
How Professional travel photos

How Professional travel photos - Take

Stunning travel photo of a Dubai roundabout at night

Photography. It is not something I have to very good. I take all my photos on an iPhone, and if they are not used on the blog, they usually sit only on my hard drive. But I still think photos are important for the memories they represent. You look at a picture, and it conjures up thoughts, feelings and smells that you held back in a long-forgotten. Today professional photographer Laurence Norah find the universe, begins a five-part series on how to become a better photographer. Part one is on composition and framing.

In 09, I quit my job in the IT and the way to travel the world. My first destination was Australia, an impressive country where I really wanted to capture my adventure. I had photos taken, since I was 13 years old, but it was only on this trip I began to focus on learning the art of photography and realized that this was something I could be really excited.

I quickly learned the reality that photography is a skill, the time, effort and practice to master

There is also no question of transition takes - .. great photograph is much more than the photographer

Photo of natural rock formation Wave Rock in Australia
Wave rock, Australia, where my one year trip road in 09-10

. Composition: Taking pictures people really want

pattern: the human brain for it is a fool. We always look for patterns - be it imprinted in the clouds, symmetry in buildings or colors that complement each other. There's just something about a pattern that love our brains.

to understand these patterns and what they like the human brain is a clever shortcut to better photos. And that's what composition in photography goes. Learn and apply the following rules, and you will begin to take more pictures, enjoy the people.

Before we start them, although some important basics. First, make sure your camera is level. You do not want shaky horizons. Your brain generally do not like them; they are the visual equivalent of nails on a blackboard

- Next. move more. You want to be as quiet as possible if to avoid blurred pictures to shoot. Hold the camera with both hands and keep or use a tripod.

The Rule of Thirds

known One of the main rules of composition as a rule of thirds.

I learned recently that this is based on how babies learn to identify their mothers faces that can be divided into three parts, the eye covers, nose and mouth.

The third rule requires you to break an image into three equal parts, either vertically, horizontally or both. The goal is the key to place compositional elements in those third.

find your device's settings to enable a grid on the preview screen. Four rows appear, two vertical and two horizontal.

Photo of surreal art sculpture park in the Australian Outback

Take a look at my shot over a surreal sculpture park deep in the Australian outback, about which I have overlaid a grid in order to demonstrate the horizontal and vertical thirds

the grid, you can see how I have the image composed. one third country and two thirds sky as the plane on the left side of the left hand is raster line, near the intersection of two lines.

is placing

issues at the intersections of course, the eye of the beholder move in with them, as these points are usually where we focus first in an image, and this is a good starting point for a good composition.

another one of my favorite topics is to shoot a sunset. I love how they are always different, and how wonderful the light at this time of day is

To a great sunset to get shot, you can easily apply the rule of thirds -. The shot with two-thirds to compose sky, and a third country or at sea. You want to avoid the image half and half split, because it will not look as good. The shot under a sunset in Santa Cruz, this shows and also has an interesting topic in the left third of the image.

Photo of a beautiful, golden sunset over the ocean in Santa Cruz, California

Leading lines

When composing a photograph, you want it as easy as possible to look for the person to the topic and focus of the picture to find out

a way to do this is, with leading lines -. the use of natural geography and other features that will make the viewer look at first of course and which will lead the eyes to the main subject.

, the roads are excellent as leading lines, mainly in large landscapes. When I travel to New Zealand, I wanted to create a photographic history of the hike to Mount Taranaki, one of my favorite hikes in New Zealand. Near the beginning of the walk, the trail itself gave me a perfect line leading to illustrate the journey ahead, the eye in the context of the viewer and drawing up the mountain.

Photo of the walking trail up Mount Taranaki in New Zealand

another good example of a leading line is this photo of me on rail lines in Italy Foot. Obviously, it is only advisable either disused or something rarely used tracks!

Black and white self-portrait of Laurence walking on railway tracks

The aim of this was a self-portrait, which caused my life journey. The parallel tracks appear to converge, were perfect for leading the viewer's eye to the subject - me. I I felt the images of wanderlust caught that I was looking for them with help.

foreground, middle ground and background

Have you ever taken a picture of a mountain or the city skyline, and then later saw to it and wondered why they do not convey the majesty could what you were looking for?

This is probably because your photo is a two-dimensional image, and you have lost the sense of scale, that is. obviously, if you are present and in the moment

when you compose the image - and that's especially true for landscape photography -. think about the different elements in the foreground, middle ground and background of the shot

Here is an example of a sunset in Glencoe, Scotland, easily the nicest place I have photographed in 2015

Breath-taking sunset photo over a frozen lake in Glencoe, Scotland

I used the rocks in this frozen lake to offer something interesting in the foreground, helps scale to provide and balance to the overall image. The viewer's eye is drawn to the rocks, and then probably to the mountain and the sunset before it. In the distance on the valley towards

If you are traveling in the world, think about everything around you. If you see a distant mountain you want to shoot, you look around and see if you find something interesting to integrate in the foreground or in the midground shot. If you are near a river, perhaps could be that a canoe. In other countries, there could be a house. Or a group of sheep. Or a car to scale Start a curved road.

If you are a city scene just overlooking what is happening around you. Street vendors, different modes of transport, and signs and facades can all be installed as a foreground to provide context and scale of the city skyline are available or this interestingly shaped building.

If you do not find something, to be creative. Find someone to stand in your shot, that the scale to provide. If you are traveling with a tripod, do what I have shot in this web and use itself as subject. Remember to not confuse your audience too much with too many compositional elements, and keep it clear what the picture is of.

Thinking outside the large background portions of the image and the focus on the smaller elements will help create more balanced, appealing images.

