
Why sex tourism in Thailand is not as black and white as you think

Why sex tourism in Thailand is not as black and white as you think -

sex industry in thailand I can still remember the first time I heard about Thailand. I was about 15, and observe Hard Copy . It was one of those late afternoon "news" shows in the 190s, which focused on "hard-hitting" journalism, but were really a precursor to sites like TMZ. Hard Copy did an exposé on sex tourism in Thailand. The program presents the Marines and old men who came to Thailand to buy the services of young, sometimes underage girls (and boys). I remember much from the pictures that they showed to be grossed.

When visitors encounter the sex industry in Thailand, their immediate reaction is followed something along the lines of "coarse", by a little choking. Old men, young girls - it's disgusting. These girls are taken advantage of by slimy, old, western men. Terrible, is not it? It is exploitation, if it was ever a. For those who (to be done also tourist areas) of these places never gone, Thailand will be forever linked with sex and exploitation, to leave a bad impression of the country, especially with female travelers.

But sex tourism in Thailand is not what you think it is. It is not black and white. It's shades of gray

After living in Thailand to see everything firsthand, and with this week with expats, journalists and Thais, I can tell you that the myth of the exploited is underage girls mainly that -. A myth. The women you see in go-go bars exploit foreign men, as much as you think foreign men to use them. ( Edit: ". Exploitation = victimization". Many read this statement about men, as I have not mean, and that was my inappropriate choice of words I wanted the girls to take advantage of a situation that have benefited them. they know that they can get a lot of these people, and intelligent women, they maximize the business transaction. These men are not victims, they are suckers. that was what I imply.)

Before I get why it's not so black and white, let me preface this article by saying, wherever prostitution is, you will find some exploitation. You can use it in Amsterdam, America, Australia, Germany, Mexico or Colombia - everywhere. I think forced into prostitution girl should be free, and persecuted the people involved. And I'm not advocating in any way for child sex slavery. What I am talking about between consenting adults, not sold in sexual slavery girls.

to Thailand So back ...

Prostitution has always existed in Thailand, but it exploded with the arrival of Western troops after the Second World War. It then grew rapidly during the Vietnam War, when US soldiers on leave was a "release" to find from the rigors of war. After the war, Thailand was a haven for sex tourists and pedophiles from around the world. HIV exploded, such as human trafficking and child sex slavery did. It was an uncomfortable situation.

began in the 190s after a series of exposés, news and NGO participation, Thailand finally to crack down on sex tourism and child prostitution. They cleaned a lot of the nasty stuff.

But Thailand has its sex tourism past completely shaken and in many ways it is quietly embraced. Prostitution is illegal - but everyone turns a blind eye. It is difficult to say how many people come to Thailand just for sex, but I bet it's a very large number. And it's just not old men - I meet many young travelers to visit the bars go-go. However, despite this, do not go to the exploitative environment to find that prevailed 20 years ago.

is to see them in Thailand Each of the old man / young girl disturbed effort, but there is a lot of hypocrisy that opinion.

Where's the outrage when it happens in the West? If you see Michael Douglas and his 25 year younger wife Catherine Zeta-Jones, you are repulsed? Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart? Or vice versa: Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (before split)? Or are you just outraged that it looks like the old, ugly, Western man who could not get laid coming to Asia home decided back and "exploit" to a poor, innocent, "naive" girl? We are outraged when we see the old white man holding hands with a young Asian girl, but we read gossip blogs about how Alex Baldwin is 26 years to marry a girl younger than him.

one of the many sex districts in Thailand

The girls you have not seen in Thailand so young. While in the West often underestimate Asian people aged and the girl may be their customer younger she is underaged. Thailand has a great job cleaning up in the 190s itself, and you just can not walk around with a 12-year-old in her arms. These girls that you see in Nana Plaza, Patpong or Pattaya are of age. Has Thailand some underage prostitution? Sure, but so does every other country in the world. But not an old man go to a bar and out with a girl who is 14 officers, may on a lot of things a blind eye, but 14-year-olds would the rods work return a lot of heat, and Thai officials do not want the 0s yet to experience again.

"What?" You say, "Even if they are legal, they are still benefits to be taken and exploited."

But are they? I do not think so. Most of the prostitutes come from an area of ​​Thailand Isaan called the Northeast. It is the poorest region of Thailand, and the girls know that they can make a lot of money a prostitute. Many have families to support. Not all girls of Isaan end up in prostitution, but many do. It is to get a simple job, requiring very little English, and the money is good. Most of these girls usually have a friend who is a prostitute and tells them to get the money. And while you may have certain feelings about prostitutes, walking in a go-go bar is not 93,483 forced sex slaves to bring to you

. (Note: The trade remains a problem in many go -go bars, as it does everywhere in the world, I'm not saying it never happens What I'm saying is that not every woman is there against their will...)

there is an expression "the white man's burden", which refers to the fact that the westerners, we feel a responsibility to rescue poorer nations and people. We see these girls, they think (why else they would be with this old man?) Must be Exploited, and find ways to save them from this terrible life. But usually those who are exploited, the men are. The older women take care of the new girls and teach them the tricks of the trade - how to beat their eyes and say, to pay the right things, get the guys for them. They know what buttons to push. You know what to do to get the money.

Many people come to Thailand just for a quickie. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. In fact, stroll through Thailand and you are a lot of men (young and old) traveling with Thai girls they see bought for the week. You can usually tell by the fact that the Thai girl looks extremely boring.

