
Success Stories: Why Trish everything they sold had to travel

Success Stories: Why Trish everything they sold had to travel -

nomadic matt reader trish traveling Greetings from Africa! Somewhere at the moment, I try to grab a photo of a lion without being eaten. Meanwhile, this week I want to share stories from readers who my tips and advice used to realize their travel dreams. If you have to think for a while about traveling, let these stories inspire readers and show that the Council here can work for all!

Finishing off the week of reader stories we go across the pond to England and meet Trish, a 35-year-old teacher. Not happy with their lives in England, she sold everything she owned, gave himself a budget of £ 10,000 ($ 16,000 USD), and on the way to travel the world with her backpack on her name.

Nomadic Matt :. Tell me about yourself
Trish: I am originally about one hour away from London Ipswich, a small town in East Anglia. I now have about five months traveling through Australia and Asia.

I was a typical London life. I had a nice job teaching gorgeous five-year-olds in a prestigious private school in East London. I've paid me well and rented a modern two-bed apartment 10 minutes of work. I tried to settle for five years, but I had left rarely money at the end of the month and so the dream of longer trips was always farther away. Life was good ... just not great. So after much hesitation, I decided to sell my house, quit my job and sell all my possessions at car boot [trunk] sales. I gave myself a budget of 10,000 pounds. Traveling to five months, I still have almost a third of my original budget left. I am now traveling in Thailand, and my backpack is everything I have to my name.

Have to plan a particular trip or just wanted to go?
I just knew that I wanted something different from life, but I had no clear idea about the kind of trip I am planning. I love learning about different cultures and so I looked in countries I had always dreamed of visiting. I saw a round-the-world ticket in buying, but the cost and the enormity of the research and planning scared me. I've tangled on the smallest details, and then it was too big a job, so I decided to start with Australia. I had to visit an Australian girlfriend and her family were invited in Queensland, so I decided to book a Return to Brisbane and then terminate on the way back to Singapore and work my way up through Asia. I knew I wanted to go other than the normal backpacker once I got in Asia by CouchSurfing to do volunteering, and house sitting, so I, I could get a feel for the country was visiting.

nomadic matt reader trish traveling

How did your trip research?
First, I wanted to know what you and the type of items had packed that would be practical to wear. Then I became interested in how you plan your trips. My budget did not seem so great, until I began to look for ways in which you could travel cheaper. I researched how I could use HelpX my work in return for a bed and food volunteers. As a teacher, there are many opportunities in the world for someone like to teach me English, so I thought I could stretch my make money this way. I liked your stories to read about what you learned during the trip. They inspired me to write about my own feelings.

Were you frightened before you went on your trip?
I was scared and excited at the same time. It took a long time to actually book the flight only and to make it real! After I did that, life was hectic and I had lists coming out of my ears "to do!" I think this is because I have to go all the way, decided and separate me from my old life. It was not only to take a few months to travel or take a sabbatical and return to my life - it was to be more than the start and a different view about a permanent travelers. Through your website, I recognized you as someone who had made a success of traveling indefinitely. I wanted to be able to do the same. I have many ideas on how, but I do not really have enough time to put had plans into action, as I have to travel and do everyday things, I in August!

nomadic matt reader trish traveling started How did you save for your trip?
I sold my house and belongings, so I was debt free. I use the money for the trip. I have a budget set aside for my travel and when it's gone, it's gone.

What about life on the road has surprised you the most?
Many things! I have found, you can live with a lot less clothes and things, when you thought you could. always to meet friends and people, wherever you are. They rarely, if ever, be lonely, because all the people around. Finally, the goodness and kindness of the people traveling in the country where you are. Never underestimate the power of a smile and hand gestures! All were very friendly and helpful.

With such limited resources, as you within the budget you stay when you travel?
I always compare research accommodation and prices. I usually use hostel websites as well, I look at Trip Advisor and reviews compare. I work, how much I am willing, for a room to pay the bed and comfort. So far, this approach has not let me, and I have stayed in some really nice breaks. I try to choose places with free Wi-Fi, a common room and a good safety for my things. The same applies to the food. I find out where the best street / market food and watch to see where the locals go. I eat almost never in restaurants as they. Three times the amount that you are paying for freshly cooked local food I do not drink much, but if I do go to for a drink, I remain usually in local beer, as it's the cheapest.

nomadic matt reader trish traveling

What one thing that you thought would be a challenge has turned out not to be?
I wondered how I would cope when things go wrong while traveling to different locations, and I can not speak the language, for example, breaks the bus down or the train is not coming. I have learned that I can cope and it's not the end of the world. Everything turns out all right in the end, and there is always someone who wants to help. I also thought I would be lonely, but I have not been. There is always someone who toward you.

What advice would you can not for people who want to go away, but might think?
DO IT! I have more impressive moments had in recent months, as I had done because of the decision to travel I in my entire life! go all excuses Let: money, time, labor, human limiting beliefs and narrow-minded views, etc. do you get what you want, when you want, without compromise

If the next success. Story

One of my favorite parts about this job is to do people who travel stories. You inspire me, but more importantly, they also inspire you. I travel in a certain way, but there are many ways to finance your trips and travel around the world. I hope that these stories show that it will reach more than one way to travel, and that it is within your reach your destinations. Here are other examples of people who found to pay one way for their adventures around the world:

  • As Michael $ 14k stored in six months $ 9 per hour make
  • How 22 years -old Lauren saved $ 18k for their epic adventure

we all come from different places, but we all have one thing in common :. we all want to travel more

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