
My 12 Recommended Books for 2015

My 12 Recommended Books for 2015 -

books worth reading in 2015 There is nothing more inspiring than a well-written travel book. It can fill you with awe, wonder and wanderlust. Books make this 10-hour bus rides bearable by Laos. They get us excited for new goals and can change our world view.

I have always been a voracious reader, but I go through smoothly. I'm going to read a book or two a week and then not another pick for months. This year I want more consistent. My goal this year is a book per week (if not more) to read.

When we make our way through the new year (where did January go?), I wanted to read some of my favorite recently to share. These books will inspire, teach, and maybe to change your habits. So without further ado, the books:

Marching Powder: A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine and strangest Jail in South America

Marching Powder book cover image by me recommend readers of this blog, Marching Powder tells the true story of Thomas McFadden and his time in San Pedro prison in Bolivia. McFadden was an English drug dealer who landed after an official in prison he bribed double crossed him. While it is not I was reading last year, the best written book, the story of what this one of my favorite recent reads is power. In the book you will learn about life in a prison, bought the prisoners their own cells (which is a big class system created) (sold on the streets), made their own drugs, bribing cops and developed an economy with shops, elected officials and neighborhoods. Rich prisoners were even leaving a prison escort. McFadden began tours of the prison during his detention leads (they even ended up in Lonely Planet ) backpackers (which could stay for the right price and the night). This is not a story of redemption; It is a about life in one of the most corrupt prisons in the world. The book is now in a movie with Chiwetel Ejiofor of 12 years a slave .

Kitchen Confidential

Kitchen Confidential book cover image Before Anthony Bourdain made roamed the world without any reservations or to places unknown, he was a cook his way through the kitchens of New York City clawing. This book (his first) is a very well-written account Insider gastronomy. As expected, Bourdain is crass and vulgar, and he hold anything back. They learn about drug use in kitchens, the fast pace and dog-eat-dog world of gastronomy, the loyalty of employees to cooks (kitchen staff follow the chefs they like), and why there are some foods you should just about never. I am a big fan of Anthony Bourdain and I always enjoy his work, so it was nice to read about his rise to fame. This book was a very entertaining and interesting read. You will never again the same way looking at the restaurants

The force of habit. Why do we do what we do in life and business has

The Power of habit While this book has nothing to do with travel, it is a wonderfully researched report on how we form habits. Why do we do what we do? Are we hardwired habits repeat, even if they are bad? How do we break bad habits and good shape? The best-selling book describes how we form habits and gives specific strategies on how to break bad habits and good start. I read this to the end of 2014, and it really affected my life, which is why it makes this book list.

What makes great people so big? They work. We should strive to be better people than we were yesterday. I think to improve in yourself, because better people to be, makes us better travelers. This book definitely has me reconsider many of my habits and is part of the reason why I decided to read more. (For example, I replaced my bed before TV catch-up time to read the time!)

Choose yourself!

Choose Yourself I made friends with James Altucher a few years ago at a conference mastermind I was speaking in Toronto. He is an amazing, quirky guy, who started for the likes of Twitter dozens of financial and technology companies, consulted, made millions, lost millions and millions restored. His book is about how the new economy has made it easier for people to become their own bosses and their happiness in the first place. The old economy is rigged, he says. The companies treat workers as an expense is not set in the new era since the financial crisis, and have very little opportunity for financial independence. Unless you take it upon themselves to choose to (that is, to break out of the system and find ways to be independent), you will end up in a dead end job or downsizing into oblivion. Choose from tips for your own business consulting from picking a new skill or just find out what makes you happy and more to do that, to be is an uplifting book with practical resources to your own boss be and the control of your life

Right at Machu Picchu Turn :. rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time

Turn right at Machu Picchu it This book tells Adams narrative of roughing by Peru in search of little-visited Inca ruins and ancient cities with a grumpy Indiana Jones -type Australian leader. While most tourists to Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail stick, Adams goes anywhere else, the Incas "flight to Andes persecution after the Spaniards invaded their empire. He discovered how much there is to see in Peru that tourists never visit. in a country with Inca ruins filled many are not excavated yet and only a few tourists. It is one of the best written stories I read last year and opened me to a whole new understanding of the Incas up. There was a lot about Peru I did not, and now I'm even more excited to visit the country one day, Adams follow tracks, and get off the beaten path, I highly recommend you pick up this book

Holy cow. an Indian Adventure

Holy Cow journalist Sarah MacDonald writes about her experiences in India move to follow her boyfriend despite vowing never to visit a few years back before (she hated India after their first visit) , The book is well written and funny, and has amazing insight into the Indian culture and its differences from the West. From family, marriage and dating class margins, Sarah tells much about their time in the country. In a way it is the classic fish-out-of-water story, but it reminded me live on my own experiences in Thailand and adapt with Thai culture. I was this book not put it down and enjoyed their bill culture shock and how India broke their preconceived notions of Western towards Indian values ​​down. It allows you to appreciate the best of both worlds.

