
Interview with Brook Silva-Braga

Interview with Brook Silva-Braga -

Brook Silva Braga A few weeks ago, I reviewed the film A Map for Saturday .As you know, I loved the movie. I have contact with the director / star, Brook Silva-Braga and fresh from his trip to Africa, he was kind enough to give me an interview

NM :. You have your trip in 05. What has to videotape or? What reactions did you get on the road
BSB: Well, I had worked for a while at HBO and the only reservation I had to leave for a year was, what it would mean for my career. So to bring the camera was a way to say to myself, "Look, you are not throwing away your career." The people responded well to the camera, especially when I learned to wait a while before it bring out. It draws me a little from the rest of the amount, but I do not really think the people what I was doing, would in the cinema at the end and on television, I was just a guy with a camera.

in the film one of the central themes that you can be heard from travelers that they are not life wanted to pass it. I think this is true with anyone. Why do you think only the head a few people on the street, while others remain in her office?
Well, I suppose it is a question of priorities and background. My parents traveled quite a bit when they were younger, and it was always something that was encouraged, but not something that I prioritized. It was a random business trip to Asia that introduced me to the Thai backpacking scene and planted the seed really take a great trip. If I did not meet Bill and Paul in Koh Samui and I had heard about their trip around the world would probably be in an office itself.

I was glad to see you can about the burnout You spoken face on road. Everyone thinks it's a vacation, but sometimes it is working, and it wears on you. I experienced it quite a few times during my long haul. Did you be burned? As? What did you do about it?
I think people against a wall, usually about six months, and I was no exception. I stopped to see more temples or churches or places to be interested. The downside was I was very, very comfortable living on the street. It came to feel at home, even if it was a different physical location every few days.

Brook and friends

What was the only thing you went away with this whole experience?
I think I came away with different ideas about how I want to spend my life and an appreciation for the joys of free time. The perspective can restart a curse for many people returning from long trips and have difficulty their life or career, often for years after their journey. Even today I am fighting my professional and personal ambitions to balance.

What have you been up to since the movie ends? Each new movie in the works? Processing "One Day in Africa", a documentary following five or six Africans from different Are you big movie deals inking?
I actually spend just returned from a five-month trip through Africa and the summer and fall backgrounds on a day in their lives. There is a peasant farmer, an expectant mother, a college student, so I hope to one side of life in Africa to show that than the "look how bad it is" more complex or "look how hopeful it is "variety that we tend to see as often.

, the film leaves from the middle of 07 after the Paris premiere. Have you already spoken in one of the "co-stars" since then?
Yes, I'm still having a lot of them in contact. Sabrina (the German love interest) comes to New York this fall and Lonnie (the Dane, the hair to me at the end of the cuts in full-length version) is in New York City and now is on my couch to crash next week. I went last summer to Europe and trying to see as many friends as possible there. It's really helpful to see people within a year, or two, or even that email friendship tends to fade.

Trekking In fact, you talked a lot about how the time came to move forward, the less the emails. With the rise of Facebook, that has changed? If the friend five hours a thing of the past?
I do not think so. I spent several weeks in Lilongwe, Malawi, where I. A number of really good friends But we do not have email or friend-ed today in the week, since I left. I think in the end we were probably "Five Hour Friends ... we a gap for each filled while we were there, and now we have gone our separate ways. The last time I saw Jens in the European premiere a year ago, but he has the training or to become a pilot for Lufthansa, and as I understand it, he is in Arizona flight training do out, although I did not hear from my last e -mail to him. Sabrina has returned to their homeland Germany moved after a few years in Amsterdam, not specifically to see visit to New York and to me. I still email Robert, who is a "friend five hours" from the movie. He is now married and lives in his native Ireland.

I think to an extent is true, but Facebook allows surely you to stay in touch and keep tabs to facilitate people. in the beginning I tried to stay in touch with all, but as you start traveling to see you, that is not desirable and better at picking that more than just a "five hours friend." How does a ticket for Saturday your changing lives?
Hmm, that's an interesting question, which I do not think I have been asked before. I said before, as the journey changed my life from me make the pleasures of free time to appreciate. But it was the success of the documentation that has allowed me out of an office in the last two years to stay. So I guess a ticket for Saturday has changed my life from me freedom, the life that I want to live life.

Since not all of us are award-winning directors, any advice for those who want to live out of the office?
Now there are a lot of ways to earn a living while you are away, be useful to think a bit more broadly than "travel writer" or "photographer" because everyone wants these jobs and there are not many of them. Many jobs although we have, where we are working our butts off for four or five months and then have enough money to travel on a tight budget this year of rest.

on the film for more information "a ticket for Saturday" head-Brook's website, where you can see the trailer for the film as well as a copy.

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