
7 to avoid Common Excuses people use family trip

7 to avoid Common Excuses people use family trip -

Father and sons before they start their family road trip The third Friday Saturday of each month, Cameron Wears Traveling Canucks is here to give us tips and advice on how better to travel with your children (several items). This is a frequently requested topic so I am excited to have him on our team! Here this article is this month.

Before having children, we did not spend much time thinking about what would travel as with little. We knew that children much of our future would be with and how many newlyweds we have our travel days mistakenly assumed would be put on hold when the baby came.

In recent years, I have heard many reasons why it is not a good idea to travel with young children. It was the wisdom of the people around us. "If the children come, you do not expect to travel," they would say.

And so my wife and I internalized these ideas, but I realized I was listening to the wrong people.

While I that some families are simply unable, most of the reasons people with their children travel not to travel appreciate are, for outdated conventional wisdom and contradictory information online and in the media based.

Today, with the help of a few family travel bloggers, it's time to shoot down the most common reasons why people delay family travel.

you should wait your child until the journey can remember.

Dad and toddler walking through a park on vacation
sure your kids will not remember every detail about your travels, but let's face it - most adults struggle to remember what it last week. I do not remember every detail of my stay, but I guess still the overall experience.

Our toddler still speaks the time, we "slept Daddy on the upper bed." Slept on the night train and on the He can not remember to visit the Eiffel Tower, when we were in Paris two years ago, but he remembers the popular carousel on the road driving. This past Christmas, he opened a gift and saw a gift receipt box attached. He tore the gift receipt and shouted: "A plane ticket, I got a plane ticket, Daddy!"

Keryn means WalkingOnTravels.com says: "My son remembers almost a year ago to Iceland go He remembers hanging in the waters of Hawaii splashing and a volcanic He remembers eating gelato in Italy,.. when he was 3 (he is 5 now) and how to say "strawberry gelato" in Italian when he hears the word "Iceland" he mentioned will say. "Hey Mom, we went to Iceland!" These are not things that we bring, he remembers clearly. adults give children enough credit for what they remember. "

Without question our trip affect our guys and shapes who they are and who they be , I understand that when they are teenagers do not remember many of these trips, but each trip that we teach our boys take something new about yourself and the world. It would be such a shame for 15 years to put all these impactful lessons of life on hold just because you want to remind your child what the Eiffel Tower looks.

Traveling with children can be difficult.

Father and son on a family road trip in front of a lake
The biggest mistake that can make new parents, is the way they travel before the children who. Life is different now, so you can change your expectations. You can not be late to stay out in nightclubs with a baby shower, and you can see the side of a mountain with a baby on her back not scale (well, maybe you can, but I would not).

"When I was pregnant with my first child, many of my friends told me that my travel days would be because it would be too difficult to travel with a baby," says Becky Morales of KidWorldCitizen.org. "We have our baby a passport shortly after she was born, and its first international flight was old at three months. Growing Tourism has helped my children, be comfortable in all kinds of situations."

The times have changed, but that does not mean that you have to stop traveling. It is possible to have children and travel; You need to plan in advance only and to slow down. There are many families are traveling all the time -. Hear what they have to say about the trip family instead of the naysayers who say that it is too difficult,

It's too hard to travel with a baby

Mom and baby at a picnic table outside overseas
We could not understand, take the time on a long trip, our newborn baby. We took a couple of short car journeys to test the water, but do not go on board, until he was three months old - but babies sleep a lot. They did not crawl, they do not go, and they do not much of anything except eat, poop, and sleep. Travel before your baby is mobile is actually the best time to travel with your baby!

Claudia Laroye of TheTravellingMom.ca says: "Travelling with a baby is much easier than traveling with infants Pro: If you, no additional food packaging are maintenance required; babies are not mobile and can not run away, and they. sleeping most of the time you can also access fast way through airport security with children up to a certain age -.. a happy bonus of family travel "

When babies get older, they become more active, curious, and sophisticated. We have the hardest time is found to travel between the ages of 12 months and 18 months, because they just want to move only, and they are difficult to reason with.

But babies are not so difficult to travel., As you can imagine

babies and children in airplanes are terrible

Baby crying near a dinosaur statue on vacation
behave Some children badly in aircraft -. but as some adults. We can not all children so terrible passengers call, just because some kids have a hard time is limited to a seat. Of the 30 flights we took our boys filed only under the "terrible flight" category. Babies less than 24 months old fly for free on most airlines, so we thought we would save some money and sit him on your lap. He was 18 months at the time, so we thought that would be fine. He had not. Lesson learned.

