
Success Stories: How 22-year-old Lauren $ 18k for their epic adventure Saved

Success Stories: How 22-year-old Lauren $ 18k for their epic adventure Saved -

lauren traveling Greetings from Africa! Somewhere at the moment, I try to grab a photo of a lion without being eaten. Meanwhile, this week I want to share stories from readers who my tips and advice used to realize their travel dreams. If you have to think for a while about traveling, let these stories inspire readers and show that the Council here can work for all!

Our first success story of Lauren comes, a 22-year old native of Dallas, Texas. to travel before leaving America, Lauren worked for a company that helped prepare students for college entrance exams. On the road for seven months already spent a year in order to save the $ 18,000 USD up she wanted for her trip. I wanted to show Lauren interview that (a) you can save considerable sums of money, even if you are young, and (b) young, solo women need not be afraid to travel alone.

[1945006NomadicMatt]: Tell everyone your story.
Lauren: I always have my eye on the map. I started in my early teens when traveling, because my aunt and uncle were generous enough to the absurd demands of a 13-year-old on the approval ( "I want to go to Rome! Let's go!"). These first few trips changed the way I saw the world and approached my future. I always knew I wanted to get back into the big world and wander around until my feet could no longer endure.

I put off when. There's never a right time. There is never enough money. I do not know what made me go finally to decide or if I made this decision. I think it was caused by something close to despair. I was just ready to break. I could not get the same motorway down more every day. I knew it was waiting a big world out there, because I had seen it. But once you make the decision, everything kind of falls into place. The only thing I regret, it does not years earlier

I am always curious -.?, As you stumble upon this site has
I found your site through the flight Hacking write a year on Lifehacker did ago. It was exactly what I. For at the time was looking, and when I clicked the link to your website, it opened a whole new world Here was someone who did exactly what I wanted to do, and was still doing it. It falls not to leave the face of the planet for his job and fly all over the world. He says that it is not impossible. He says that it is not expensive. He says that I can do it, maybe I can.

What kind of trip at the time of planning?
At this time, everything was just a dream. I was saving for a trip, but I still can not believe that it was possible. I would call to family or friends, and it just did not seem real. The hope was, however, to leave my job and, after about cheap for a while on the go, find somewhere that I really loved there and stay for a few months my resources to restore. It seemed at the time crazy, you know, almost like an inside joke with myself, something that I had before, but this could never actually happen. And then I saw your website and I realized it was something that could happen.

lauren standing above a canyon abroad

I think anyone can do this! What's on this page that you really helped?
She has helped me to understand how to deal with the little things that really such a barrier at first glance may: decide on a travel credit card, a destination of choice, a budget for the different regions the world to provide Visa, understanding different types of operations and how to book cheap. I think you agree that stuff really well and are very efficient - after all, it is what primarily on your site made me

But what is most important, and what makes me keep coming back, that is. They proved that even if you leave your job - and that's a crazy American anxiety - She has not covered the face of the planet. In fact, you're still alive! They figured out how to do money to do something else and you do not become homeless (well ...) or destitute in the process. I think that's what most of us are afraid, if we so doing something like this think.

Many people will tell you are crazy when you say that you want to try something different, and it is simply not true. I was really excited when you showed us how it all started - I think that's what people want to see the most, or at least that's what I held. About to go to Thailand and to meet these people and to decide that it was, you would. every last page of the guidebook and read the decision and sticking to it. Really cool. Useful information can go a long way for people to draw long-term travel in consideration, but I think what is looking for most of us a confirmation that we are not crazy, and that we have what we want when we just take the first step towards it.

They were of anything scared before you went on your trip?
I want to say that I was not afraid, but I think that would be a lie. I know I was seriously concerned about the small details. Credit cards, packaging matters, insurance, always from point A to point B, I remember spending hours and hours to find out how credit card points to work, and then to choose as foreign transaction fees and things like this work and try to the best bank and the application and all. That's when I really started to scour your site for practical information and you really came through.

Then there are the things that I mentioned above, to be afraid that I screwed my life and try not to listen to the people who told me I was there. It was really good to have a kind of virtual community, to get home to just remind myself that I was not crazy. I remember when you said, one of the most brilliant things ever ". Everyone says I run away" If only they knew, right? Yes, you run away from fear and absurdity, but in contrast to the people who you say you're the one, embrace your life. This idea really stuck with me and helped me through the days when I was bombarded with questions about my (nonexistent) plans and when I started to feel aimless.

celebrating a birthday while traveling As a 22- year-old has to save as much money in such a short time?
I lived without a car, lived with my parents sold my things, brought PB & J and ramen noodles in the office downgraded my phone plan classified my coffee order, took advantage of freebies ... I know not everyone has the opportunity to make big money saver as the living do with their parents, but there are still a lot of things you add can do it quickly, and you really do not need to save all that get a lot out ,

I read blogs like Get Rich Slowly and The Simple Dollar store in addition to you for ideas and inspiration. I have to save a game. I wrote down everything I spent and kept trying to spend less every week. I took advantage of the major credit card sign-up bonuses (but I have never, ever, ever used that credit card debt, rack!). You just have to get used to a delayed gratification. You are not coupon cutting or wear the same old stuff go to remember or to give these things in storage if you are on a beach in Thailand.

What about life on the road has surprised you most?
How easy it (most of the time) is. How easy it is to meet people as easy to get it from place to place is how easy it is to change life before you eyes to see. Sure, I have these days where to do even the simplest task because of language barriers or other circumstances seems impossible, but the simple days to Harten far outweigh.

Do you have any problems staying within the budget?
I write down everything I spend. People look at me like I'm crazy when I do, and I look, as they do not, it's are crazy. do not look at five months from now and not say you know where the money went for your years of travel. There are many ready-made tables and apps out there that you can use, or go analog and put to work these empty Moleskine. Whatever you do, write down everything you spend. Period.

While I travel, I also make sure to invest in experiences that are important to me (drinking plenty of local coffee, enjoy the nightlife to be flexible enough to say yes to last minute invitations ), but I balance it out by skimping on things that do not make a big difference to me (eat in restaurants, sleep comfortably, transport). In this way, I still get to enjoy the things I like and do not really feel like I'm missing because of the budget.

standing in front of a clear ocean while traveling

What a thing that you thought would be a challenge turned out to be not to be?
The packing list. I spent so much time and money in the best equipment to choose, and the reality is that I left very few things that I originally brought with me. You do not have to walk a few new things and buy when prepping for a trip. You can do anything with things you already have at home, except maybe the backpack.

What advice would you have for others who want to do what you do?
is so important Letting go. The realization that you can not control every detail of your life. Those people who look like they have planned their whole life? They do not do that. It is impossible. And anyway, if it were possible, where's the fun? There is always something better than you can imagine, and if you do not open up the opportunity to experience, never. It comes to be fearless. Letting go of all that holds you back, so you can have the world.

Lauren is a good example, you do not need to go, to be created in the world. You can be young and broke but still manage to save around the world enough for a trip. It also shows that, as a young woman, many of your fears are exaggerated, and you will manage the same common sense in order to be with you again was at home.

If the next success story

is one of my favorite parts about this job to hear travel stories of the people. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope these stories that show that your trip to reach more than one way to travel, and that it is within your reach goals. Here other examples of people who have found a way to pay for their adventure around the world:

  • As Michael $ 14k stored in six months $ 9 per hour make
  • Why Trish sells everything Tourism owned it

we all come from different places, but we all have one thing in common :. we all want to travel more

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