
Is it safe for women to travel India?

Is it safe for women to travel India? -

candace rardon in India The issue of the safety of women in India often been lately in the news. Many women have expressed concern because about traveling and more have opted not to go. I've never been to India - and I am not a woman - but I feel that this is an important issue to discuss.Today, welcome Candace Rardon who travel to India alone spent many months trying to Safety and solo discuss travel in India.

My introduction to India was behind the wheel of auto rickshaw.

For two weeks in 2011, my friend and I took Citlalli at the Rickshaw Run, driving a three-wheeled vehicles in India ubiquitous 00 miles across the country.

on the fifth morning we spent three hours struggle our way through a 18-mile traffic jam in Bihar, a state for its poverty and violence known. After the second hour, I needed a break from dodging trucks and buses and cows, so we moved on.

immediately a lot of about 20 men surrounded our rickshaw. Citlalli and I said, nervous hello, hoping we break the tension as two foreign women felt in such a situation, as a white-haired shopkeeper approached us. In his hand two tiny cups were sweet, steaming chai.

I tried to explain that we were from small changes and could not pay for the tea it, but he insisted and said: ". I can poor, but I still have a heart"

Why go to India

rickshaws on the busy streets of India
I am aware, overlooking the same as the various threats Indian women and foreign visitors: staring, groping, stalking, and at worst, rape , hanging upside down with such threats forever a female traveler, it makes sense to ask whether India the concern and is worth the effort. Why not let it entirely in favor of less cumbersome objectives

One reason :. No country will fascinate and frustrate you more

While traveling in India increased attention and require common sense, let me assure you it is worth. Although I did encounter men who inappropriately stared at me, there were countless others who treated me as a sexual object in any way: farmers and pharmacists, merchants, teachers, men whose warmth, kindness and compassion moved me in unexpected ways

the man who gave us chai in Bihar was only the beginning. It was the time that I had Delhi belly in Bhubaneswar and a hotel worker brought me with sugar yogurt; the time I wait for a friend Flight, arriving at 1:00 am, and a man I struck up a conversation with invited us to his sister's wedding the following week; and the time I jumped out of a train in Chennai and a man led me to buy to mend my skin knees across the street gauze and disinfectant.

It is impossible, a nation of a billion people in stereotypes and bad experiences there is to be avoided, of course, impossible. The challenge lies in the rejection of such incidents to accept as the status quo, while still choose to focus on the positive. This may sound trite or naive, but it is an option that India needs you.

Drawing on my own time in India as well as advice from other women who have traveled a lot there, here are 11 tips station to help off unwanted situations - keeping but also on positive experiences open:

1. Make your homework

a busy street in an indian city
As you would for any destination to spend time learning about India and its customs before arrival. Go to have taken with open eyes, to be trained and prepared the necessary steps, and to understand that what awaits you there can be very different from what you are used to.

Beth Whitman, founder and CEO of Wanderlust and Lipstick Walking Tours, has since 09 run both women only and co-ed tours to India -. and not even a woman who had on a hiking tour has a problem with their security

"Do not go on regions where crime (especially drugs) are the norm," writes Beth. "There are places in India like this. Read the guides and forums, to determine if your goal falls into this category."

In my own experience, the most important preparation for India was mentally. Before going for the first time, it felt like I was getting ready to visit another planet. Between worrying about what to get shots, would happen what if I was sick for the first time, and if I was not sure required India a great mental attitude -. This would be another beach holiday or European city break is not

2. Dress appropriately repeat

appropriate female indian dress
The understood, but worthy :. India is a conservative country, is to be so respectful that covered by the shoulders and legs and watch your cleavage

Consider Indian clothes like a kurta (long tunic) or wear salwar kameez suit that can be picked up easily once you arrive at the local markets or from stores like Fabindia. This is by no means a guarantee for your safety, and do not act the way people to change, but there is no need to draw undue attention to themselves.

The only possible exception to this Goa, its well known beaches are increasingly westernized. But note that, although it is more acceptable to wear a bikini here, you could still win unwanted advances.

3. Know when the truth can help you sort out

travelers on the top of a car
I am never a fan of not telling the truth on the road. I believe that, when mounted, it is so important to share our own habits and lifestyles of other cultures, as it is to learn about their. This mutual exchange is one of the many things I love about traveling

The fact that I'm single at 27 and alone was often surprising to the Indians traveling I met, and I enjoyed our conversations about our different cultures. - Conversations I carried a fake wedding ring or pretended that my fake husband works in Mumbai.