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner I first read this book when it came in 03 out, but after recently my collection of books at my parents' house ransack, I took it up again. The book tells the story of Amir, a wealthy Afghan boy who escapes with his family during the Soviet invasion, grew up in America and finally goes back to save to Afghanistan during the Taliban rule of his friend's son. Although I read many years ago, it remains one of my favorite books of all time. Re-reading, I realized why it was such a phenomenon - it is beautiful and clearly written with strong characters and a powerful story about grief, guilt and redemption. Hosseini follow-up A Thousand Splendid Suns is just as powerful. If you have never read his works, do so

salt. A World History

Salt While tight, this book was surprising incredibly fascinating. It traces the history of salt and its importance for civilization, ancient empires and world exploration. It is filled with quirky facts that you realize how much was influenced by our world through salt. For example, to be "worth a salt" in the value of a contract is to be: the word "salary" comes from the Latin word for salt ( sal ). The ancient Romans and soldiers were often paid in salt, as it was so valuable. salt been through a number of my friends recommended me, and it was one of the most fascinating books I read last year. It is important to know about the world - you can not understand a place, if you do not understand its past, and this book is to explain much of the past. I liked it so much, I took his follow-up book, Cod (such as cod changed the world).

The Alchemist

The Alchemist This book is always on my "top reads" list. follow a story about your dreams, this is one of the most read in recent history books. It follows a little boy shepherd of Spain travel to Egypt after he has a dream to tell him he needs to get Egypt. On the way, he meets interesting people, learning his heart to follow, to go with the flow, and discovers love and the meaning of life. The book is filled with wonderful and inspirational quotes. My favorite is: "If you can always focus on the present to be a happy man is ... Life is will be a party for you, a great festival, because life is the moment we are living right now." A book on to your dreams is perfect for travelers, because we are sure dreamer. I read this book several times - it always inspires me to enjoy life and dream more

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance . A study values ​​

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Originally published in 1974, this book is a classic hit since its release was and was a long overdue reading for me. I've heard people talk about it for years, and it is highly of Tim Ferriss, another voracious reader I respect recommend. The book follows a father and his young son during a summer motorcycle trip across America, Northwest. The story is based love, growth, discovery, and the meaning of existence. It is one of those deep books, used the trip as a backdrop to ask us why we do what we do, what makes us happy, and we have been happier. As The Alchemist , which is an uplifting and inspiring story that makes you want to turn your dreams into reality. It makes you want to get there and out to explore the world, and that is a message that I always get behind!

Into the Wild

Into the Wild book This book (the winning film of the same name inspired) follows Christopher McCandless after he donates from college grads his savings to charity, and sets in the United States in search of a deeper meaning of life. Unfortunately, he was dead after accidentally eating the wrong kind of berries of hikers in Alaska found. Not much is known about his time on the road - McCandless an alias (Alexander Supertramp) used during the trip. Krakauer tried using McCandless diary and interviews that fill few people he met along the way in the gaps. Much of the book is pure speculation. Regardless, it's an inspiring story about breaking the mold, according to your dreams, and a more meaningful life to live (a topic note at this year's best books list?)

Almost French :. Love and a New Life in Paris

Almost French i like all the books about people who fall in love with Paris, so if it came from Amazon as suggested reading up, I have it right away purchased and was not disappointed. Sarah Turnbull visit to the city of light should take a week, but it ends permanently to stay with the man she had traveled to Paris to visit (Paris has that effect on people). This book follows Turnbull City Life, when she tried the ups and downs of, navigates to fit into the local culture, while slowly falling more and more in love with her. It's a fish-out-of-water story and cliched too often, but it offers lessons for life in a foreign culture include that never really that you own to accept as one of his. Funny and witty I found it a fun pager turner to be. It is easy to read, so it will not take long to finish.

I'm reading a lot more this year, I thought it would be fun to start a travel book club. Once a month I'm on five amazing books with - some oldies, some recent reading - cover for traveling, history, fiction, and everything I think you can enjoy! So if you want to read suggestions, just click on the big yellow button below and join the 1,000 people who have already read more good books!

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