
Reader Stories: How DJ made all his dreams come true

Reader Stories: How DJ made all his dreams come true -

DJ from Dream Euro Trip In our last reader story, I emphasized the story of Vikram and Ishwinder, an Indian couple who navigates a complex visa system to travel the world. Indians are on in front of a lot of limitations, where they visit and can for most countries in the world, a comprehensive visa process.

How do Filipinos.

It took a Filipino friend in Bangkok to get an EU Schengen visa 4 years, although it has done a good job, a fiance, and many roots.

So today, I'm talking about Dream Euro Trip DJ. He is a Filipino who lives and traveling throughout Europe for years. He always shares his experience of the others from the developing countries for visas, travel tips and advice approved about your travel dreams realize

Nomadic Matt :. Tell everyone about yourself
DJ:. Hello beautiful dreamer! I am DJ Yabis. I am 29 years old, and I grew up in the Philippines. I was in Cagayan and I moved to Manila born and grew up, industrial engineering at the University of the Philippines Diliman when I was 17 to study. In 09 I moved for my Masters in international business as a full scholarship from the European Commission through its prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship program to Europe.

I have traveled the world since 07 and I have lived in Sweden (Stockholm and Uppsala), Poland (Warsaw), Germany (Cologne and Essen) and the Philippines (Manila, Boracay, Panglao). I worked as an industrial engineer, a pseudo-diplomat at the Philippine Embassy in Stockholm, a Mystery Shopper, various odd jobs in music festivals, and a Free Hugs promoters.

I realized, while in Southeast Asia backpacking in 07 that I prefer abroad, instead of living just to the next by a country-hopping. This realization pushed me for Erasmus Mundus to promote, that's a big dream of mine has been. The longest I nonstop travel is usually do in the summer when I usually travel throughout Europe June to September.

DJ from Dream Euro Trip

What is your original travel inspiration?
I really draw a lot of inspiration from films, literature and music. I love European films, especially Spanish and French films. For example, was totally inspired my Erasmus Mundus experience from the French-Spanish film L'Auberge Espagnole ( The Spanish Apartment ).

I also love about David Sedaris reading life in France and novels from Swedish author Jonas Jonasson and Stieg Larsson. One of my favorite travel books is Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier and it really inspired me, (go to buy and read it!) Also.

As Filipino, you can often appear not only in a new country. Find, Visa hard to get? What are some of the problems you encounter?
Usually it is. It is particularly difficult to obtain visas from most First World countries in North America, the UK and mainland Europe. Even if you have fulfilled all the requirements asked of you, the messages questioning nor reason for visiting and always think that you would not go back home. This is especially true for single female travelers who seem rejected receive most. My friends and I have been all refused at one point or another visa.

The requirements are not no joke. For example, if you want to apply for a Schengen visa to Europe, you have your itinerary, pre-booked hotels for the entire stay to show travel insurance, flight bookings, bank account, credit card statements, tax returns, can request from your boss and work certificate if you an employee or relevant documents of your company, if you have a.

There are a lot of hoops to jump through, and you could still get rejected for your visa just because messages coming with this prejudice, we are trying to immigrate illegally.

DJ from Dream Euro Trip scuba diving

From my conversations with others, I would agree with you. So, how to make your application process successfully?
In order to make your visa application is approved, you must submit all the necessary documents. I am 100% sure that your visa is refused if you fail one of them submit. They usually need your passport, bank account, proof that you have a job or own a business, flight details, itinerary, travel insurance, and of course your purpose of travel.

If you go to the Embassy for your interview, dress appropriately and answer all questions confidently. Many people tend to be afraid, because all the stories they hear from others or read online. Do not be one of these people. There is nothing to have anxiety when you about your intentions honest visit the country, and you have all the necessary documents to support your claims. If you act nervous, you will only appear more suspicious.

Most people who have refused not get enough evidence, they plan to return home. My best tip is to ensure that all documents must prove that you have a job or own a business. The more roots back home, you can show, the better your application are looks.

If you have submitted everything and still get denied, you can appeal the decision in writing. Most embassies are obliged by law to give you a good reason to deny you, and advise you on what you should do to get approved.

But there is no guarantee that you can be approved.

DJ from Dream Euro Trip posing like a fashion model

Which countries are easier for Filipinos visas to get?
Filipinos without a visa in all countries in Southeast Asia, some countries to the Middle East, Oceania, Central America, South America and Africa, so it is not so bad. You can check the full list

As for countries that are easier for Filipinos to obtain tourist visas from the following rank high on the list. South Korea, China, Dubai, Taiwan, Kuwait, Japan, Turkey and France (relative to the rest of Europe).

Let's talk about your trip a bit. How did you save it?
I used for one of the largest transport and personnel companies to work in Asia. At 22 I had a junior management position in the company, which means I had a high salary in relation to my colleagues. I worked hard for two years and saved as much as I could before my big move. I saved around 12,000 Euros ($ 16,500 USD).

Although I would full scholarship, I knew that Europe would be expensive, so I wanted to save as much money as possible.

How to Budget stick when you travel?
At the beginning I have to keep track of my expenses each costs to write down in my notebook or mobile and sure I make do not go over my budget. I used also to have an Excel file that I updated with all my expenses.

After more than five years traveling the world, I somehow know intuitively how much I spend on my travels. I am not aware of any individual cost now, but I write down the biggest expenses. Some days I go through the budget and some days I'm well under budget. In the end it always balances. So it's okay to go through the budget on certain days, unless you each day on the budget you go!

The major issues during the trip are usually accommodation, meals, transportation and activities. If to pay for these things, I stay only on what is in my household. I also try to avoid a lot of different issues, (yes, you do not need that T-Shirt "I love Paris") because they add a rule and ruin my budget.

DJ from Dream Euro Trip skiing

What advice for others who have what you want to do?
My advice for people who just want to have a life of travel to start just travel. Start small. Start to travel around your city and the places around you. It is not only easier but also cheaper.

Then do keep it.

I started for the first time to the Philippines to travel and then I went abroad and started two years around South East Asia Backpacking while I work. I held these trips my education so I can get to know me better and to know what I like. During my two-week backpacking trip in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in 08, I realized that I wanted to live abroad and study. After the trip, I have to make this dream come true to work, and the rest is history.

What's one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started on the road?
The fact that dreams come true. I come from a poor country like the Philippines, in a place where many children do not dare to dream big and Tourism is considered a luxury, people think that I must be very rich to do what I do now ,

But I'm not.

I had just worked a dream and make it happen.

For one to achieve his dreams, he or she must really believe in them and they for achievement. When I was younger, I knew I wanted to travel the world, but I did not know how to make it happen. I did not believe in my dreams. And then I began to meet to travelers who have made their dreams possible. This changed my attitude and led me to where I am now.

This is why I call my website Euro Trip Dream, because I still can not believe until now that I'm living my dream.

DJ from Dream Euro Trip at sunset on a beach, living his dream

So believe in your dreams and make it happen!

, the next success story


is one of my favorite parts about this job travel stories do people. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope that these stories show that there is more than one way to travel and that is close to reach to touch your trip destinations. Here is another example of non-Westerners who have made their way around the world:

  • As the Indian pair, Vikram and Ishwinder, a complex visa system navigates to travel the world

we all come from different places, but we all have one thing in common :. want to travel, we all more

Make today the day to take a step closer to travel - whether it is buying a guide, book a hostel, create an itinerary or to go all the way and buy a plane ticket.

Remember Tomorrow can wait never so do not come.

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