
Why T-Mobile is the best cell phone service provider for US travelers

Why T-Mobile is the best cell phone service provider for US travelers -

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A long time ago in a state far, far away (Massachusetts), I used AT & T as my phone service provider. I'd use them since I was 19, when the iPhone first came out, I bought it because I could remove the original AT & T SIM card, insert a local SIM card out of the country I was in , and still have a handy-dandy smartphone tweet from. So I closed my phone (chopped it so I could use it abroad) and from around the world, I went happily.

Flash forward to the end of 2012, as Verizon taht announced their phones would come automatically unlocked for international travel. I needed a new iPhone at this point, AT & T had terrible customer service and high charges, and since the new phone would be ready to use, it would save me some trouble. It was the excuse I needed AT & T

lightning to leave back to the front until the end of 2013, when T-Mobile announced that their users all in over 100 countries free international data and text messaging were -. Plus any calls while in these countries were 20 cents per minute. That was a pretty tempting offer, because I have a lot of money per year is in phones

Here is a table of the international fees I pay together website of each carrier pulled the so you can compare .:

[1945013Texting] 50 cents 5 cents to receive,
T-mobile AT & T Verizon
data $ 0 $ 30-0 per month $ 25 per 100MB
$ 0 to send Starts at 10 cents each
roaming 20 cents per minute $ 30-0 per month per month $ 4.99

, the diagram looks quite the numbers from there. T-Mobile is the clear winner here.

Well, historically, T-Mobile had to be a call from a really bad service provider. And for a number of years, they were - but thanks to the money they get with AT & T after the failed merger, they invested heavily in its network and started speeds 4G and LTE offer. Now, their coverage map as the other carrier (it still does not have Verizon-level coverage, but they cover 96% of the country) is almost as good.

With their plans at $ 50 USD per month, it was hard to make the case to stay with Verizon. I found Verizon terrible customer service and high roaming charges (a quick call in Canada cost me more than $ 10!) Had, and my basic service plan costs $ 110 per month, it became a financial no-brainer.

So I made the switch. I broke my contract with Verizon, ordered a new iPhone 5S, signed-up for T-Mobile, and hoped that I made the right choice. My cell phone plan is now $ 70 per month (with tax) - that's a savings of $ 40 per month immediately, but the big question remained: I would provide a good service both at home and abroad

Service to home in New York City was in order. I have 4G or LTE, wherever I go, and I have not had any calls fall behind. At the recent SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, I had some spotty service, but with 20,000 people there that the reason might have been. Now that the cell phone for almost three months I have not had any calls dropped and only a few cases of "no service" when I was in a few rural areas, but that usually takes only a few seconds. used but that also can be done with Verizon, so I'm not worried about it. (According to a new study, T-Mobile has the fastest internet coverage, as well.)

And how do internationally? Well, I flew to Hong Kong in February and the second we landed, I turned on my phone and waited for service. "Looking" my phone called me back. Searching ... Searching ... no service.

I turned in my seat, deflated. I held the phone on and off to see the hope of turning a compound. The aircraft came to the gate. Still nothing.

I jumped at the airport, Wi-Fi and tweeted at T-Mobile. My plan was the right plan. It was all set to go. , But nothing

Deflated even more, I walked through the terminal when it happened - Service. 3G service. On my mobile phone.

I had overreacted.

Later, when I landed that day in Bangkok, my phone vibrated alive with updates, as I connected to the local telephone operator, AIS 3G service.

I was set to go. But the service does not mean a good service.

The way it worked?


I had no dropped calls, all my texts went through and for the most part I had a 3G connection. Several times while in rural areas easily, I only have the "E" network and had to deal with some slow internet, but I always had. (The only 4G network in Thailand is by TrueMove, and T-Mobile do not partner with them.)

When I came in early March home, I could not find my bill $ 10,000 but was still the same old $ 70 I was promised. There were no hidden charges! Everything was as promised.

The following week I was in Berlin and London. My cell phone worked perfectly since. There was still no 4G / LTE service, but I always had fast 3G service and was able to load information quickly and to share. No dropped calls, missed text messages or bad service

I'm excited about this, and T-Mobile -. With its contract-free (and cheaper) plans, free international data, and better customer service model - has now me as a customer for a long, long time. I never have to worry again again to buy foreign SIM cards and cover. There are no further additional costs on my travels. I know what will be my phone bill every month, and I keep the world the same number.

If you are a traveler and live in the US, you should 100% T-Mobile. Your life will be much easier, you will be able to keep the same number, and you will remain in the world in connection. (And your bill will be much cheaper.)

If you already have T-Mobile and not think you have this plan, you should. It is available to all users, so make sure you call and allowed to attached your old plan, if it is not already.

I'm really excited by T-Mobile, the country no contracts, no cancellation fees, and free international data and SMS.

They are truly the "uncarrier," and everything the Verizon / AT & T hold, breaking in the US, is something I fully support.

So, to all travelers are (or people who are just fed up with the fees and services of other carriers) in order to make the switch to T-Mobile and simplify your life and reduce telephone costs overseas.

Update 03/15/15 : with T-mobile phones in China you get around the Great Firewall. I was able to use without a problem Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Note . I know people are wondering, so I would say no, did T-Mobile 't sponsor me or ask me to write this post. I pay my own monthly bill, switched when I heard about this amazing deal and were very pleased with the service there. I preach only here about something, I believe that other people help.

For more tips on money on mobile phones and data when saving, if you are traveling, you bellow three related posts.

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