
to visit 10 destinations if you are a budget traveler

to visit 10 destinations if you are a budget traveler -

The world is full of affordable destinations, and it does not take much effort to find they. No matter what continent, there are always places that you visit on a budget - even countries that we think so expensive are quite budget-friendly, if you know some tips and tricks. No target is really getting "too expensive." After 10 years as a frugal budget traveler (an anniversary post next week expected), and in light of the publication of my new book, today I want to talk about my favorite budget destinations of the past 10 years. These goals are my favorite countries and regions to get the most for your money, meeting friendly locals and travelers to eat well and have fun.


laying in a hammock in fiji
imagine Most of us all Pacific Iceland destinations as expensive, especially Fiji (thanks, Fiji Water!), But in fact that is not the case. Fiji, unlike its neighbors expensive island, is actually relatively cheap. While there are many $ 1,000 a-night resorts are, you can manage pristine beaches to enjoy world-class diving and delicious seafood while chatting with friendly locals, without having to mortgage the house. As Fiji is a stopover in Fiji Airlines, many backpackers have to use that and so a small backpacker community emerged. This means cheap flights, transport and activities, especially in the popular Yasawa Islands. Fiji is one of the best budget targets on the region and not to be overlooked.

For more information, check out this detailed planning aid to Fiji.

Central America

the jungles of central america in costa rica
Want around ancient ruins, walk through the jungle, surfing, and eat delicious food with few tourists walking around? Visit the smaller countries in Central America - think El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Find the most budget hotels for around $ 15 per night, meals for $ 3, most bus trips for the same price, and beer for less than to find a dollar. And they are safe, well - unless one night bad neighborhood roaming or trying to buy drugs from cartels, you'll have no trouble

For more information, check. from this detailed planning aid for Central America.


a monk at Angkor Wat Cambodia
While all of Southeast Asia could put on the list, Cambodia is one of my favorite countries in the region - it's affordable, beautiful, and the locals are incredibly hospitable. You can for $ 20 a private, air-conditioned room for $ 20 USD to get street food for $ 2 and transportation throughout the country. If you spend $ 50 a day close to life-size.

For more information, check out this detailed planning aid for Cambodia.


shanghai china at night
China fascinated travelers crossing the Silk Road since Marco Polo. During the days of China to be a super-cheap destination are long gone, the country remains a target budget. Hostels cost less than $ 20 per day, the food is $ 2-5 per meal, and the transport in the cities is running less than dollars. The coastal and major cities may not be very cheap, but the interior is still a bargain.

For more information, check out this detailed planning aid to China.

South Korea

changing of the guard at the palace in south korea
for me South Korea one of the greatest destinations in the world is "undiscovered" - prices rivaling that of Southeast Asia, it is high- tech, the food is wonderful, the scenery is beautiful, and the nightlife is not of this world. With the South Korean currency at 1100 won every $ 1 of the USD and most everything costs only a few thousand won , it is difficult to break the bank here. My friend and I went for Korean BBQ complete with drinks, and each of us spent $ 8 you can for less than a dollar in 7-Eleven get bottled beer. South Korea is a country not talked about enough.


the country side in india
While still a cheap country, the Indian rupee uses high at 39 rupees to the US dollar to ride. Now you get 63 rupees to the dollar - that is to travel almost 50 percent more money. Unless you book five-star resorts and eat only Western meals, you will find it difficult here $ 50 to spend per day. You can in cheap flights, second class take trains, and avoiding Western food.

Eastern Europe

a little town near velinko tarnovo, bulgaria
Far Eastern Europe obtained by at closer to $ 30 by staying (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova) is the lowest part of the continent. I lived like a king for less than $ 40 per day, 1.50 to pay for a liter of beer in Bulgaria $ $ 8 per night for a room in Ukraine, and a few dollars for shipping. Eastern Europe has the charm and the beauty of the West without the high prices or hordes of tourists. They are not the impoverished former communist countries, most people think they used to be. It's a sin most people do not visit this area more.

For more information, check out this detailed planning aid to Europe.


the cityscape of lisbon, portugal
Not all euro area countries are the same, and Portugal is one of the bargains countries in the region - and one of my favorites. I fell in love with the country, the first time I visited - I could not, with beautiful beaches, wine country, breathtaking cliffs, good food, cozy locals and historic cities at reasonable prices. Portugal for some reason seems the masses, and press get other European countries to avoid. It's a shame, because it's wonderful and it deserves, but loss of everyone else is your profit.

For more information, check out this detailed planning aid for Portugal.


the australian outback
While an unlikely candidate Australia can be incredibly cheap, thanks to a lot of work exchange opportunities, a well worn budget backpacker trail, many CouchSurfing hosts and cheap food. While Australia has become much more expensive since I was last there three years ago, has become the 20% decline in the Australian dollar that the price increase tempered and made Australia the cheapest it not for years.

offered For more information about Australia this detailed planning aid.


ko tarato national park in souther thailand
is ever on any list over budget travel, Thailand, where it all started for me, so it has a special place in my heart. With a trail back decades, Thailand is the heart of Southeast Asia backpacking, and you can choose between $ 25-30 per day obtained thanks to cheap flights, by clicking on, street stalls, local buses and attractions.

For more information, this detailed planning instructions Read on Thailand.

I believe most destinations in the world, too much comfort without (I left Iceland on $ 50 per day) are thereby explored on a budget. But your job is much easier if your goal is already cheap, and although I've been to over 75 countries began since I travel, these countries remain my top choice for budget travel.

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  • Getting your travel money Last
  • 15 Make Easy money Saving travel Tips
  • 8 Great alternative budget Vacation ideas
  • The Ultimate Guide to travel if you have no money

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