
Outside Europe and America

Outside Europe and America -

An airplane flying high in the sky Last year I wrote about how after all these years of traveling, I was ready to slow down and be semi-nomadic. My last year long trip around the world in March ended, but how many of you have noticed, I have not seem down. I keep moving.

I had to stop a plan. I wanted to settle in Sweden by the end of the year, but by not being able to find an apartment, I have abandoned those plans. After, I have a month at South Roaming home to America returned - and this time the settlement is real. I swear.

I currently stay in Boston with my parents. They always complain about me never seen, so I think I will not be seen for a while. I have only two trips for the rest of the year planned in November, I'm going to London to fly at a conference to speak, and in December, I will go for three weeks after Africa. (More on that later.)

I have no travel plans for the rest of the year, and I do not intend to make.

I want to rest. I want to reassure. I want a routine. I'm excited to be in a place with no trips on the horizon. It has always seemed of holding something remain to sit down - a trip, an event or another excuse - but now there is no reason for me to say: "Why stay in one place This trip comes on anyway in a few weeks! "

I plan yet to New York City to move. That was the goal to Sweden and that is still the target now, but it is better for me to do that after the New Year. I have nothing planned between Africa and my book launch in February, so at the end of December, I will go up to the Big Apple and put my John Hancock on an apartment lease.

But that's months away.

Right now, I'm recovering from my jet lag, a gym, and confusing my parents with the 20 pounds I bought vegetables. My goal for the rest of the year is to get back into shape and improve my eating habits. Stay put in Sweden gave me a taste of healthy living, as I had a kitchen and was to cook in a position, and I want to do.

Sean Connery once said: "I have to find not everywhere in the world where I want to be all the time the best of my life is the movement I look forward to go..."

My biggest concern when I decided to ask was settled, when I would do it. Could I stay in one place? I want, but I do not know yet. The only thing that kept me sane during 3 weeks Stockholm was the knowledge that I soon heading to the airport. And could stay in suburbia me crazy make even faster.

With no trips planned and nothing but work on my plate, I'll have plenty of time to train it. But now I'm really glad to be home, and that I can go stir-crazy in a few weeks time, at least for the time nothing I have to do to be worried, but the traffic on the way to the gym.

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