But there is a large number of men who come to Thailand, fall in love with a barmaid, and then try them out to save her "horrible" life. She's just a girl stuck in a bad situation, but given the right circumstances, they would definitely go to school and make something of themselves , the thinking goes.

But you know what? These girls do not want to be saved. They are just another sucker to them, which goes to pay their bills. And if they do it at the end of "dating" you, it is simply because you are supporting.

I have in Internet cafes, in which a girl, ready to go at night, on Skype to four calls other people who are their "friends". That is, there are some Western man who sends her money - and she always needs money. She's going to school, her mother is sick, she needs food or her bike broke. There are endless reasons. And some men are more than happy to make the money available, they think that girls are to keep out of prostitution when in reality they do it again, if it logs Skype.

high-end escort in Bangkok make more than $ 4,000 USD per month. Most prostitutes are shown in Bangkok $ 100 USD per make about "meeting". To put that in perspective, the average Thai content is USD $ 4,700 per year and even lower than in rural areas.

Men are cash cows these women.

We consider prostitution in Thailand through Western eyes. We think that if there is an old man and a young woman, exploitation must be under way, and that this naive girl only be taken to complete. We all want to come and rescue these women from their lives.

But that is because we equate sex with love and views prostitutes as dirty in the West. However, Thailand has a very different idea of ​​sex and love.

go go dancers in Thailand

Sex in Thailand involves a huge amount of conflicting values. Thailand is a very conservative culture. On one side prostitutes are generally lower class considered and the profession is frowned upon. On the other, Thai men frequent prostitutes and despite the conservative nature of Thailand, tolerated this behavior

And -. This is an often overlooked fact - the vast majority of sex tourism in Thailand comes from locals. West sex tourism pales in comparison to this massive industry. The difference between Thais and the West? Thais are much more discreet.

In Thailand, prostitution is a job and prostitutes are just workers. Sure, classified very social structure in Thailand, "well Thais" would never a daughter who was a hooker, still would be a good Thai boy marry a.

But compared to the West, where down we really look at prostitutes, the social stigma in Thailand is not so great. Thais go of prostitutes, the way we walk past each other. During the day, the same girl saw it in the night shaking obscured walking down the street.

In fact, most of the prostitutes tend Thai boyfriends or husbands to have. Why? Because it just doing their job. It is a job that puts money in an amount, and the Thai friend does not care. The work is separated from everyday

Thais not equate sex with love, as we do in the West. Relationships are not just about love. They are more complex than that. In the West, we always ask, "Do you love him?", As if that is all that matters. If you came and told your parents you loved a garbage man home, she would be happy? Maybe not, but "if you loved him", then that is all that would be important. Love will find a way.

In Thailand, which is not all that matters. Class, profession and family affair, like the love, if not more. When an upper-class Thai girls love with a taxi driver found the family would put an end to the relationship. It would not matter how much they were in love. A bank executive is not to marry a peasant girl from Isaan. Always marry up.

class and financial security are equally important.

And so women walking with foreigners do this because the man is money available, safety and higher social status. A man must be able to provide for their family and a Thai woman taking a well deserve husband brings home raises the status of their family.

The safety and class aspect of relationships in Thailand can not be understated. It is very important here. And in the hierarchy of class, in the west there are high because with them the security goes, money and stability. Coming together with a Westerner (male or female) that brings security.

And while the family can enjoy their daughter to be not a prostitute, as soon as the money rolls in, they can sing another song. to be a prostitute, is bad, until you begin to make money. Then it is a good thing, because women in Thailand supposed to take care of their families.

There are villages with expensive villas in poor rural Thailand filled that were paid for by Thai girls, the prostitutes, was made a lot of money, and were able to support their families.

sex tourism in thailand

at a recent dinner, a friend told me about a girl who went to Malaysia and made $ 65,000 USD within one year. She did not stop because the money was good and they could provide for their family.

Thais do not see what we see, when they see prostitution.

(Bangkok Podcast had a wonderful discussion with Kaewmala, a Thai woman and writer, about the contradictions and attitudes around sex, prostitution and romance in Thailand. It's only for an hour and is a must listen if you want to better understand these complex settings.)

My point is that we look at prostitution in Thailand by our Western values ​​and morality and declare that this innocent girl by old men are exploited and have to be rescued. And while someone should be forced into prostitution rescued the girls who come and consent - what we are to them of memories? A Life we they do not want to lead? Are we just quieting our conscience? Or do we only grossed because everything is so open, and we prefer those dark aspects of humanity were held behind closed doors? Maybe the real problem is that we exist, it is just not want to know.

you do not agree with prostitution. I will not visit a prostitute, and I think that a 50-year-old and a 18 year old together is disgusting, but if you do not mind, it does not bother me.

If the situation roughly? For me yes. Is that what you see exploitation? Not really. Is it really any of my business? No.

The next time you are in Thailand, do not be so quick to condemn. We travel to learn about other cultures, so do not be shocked when other cultures different attitudes about things like sex and prostitution have

recommended to read .:
private Dancer - A 05 book that the complex relationship between Western men and Thai sex workers
Sex slaves Highlights: trafficking in women in Asia - A 01 book, tried an interesting report from 05 by a British journalist, the details of the sex industry - on priorities sex trade, especially by Asian men
sex trade learning. Also discussed the dual aspects of the industry
Thai Woman Talks -. A blog by Kaewmala on Thai sexuality, women and relationships

Would you like to learn more about Thailand or are planning a trip in the country? help this article:
Thailand Travel Guide
11 reasons why I Thailand Love
How to spend a holiday in Thailand cost
As for 3 days in Bangkok
The Best Thai Food You Can Eat

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