I have found a couple of places, but they were either too short or too expensive, or the owners fell through.

One of the reasons why I wanted to move is to Stockholm because I want to settle down some roots, build a routine, going to the gym, and do all that other "normal" things people do. But after a month here, I find myself in stasis. I'm not moving forward, and to live without a permanent place, I do not want to put money in a gym or Swedish classes.

And wither over time, I decided that it is better to just move on. It's disappointing, but I can not sit around forever. Spend some of my Swedish friends months for an apartment looking for before they find one. I do not have that luxury. While it would have been nice to be here, I take solace in the fact that I tried. I did not take the easy route and stay in New York. I have a chance. If you break out of your comfort zone, which is always a success - .. No matter what the result of

I regret nothing

On September 2, I'm for a few weeks after Portugal fly prior to Spain. I have two conferences in September: in Portugal, another in Spain. After that I will go to the south of France and then in Copenhagen. I have a booked flight to the United States on October 10, I have not decided if I'm going to be there or if I'm going to change the data, but now I'm going to do a little traveling.

I look forward to put some roots down, but it looks like that a little bit to have to wait longer, is going on. On the other hand it looks like me, than expected home early am position.

And I'm really OK with that.

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