During dinner alone in Mumbai one night to eat an Indian man asked to sit at another table if he could have perhaps not taken place, had shut yourself to me. Our conversation was interesting and I was happy to chat for a chance, but then he asked if we could go somewhere else for a drink or meet again the next night. I did not feel comfortable to do so on my own, and told him that I already had plans with friends.

use insight and a sense of whether or not to help such a white lie can protect you. Beth Whitman strongly recommends this strategy when in a hotel alone. "Let us make mention of a husband or boyfriend who arrives shortly, and do not friendly conversations with the male staff. Instead, be friends with any of these women, if they work there, happen"

(Matt says :. There are many other articles on this website by female travelers about female security written on packages that provide tips on mixing in. it all by clicking on this link for more tips and stories to find)

4. book at train rides, an upper bunk

a train journey in india
Each has its memorable story of the Indian rails -. the pair, they helped get off at the correct station, the family, to awaken to the exchange of their [insisted dal and Chapati , the college student, who told him that if it any problem was. Nowhere else in the world is the journey as much fun as the goal, as it is in India.

But it is also important to take certain precautions. If you book your trip, ask for an upper berth. This is not just a place to keep your luggage during the day safely, but you will also give a sense of privacy and keep out of the fight of the night as you sleep.

There are a lot of noise and bustle of Indian trains: during the day, a constant stream of vendors move by selling food and drinks, and make progress constantly passengers at night and off the train. Although the excitement to be fun for a while part of it, you appreciate at night to get an upper berth with.

And while the idea of ​​more space and cooler air in 2nd class A / C may be appealing, Citlalli Milan, a writer and actress who lived for four years in the Rajasthani city of Udaipur, suggests otherwise.

"When traveling alone, I would always book in a sleeper class train it is full of people -. Women, children and other people -. Making it more difficult to happen for [unwelcome encounters]"

5. Do not get a new goal of the night on

an Indian shop at sunset
Try late possible to avoid the night of arrival and departure. This is also a safety issue, as it is for financial reasons - torn tugs of his will, in the hope of advantage to take those who seem lost or without a plan. Book at least your first night in advance, so that you are confident on where you drive, when you leave the airport or train station.

also avoid walking at night, as well as by public transport (especially if the bus or train cart is empty); opt instead for prepaid taxis or auto rickshaws. Even Mariellen Ward, founder of the India-inspired travel blog Breathe Dream Go and the female WeGoSolo community for solo travelers, women promotes the license plate of the vehicle noted a call on her cell phone to make (whether real or staged), and enter the plate number and destination within earshot of the driver

travel writer Sophie Collard to India traveled in 2012, shortly before the Delhi held gang rape, and received this advice .: "A female journalist said: "girl, you need to get one of them," and pulled out pepper spray and told me I could get it from your pharmacy [pharmacist], so I did, and it made me feel safe. I wore it actually with me in the streets of London, when I get back. "

6. assertiveness

friendly locals
In a country classic head Bommel whose can mean yes, no, maybe, not now, or "we will see", it makes sense that it is determined difficult to tell someone, not in India. But as a woman on her own, which is sometimes necessary, as it is sometimes necessary to ignore unwanted or unpleasant conversations.

If you are traveling alone as a woman on the go, especially in a country like India, it is your responsibility to protect yourself -. so do not hesitate to do so, it is a strong word or silent response be

Nowhere I feel the need to be assertive, as if. in a market To make it through a gauntlet persistent and persuasive seller, say a polite "no thank you" often have little effect. How rude, how it felt as someone who usually more low voice, I would sometimes just "no" close in a sharp tone of voice, or even with " ? respond, "the Hindi word for No.

7. Watch your body language

making indian food
the challenge I mentioned earlier -. stay alert between and to keep open heart - perhaps most importantly, how you act in India towards the people and the messages that you may send unconsciously. As Beth Whitman advises: "they never some kind of indication that you might be interested."

The important thing to remember is that an act or gesture that can come to you naturally, is like touching someone arm while talking to them, could be misinterpreted in a conservative country like India. Think to keep your physical distance from men, even while they're open to them, especially in public transport, where personal space is at a premium.

