
As technology makes Better Travel

As technology makes Better Travel -

A few weeks ago I mentioned to bring that I am on a regular columnist for this website. On the first Tuesday of the month, Dave Dean of Too many adapters here to give you good tips and travel advice tech and gear. His column begins this month.

technology was a part of my life as long as I can remember. At a time when home computers had less power than today's wristwatches, my parents indulged my incessant demands, dug into their savings and bought the latest and greatest in modern computing: a. Sinclair ZX Spectrum

This powerful had animal a chiclet keyboard that worked when it made as and a full 16KB felt (yes, that's kilobytes) of memory, and loaded programs in minutes from a cassette tape squeaking, as the noise sounded our cat, as my sister pulled his tail. wanted what it means an argument at 6am was every night when my parents the news, and I see only another level of Manic Miner - Instead of a monitor, the miracle of electronics connected to the TV complete.

The Internet is still far from over a decade and imported games in New Zealand will cost far more than my monthly salary, I would buy computer magazines and the next day to spend line in the line of code to enter, for terrible text-based adventure ,

Yes, I was a geek from a very young age.

move to London after graduation, I went tries in the IT and for the next 15 years, combining work with a travel addiction, swap briefcases for backpacks and fancy suits for flip-flops every few years.

three years ago, I chose my office job digging Too many adapters are good and co-founded. I realized that even though there are thousands of websites were talking about either technology or travel, not to talk about both of them were dedicated. That should change, and I have since written on the subject. The site has since become the leading technology resource for travelers to help with hundreds of articles, select thousands of readers and use the best travel gear for their trip (I even have a tech guide for digital nomads released earlier this year) ,

technology has advanced from strong when I first met her on the street. If I had grabbed my oversized bag the day before leaving for London, the only electronics were in a small film camera and a fake Walkman to play my collection of bad mix tapes. These days I have somehow accumulated a laptop, smartphone, tablet, digital camera, GoPro, portable hard drive and Kindle, and go to a bag full of chargers and cables with them. Whether the progress is questionable, but there is no doubt that Tech now plays an important role in the lives of many travelers.

dealing with technology is not always easy. Transmission and applications that work perfectly before you often leave not fast in a world of dust, rain, bumpy bus rides and slow Internet. Security is also a big concern - for the physical equipment that you carry, the personal information it contains, and even if it is obvious that you worth transition have a few thousand dollars in his pocket. Many travel insurance policies do not cover full costs your electronics or a small fortune when they do it.

Choosing the right technology for your traveling, and to do it safely and effectively with can mean the difference between a simple, enjoyable trip and a miserable, expensive. That's where I come in

On the first Tuesday of every month, I will every aspect of travel Tech are covering -. The best equipment for the job and how to use it, the right applications and sites picking. Disasters, stay connected, and prevent many more - with a focus on saving time, money and hassle while traveling

I'll be real world reviews of products to bring I speak - I made already since 2011 a backpack full time live and work around every day with this reality. If the gear I can not rise to the beats I use it to give, I will not suggest you. If the applications and websites that I have to test hard to use, do not work in certain countries and you can not handle it to move every few days, you will know about it. If guarantees are invalid after you leave home or impractical without postal address, I'll be mentioning that, too.

When it comes to tech to travel, there is simply no substitute for practical experience - the most brilliant brochure and fanciest features do not mean much when the phone is no longer hundreds of miles of the next repair center or your online banking locks because you moved cities once too often

technology work. one of those topics that always generates a lot of questions. You are welcome to leave them in the comments of the individual products or in the forums. I am more than happy to answer them.

Ultimately, my goal is to get the most out of your trip use technology without them to get your travel experience, in the way. I am so excited to share my two loves - travel and tech - with you. Let's make it happen.

Dave runs too many adapters, a website dedicated to technology for travelers. An outsider, as long as he can remember, he was in IT for 15 years. Now based out of a backpack long Dave writes about traveling and Tech from anywhere with halfway decent internet and great views. You can also use it on the life of a find in long-term travelers conversation What to do Dave?

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