
A lesson in kindness While hitchhiking through Iceland

A lesson in kindness While hitchhiking through Iceland -

westfjords in iceland
"Where are you going?" The he asked from the driver's seat.

"Thingeyri," I replied. A puzzled look appeared on the man's face.

"Thingeyri," I said again, this time to change the intonation in my voice.

"Ahh, Thingeyri! Yes, I can take you there!"

I was alone by the side of the road are two hours, hoping someone would give me a lift. Earlier this morning I had brought the ferry to Brjánslækur where I'd naively assumed by bus align with ferry arrival. But after landing the Dock Master corrected this assumption: it was not a bus until 6:30

I looked at my watch. It was 11:00 am

crap, I thought.

I went to the top of the dock hoping me a car would pick. But as the cars leave the ferry, drive off their journey to accomplish, as none. Scores of other people went on cars filled with friends and family waiting. They ignored my sticking-out thumb.

alone, I went to the ferry terminal, ate a soup, and ventured back onto the road. To my left was the empty dock and past that a large, quiet cove that shone on this sunny day. On the right side of the road were farms, sheep and rolling hills. The only sign of human activity was the little red ferry building where, when all else fails, I could stay until the bus came.

No cars passed.

I waited.

And waited some more.

[1945001InderFerne], a car.

I stuck out his thumb.

As the car passed, the driver looked at me, but didn 't slow

yet passed a few cars, as if I was not there

It was a beautiful , warm, clear day - .. the first week. The sun shone brightly, and grazing sheep in the meadows. I decided to go the gas station, six kilometers away. Maybe I would have better luck at the intersection.

westfjords in iceland

I stayed often are on the way to marvel at how quiet it was. The only sounds were the wind and my steps. I was not in a hurry, and the peace and tranquility around me made the long walk bearable. I went black sand beaches with sheep-filled - they knew how to take advantage of the weather. Streams that ended their journey in the salty bay in the glaciers.

westfjords in iceland

I saw to eat a family in the picnic area starts at the intersection. Maybe they would give me a lift. I made sure often to look in their direction.

hours passed. Cars came up on the main road. I stuck my thumb, but the driver shrugged, turned on their blinders, and went in the wrong direction. The family always sat the longest picnic.

is Finally, as they packed their picnic, the family looked around. This is my chance, I thought. Please go away!

you have turned in their car towards the intersection ... but then went right, goes to Reykjavik. I needed to go to the left, to me and Thingeyri!

I was beaten and hungry. When I had hitched Islands main ring road, rides were plentiful, but here they were nonexistent.

I was ready for the ferry ad building, trudging back, and wait for the bus, but then, like an Icelandic angel descending from heaven in a huge steel cage, Stefan held his SUV and picked me up.

Stefan drove like Speed ​​Racer. The road was in rough condition, opened only a few weeks ago because of a late winter and cold spring. There was still a lot of snow on the ground. "In winter, all snow and you can not drive here," he said.

westfjords in iceland

turned the road to gravel as we whizzed through the mountains. I was jostled up and down as we hit a few potholes, and I closed my eyes when we then took quickly for comfort and he hoped that would notice and slow.

He did not.

But for all complaints, I gaped at the landscape that unfolded before me. All around me were the melting of glaciers, with rivers of clear blue water jet cutting into the snow. To my left big valleys where waterfalls mountains fell down into the rivers and snow disappeared under the summer sun, the growing grass were to leave a bright green. On flat ground, combined the water in lakes and travelers stopped to obtain images.

westfjords in iceland

Stefan and I talked a little. His lack of English and my lack of Icelandic taken long conversation difficult, but we shared the basics. He was a fisherman from Reykjavik and married with four children. "Triplets" he says gives me a "right, I know" look. He was preparing to Thingeyri return for another ten days at sea.

During the trip he showed attractions and searched for the English word to describe them. I helped him if I could. I would repeat the word bad in Icelandic, Stefan would correct me and I would fail again.

westfjords in iceland

We drove through the mountains in a dense fog. If we could barely see a meter, he was slow to take his time to drive the mountain road. As we crept along, I saw occasionally snowy precipices we careen would if he was not careful. I was relieved, Stefan had finally decided to drive with caution. As we made our way down the mountain, the fog lifted and he pointed ahead in a small town raised. "Thingeyri."

westfjords in iceland

He let me in my guest house and we said goodbye -. He was gone to the sea, I was off to hike the mountains

westfjords in iceland
westfjords in iceland

The next morning I woke up the fjord and mountains, free from fog see. As I wandered Sandfell mountain and enjoyed the beautiful day, I thought fondly of Stefan and his willingness to help a stranger to my side of the road. Wherever his boat was, I hope he was there with fish filling and knew outdoors lone traveler was somewhere eternally grateful for the experience.

westfjords in iceland

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