Melissa Angert of GirlyMama.com says: "Yes, they sometimes cry, but if you teach your children how young to travel, learn how to do it We went on 16-hour flights. a 2- and 4-year-old and they were better behaved than most adults in the aircraft. "

most children in airplanes are fine as long as you keep them entertained. We prepare with great snacks, toys and games to bring. We have downloaded their favorite shows on our tablets, and they have noise-canceling headphones, so they do not disturb our neighbors. In addition, if possible, we choose to book direct flights and flight times that match nap schedules.

you have built to visit destinations for children.

Mom and kids in an aquarium tunnel sightseeing abroad
After children are not my you to a life of pre-packaged holiday or Amusement convicted. Far from - but you need to include activities that will enjoy your children, no one else is having fun. When we went to Arizona last year, and we enjoyed the Phoenix Zoo, SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium and Rawhide Western Town visit as our guys.

"Parents often hear that only children enjoy holiday to Disney World and other theme parks or beach destinations, but that could not be further from the truth," says Lisa Goodmurphy of GoneWithTheFamily.com. "It is my experience that children are naturally curious about the world and excited to visit new places and do new things. Our children have crossed great memories of exploring European cities such as London and Paris, the Baltic States, visiting palaces in St. Petersburg, Russia, and experience the midnight sun, when we traveled north by train to Fairbanks, Alaska -. all these places would not be classified as a typical family objectives "

note that all targets child-friendly Activities. You do not stay at theme parks. There are museums, playgrounds, aquariums and parks.

you have to pack so much stuff.

Mom feeling babies ice cream on trip abroad
Yes, it's true that traveling with kids means more luggage and bulky items such as strollers and car seats. Yes, you will probably be necessary to check your bags and pay the extra baggage fees. But it is only a temporary inconvenience.

Once you check in your luggage at the airport, you no longer have to worry about it. When you arrive at your destination airport, grab a buggy for your luggage or ask for help. Traveling without a partner? Why not hire the services of a porter? Instead a taxi or take the bus, you should have a vehicle to rent directly at the airport. By leasing a vehicle, you have to set up only the car seats once and the headache is over (instead of the alternative, which usually requires the car seat several times a day means - not fun).

For reducing the weight of the luggage, you should book accommodation that have a in-suite washer / dryer or laundry service. The ability to do your laundry means you can pack half of what you would normally take. You can also buy baby items, such as strollers, cribs, car seats and high chairs to rent at your destination. This service costs more, but it will reduce your stress considerably.

Micki Kosman of The Barefoot Nomad indicates that you always purchase items at your destination. She says. "When we traveled with our little guy, I was worried that we would not baby supplies able to find (such as disposable diapers) at our destination it turns out that there are babies everywhere, and we found what we needed everywhere from the Philippines to Hong Kong to Mexico. "

traveling with children is too expensive.

Father and son on a family road trip in front of a lake
traveling with children is certainly more expensive than traveling without children, but that does not mean that it is too expensive or not available. If the trip is important to you, there is always a way to reduce costs and to make them affordable.

There are many ways to save money on travel. Family travel is no different.

"There is not much cost to travel at all with children, especially when they are still very small," says Corinne McDermott of HaveBabyWillTravel.com. "As lap children, free flying normally until they are two, then by public transport is generally free or heavily discounted, and it's free entry to most attractions to a certain age. Until they picky the ' Chicken Nugget only 'stage of child-hood, most of the contents are only to eat from the dish in restaurants. "

I shared some tips to save money typing on family in a longer and more detailed article.

Family travel is feared not something or avoid. You not only need to put trips on hold because you have kids - far from it. Your children will be only children once. Before you know it, they will be awkward teenagers who want to spend time with mom and dad. There is no better time than now to experience the world together as a family.

Cameron Wears is one half of the duo behind the award-winning Canadian travel blog TravelingCanucks.com. Having traveled to over 65 countries and territories on six continents over the past eight years, he now lives in beautiful Vancouver, Canada, with his wife Nicole and their two boys. You can her family travel adventures on Google+, Twitter and Facebook.


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