
How to find the perfect apartment on sites like Airbnb

How to find the perfect apartment on sites like Airbnb -

How to Find the Perfect Apartment on Sites Like Airbnb
I used hate to rent apartments from sites like Airbnb, Wimdu FeWo-direkt.de or rent Roomorama , Being a single traveler, I moved the hostels social atmosphere. It was just easier to meet other people. And if I wanted something other than a hostel, I have used a foreign agent or were with friends.

But to write for the first three years ago, as I have this type of accommodation do not like, I actually grew to love it. A LOT . While I do not rent apartment all the time, can I have found that they offer incredible dollar value, privacy, space and a large home-like environment.

And so this method regularly for a couple with of years (and now as a host on Airbnb), I wanted to write about how they work, how to pick the perfect apartment in detail, and how they not to be deceived. This may old news to many of you be as a holiday home have been sites for many years (if so, check something else from the archive!), But they really seem the mainstream now to beat, and I have, they are found still new news for many.

How do Apartments?

Apartment Rental sites allow people an individual room, couch, or whole apartment for rent. The host takes place online, posts photos, writes a description, and, presto, they make more money with the unused space.

The booking process is book like any other type of accommodation. search online, find a place you want to create an account and request a booking. If the owner accepts, you will receive a confirmation is sent. (See below, as the perfect place to find.)

As an added bonus, most of the apartments are from overpriced tourist areas where hotels call home (rental sites have cards so you can see where your place in relation to all), so that you get a feel for the everyday rhythm of life and eating in restaurants that have not only to offer tourists.

Who is this for?
Apartment Rental provide the space between hostels and hotels. If you are traveling on business and want all the comforts of home, you will probably not stay in a hostel. But hotels can be too expensive or too impersonal for you. An Apartment is the ideal compromise.

If you want to travel the world, but are not in the inn scene and can not afford the hotel, which is the perfect compromise. A rent will be much quieter and more relaxed than a hostel. They will also be able to cook your own food, keep costs on a long journey to help below.

With a large group or a family? This is definitely the option for you. in a hostel or hotel as a room is much cheaper per person a few people in these apartments squeezing. Plus, you get space to spread out and relax in. Dorm rooms and cramped hotels, you do not have much of "me" time.

How you had the right host to pick

I 've luck. I've never had a bad hosts on these pages. There was only one place in London, which was slightly smaller than indicated, but that is a trifle. I avoided bad hosts partially because I use the same criteria for sites like Airbnb, as I do for CouchSurfing. This lets me sort out bad listings. Here's what to keep to keep in mind when looking for a host:

  1. Is their availabilty - While advertisements appear only in a search, if they are available, host do not always update their calendars. If someone has their calendar in 30 days is not updated, I tend to skip it. There is nothing worse than to book a seat to cancel only for them and to say:
  2. Have often respond "Whoops, sorry, it is not available !?" - Do not you wish your request to go unanswered. These pages show the percentage of news hosts respond. The higher, the better
  3. Are you an active user -.? Active users are good users, so see if they last logged on. If it's been awhile, your question could unanswered
  4. Are they checked -.? Verified accounts are less likely that people of suspect quality to be how the collection site at least some have found background information on them
  5. they have good photos -.?. Any list that does not contain a lot of pictures of the place is probably lying about its quality
  6. [1945014[ they have photos checked -. means to have checks photos, someone was there, is to see the place, and guarantees that it actually looks like his photos
  7. have reviews? -. If other people were there, having a good time, and the apartment had found as announced, probably like you
  8. Have before anyone else been to Guest - If they were guest was someone and well, it is likely that they are going to not go crazy
  9. they have multiple offers have -.? This is important because many people use these sites to property managers. You rent a number of apartments and then rent them on Airbnb. I try to avoid these places because they are not as nice as other apartments in the rule and it lacks the personal touch that comes when hosts rent their own apartments.

These nine rules are useful guidelines, but the end of the day you can go with your gut. I do not need to meet all of nine points a listing. I once had a host who made only a few of these points and they turned out to be my favorite host! And sometimes, in places without many hosts, you might be a little loose with this list.

But the more points meets a place, the safer I feel.

I've never had a bad experience as a guest under these rules.

Are apartments safe?

run these pages on trust. All these companies are trying to buyers and sellers to check to make sure no one ends up robbing someone else but you. Sometimes reports of sex parties to hear thefts, or creepy hosts

However, Holiday companies provide a window that you can get your money back if you get a place that is not as advertised. Just call their 24-hour hotline, and they are set up elsewhere. They also keep your money in escrow, so if the place is not as advertised, you can get your money back. Never passed directly to the host.

All types of accommodation have risks (Girls Steal from hotel rooms, roommates take clothes from hostels, CouchSurfing host creepy), which is why these rules are important. I do not think Apartments are less secure than your other options, and the benefits clearly outweigh the perceived danger.

When I travel alone, I tend to stay in a hostel dorm or using hotel points, but I use Airbnb pretty much every time I travel with friends. And many of the hosts have really made a difference. There the hosts will be in CuraƧao was the pick me up from the airport (and drove me around the island), the hosts in Galway who took me for drinks (he turned out to be a blog readers!) And the French hosts which left me a nice hand-drawn map and a bottle of wine. You will not often find such personalized service in hotels.

And it's that personal touch that makes apartment houses the best budget option for those without hotel points or the desire to stay in a hostel.

If you were on the fence about it, was not. It will be a great experience.

Try one on your next trip.

Suggested Sites

  • Airbnb
  • HouseTrip
  • Roomorama
  • Home Away
  • VRBO
  • Wimdu

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