During a train trip from Panjim, Goa, Mumbai, I befriended a Indian woman named Mercy and her old mother, as well as a large group of male students. Throughout our trip, I enjoyed getting to know the students, although Mercy'd quietly warn my distance to keep and not of them sit

Although I could say why she would do so -. They were loud and had been clear in Goa on holiday - I could feel it meant no harm (and I'm still even in contact with a student over Facebook)

with men in India Interacting a constant balancing Akt is. guarded and friendly.

8. Do not do anything you would not do at home

It is true that you travel opens for new experiences and pushes you out of your comfort zone, but at the same time, be reasonable and wondering if you would do something at home. Things like hitchhiking alone going out at night, and accept drinks of men are you do not know, risky, no matter where you are in the world

Citlalli Milan know someone always beats first. "When I accepted an invitation or went with someone for chai, it was after a few weeks or months to say hello on the street and make sure that they knew who I was, and I knew a bit more about it ... it's great to interact with locals, always only with caution and with the awareness of the culture. "

9. Consider traveling with a group

a group of curious locals
the thought of India for the first time visit might begin your time there on a tour (through companies like Intrepid or the aforementioned hiking Tours) is intimidating enough to help you get acclimated. ( Matt says: .. 10% discount Get here $ 500 USD more day Intrepid Tours via Click to see the exclusive coupon code)

After a series of unsettling moments during her first trip to India, Becki Enright is planning a tour to go next time: "I'm looking for group travel again where I the idea of" bin safety in numbers "guaranteed and where I not traveling trains and buses to your own. I stand and am aware that, and these are my first measures for my safety. "

Much of traveling alone is learning to trust your own instincts when there friends or family not to discuss with your options. Before, those who trust you meet on the street, you have to learn to trust yourself. Develop venture that sense of self-confidence in front alone to India.

10. Did you know that mass photo shoot sessions happen

candace rardon in the middle of a photo taking session
This is enough in India that I is worth the feeling of mention: If you suddenly find in the middle of a flood of photo requests, especially at key historic sites, to go with the flow -. as long as you feel comfortable

It is me at the Taj Mahal has happened, before the Gateway of India in Mumbai, and even on a beach in Puri, Orissa - I was asked my picture with at least a dozen to have taken different families or groups of young men. This may seem strange, but it's usually harmless.

11. regrouping - or even begin your time in India - away from the big cities

a beautiful building in the Himalayas
Even if you in the proposals follow here mentioned so far and elsewhere network, harassment could still happen. If you do not leave an experience that rattles your nerves India immediately. Take time to process themselves, to heal and regroup

Think surrounded to places like Dharamsala, home of the Dalai Lama title and the Himalayas. Jaisalmer, an ancient fortress city in the Thar desert; Fort Cochin, a colonial town with easy access to Kerala quiet backwater; and lesser known places in Goa as Colomb Bay, between Palolem and Patnem beaches.

These are all places where I found a certain peace and tranquility of having on the alert to be so much, and I d even recommend to start in such places the time in India. Although it is tempting to start in the Golden Triangle - Delhi, Agra and Jaipur - the intense masses can not give the space you adjust and adapt to India

Keep an open heart ,
Although India a difficult place can travel and there will be moments when the focus of attention to be, is overwhelming, it's an experience that I would repeat again in a heartbeat. By using the tips above, I hope you can alleviate the feeling transform eyes inappropriate to you and unpleasant situations into positive ones.

In addition, remember that this problem to stay safe while visiting India is part of a larger issue at hand: what it means to a woman in India to be easy. The threats to female travelers are things that Indian women have to do with her life, and will continue to have to do with long after we leave.

Ultimately, there is no secret is safe to stay in India. It is a continuous process of being wise and keen to listen to your instincts - just as you would anywhere else in the world. Indians love foreigners in their country to welcome so that your bowel trust to accept their hospitality and learn from their experience.

India is a complex and chaotic country, and yet it is also a place of unimaginable beauty and warmth.

Candace Rose Rardon is a travel writer who in the New York Times and writes the blog The Great Affair was presented. She travels the world and paints beautiful watercolor paintings of what she sees. Your blog is one of my favorites.

Conquering mountains: The Guide for Solo Female Travel

conquering mountains: solo female travel by kristin addis For a complete A-to-Z guide to solo female travel out Kristin Addis new book Conquering mountains . In addition to the discussion of many practical tips in preparing and planning your trip is aimed the book, the fears, security and emotional concerns about traveling, women alone. It has more than 20 interviews with other female travel writers and travelers. Click here to learn more about the book, as it can help you, and you can start to read it now!

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