
The most stressful time of the year

The most stressful time of the year -

stress Who says Christmas the stressful time of the year has never had a book deadline. My book due to world travel is in less than two weeks and to be honest, I'm not done nearby. At least I do not feel like I am. Other authors tell me this stress is normal and everyone feels this way at one point, but I do not sleep well, hurt my eyes from staring at my computer, and the book takes all my time. I wonder if this is what Bill Bryson goes through? I bet he is than me is better organized.

I will make my time in the time, but there will be a lot of work. I throw everything and the kitchen sink in this book - probably need more than me, but I want to leave no travel tip unturned. This book is, why have not you heard from me a lot in recent weeks and will not until it's done.

This book has meant I did not do in the situation, the sightseeing in Cambodia, I wanted either. I skipped out on three days on a deserted island, because I have to check some prices on the Internet and there is no Internet. Or power. Depressing -. There is nothing I love more than an undeveloped island

So there is a trickle of bodies and guest posts for a while, but once the book is finished, I have come some great stuff. I have planned article about Thai food, Cambodian daily life, an article on sex tourism in Thailand, Angkor Wat, my fears back home next month, and new ways to save money on the street. Expect a fertile March.

Finally, I would like again to ask that when I have used one of the companies have recommended or my tips and they have helped you travel better and cheaper, I would like to hear from you.

There is a section in the book to be quoted readers who have used my advice to improve their travel, and I hope one of those readers you! If you send me your thoughts, you will receive a credit in the book to get for your review. If you have a website, I'm going to list your website

If you in providing me an offer are interested, email me at .:

[email protected]

Please title your email "Nomadic Matt Book Quote"

mean, this is life So now here in a hotel entrenched on the coast in Cambodia off writing. I hope you is much less stressful

-. Matt

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