Photo of the sunsetting behind mountains in Glencoe, Scotland with a house in the midground

Another shot of Glencoe. Here is the house provides that midground scale, while the flow works both as an interesting object in the foreground and one of the leading line that you draw in the picture.


This composition technique isn 't depend on a picture in a frame; it comes with what to the subject that you are trying to capture, shows what draw the viewer to "frame" the shot of her eyes in the scene.

Photo of old bridges in the Medieval town of BesalĂș, Spain

in this shot of the bridge in the medieval town of BesalĂș in Spain, I have the old bridge and its reflection as a natural framework for the newer bridge.

if you have your topic found, take a look to see if there is a possibility it may frame creative. Some good options for the design include vegetation, such as branches and trees, as well as doors and windows.

Throw. A look at this shot of a temple in Ayutthaya, Thailand, to see what I mean I wanted to capture the beauty of this temple scene, while the viewer into the drawing wat in the middle.

Photo of beautiful, old temple in Ayutthaya, Thailand

The context in this case is much larger than the subject, but it is never clear what is the shot. This is a really simple photographic technique, but it could be you need to look around, or from the design a step back, to find a good way to make them. Do not be afraid to stand further away and use the zoom on the lens to the frame that you want.

to make As another example, using trees a waterfall, here is a shot of Lower Yosemite Falls in Yosemite National Park.

Photo of Lower Yosemite Falls between the trees in Yosemite National Park

I felt that the trees much longer given on the shot with the waterfall between them. It was a pleasing symmetry to the shot with the two parallel trees.

There are many more options for framing. Experiment and see what works!


One way to be sure that people see on the part of the image you want to look at is only that part of the image sharp. and blurred in focus and the rest of

This is particularly effective for people or animals to isolate shots - take a look at a wedding or sports photos of people, and you will see how often is the subject of the shot, the only thing in focus.

I love events with friends and family shoot, and I find that this technique works really well to isolate the subject from a crowd and makes it obvious who the picture is of.

Photo of a woman having at a party with friends

at the beginning, you can achieve this effect with the "Portrait" or "human" mode of the camera. You can see some other examples topic isolation through focus can be found here.

The use of color

color is really important, especially as the colors work well together in the photograph. For example, blue Working with yellow (sunflower in a field) and red works well with green (Christmas!).

To find out what colors work well, take a look at this wheel.

generally colors opposite each other on the wheel are complementary. These colors do not have to be evenly balanced in one shot - often images work best with a small percentage of one and a larger proportion of another

Photo of houses reflecting on the Nyhavn Harbor in Copenhagen, Denmark

Take a closer look at. the shot above, of Copenhagen's beautiful Nyhavn Harbor. You can see all kinds of colors, but especially the blue of the sky and the water is the predominant color, with the houses of the reds and yellows (yellow is opposite blue on the color wheel) provides a counterpoint.

If you are traveling, keep an eye out for contrasting and complementary colors that you can incorporate into your recordings. Spice markets, old European cities, rural fields and old barns colorful in green fields are a great place to start.


Remember that when you take a picture, you have all the background and surrounding knowledge of your trip in mind. If you look at the picture later, all this will come back to you.

No one else has this advantage. For them, that shot of a waterfall is just that - a shot of a waterfall. The story of the five-hour hike there infested by leeches jungle? Lost. The feeling, how refreshing it was on your skin when you took the plunge to cool off? Also gone. It is only a two-dimensional image on a screen, probably quickly flipped be replaced with the next image in the current.

It is your job to bring all those who lost the context of life.

We often said that a photograph is worth a thousand words. As a photographer, it's your job to teach these words. Find out how to tell this story with your picture. Get the shots that pull your audience in your stories. Using Emotion find and moments freeze, and integrate the human element so your shots resonate with your audience.

Take this monkey in Rio de Janeiro. These guys were really naughty with tourists trying to get food from them and usually play around as much as possible. I wanted to try something from the and capture, and I managed to get me to this monkey sticking out his tongue to get out.

Photo of cheeky Monkey in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I have much time to think about the shot advise would you the moment you want to capture, and the story that you are trying your viewers are trying to create, tell. Put yourself in their shoes, ask yourself when recording with no other context search to go, and try to build the shot from there

This is probably one of the harder parts of the photograph, and -. As the income of the top monkey - will probably take some time, patience and luck. You will make mistakes. But with the research and practice you will be able to master it!

Now I would like you to go to some of your favorite photos of your favorite photographers and look and see if you can get some spot the composition techniques at work or the stories they are told. I suppose now that you know it, you will see how effective they will be in creating an image, you can arrange the search!

You also need to get out there and more photos. Practice makes perfect, and the photography is no different in this respect! The more photos you take, the more you will learn how to compose and capture great shots. So get out there and take some pictures, and come back soon for the rest of this series

Be sure to check out the rest of Laurence photography tips in this series:

  • part 1 - How to make Professional travel photos
  • part 2 - as you shoot the perfect travel Photography
  • part 3 - camera gear: How not with the up-to-end wrong equipment
  • part 4 - how to make the perfect photo: Advanced techniques
  • part to improve 5 to 7 post-processing tips for your trip Photography

if you are truly improving Photography to master your camera and take more stunning photos when you are traveling, Laurence and I helped develop a comprehensive photography course tutorials, step-by-step walk-throughs, expert interviews and personal feedback on your work. It is from car in no time. Click here to learn more about it.

Laurence began its journey in June 09 after the corporate life leave and looking for a change of scenery. to find your own blog, the universe, cataloged his experiences and is a wonderful resource for photography advice! You can find it also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Flickr.

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