
As for walking with gorillas in Uganda

As for walking with gorillas in Uganda -

Gorillas in the jungles of Uganda, Africa This is a guest post by Marcello Arrambide of Wandering Trader.

When I moved to East Africa, I had the opportunity to experience something that only a handful of people get every year to do: to see some gorillas. And I was not the continent until I!

Gorilla trekking is one of the unique things that you can do while traveling around Africa. Gorillas are in East Africa at the borders of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda and Rwanda found. The trips are an amazing experience, but they take some planning, so here are some points to consider when you plan.

The logistics of the election of a Tour-

There are two things to keep in mind when booking a gorilla trekking tour:. Require the approval costs and the cost of the tour itself all governments all to obtain a permit to see the gorillas. The normal price for a permit $ 500 USD. The government of the country where you will plan your migration issues your permit. From June 1, 2012 Rwanda gorilla permit fee to $ 750 USD increases. Uganda and Rwanda have occasionally do during the off season (September and October) for as low as $ 250.

for a tour in the search, I decided from the DRC to stay away because of its complex visa process. Rwanda has a visa costs for visitors from most Western countries, while Uganda cost upwards of $ 50 for single-entry and $ 100 for multiple entry visas.

Most gorilla families are constantly monitored and tracked as tourists see them, and tourists almost always do, on the shorter three-day tours. On average tours cost between 800 $ 500 $, depending on the tour operator and the size of the group. If you have a larger group, lower costs, because you are filling the transport vehicle capable of.

When I started reaching out to tour operators, I have tried to make sure I chose a tour that had a minimum of four people to keep my costs down. I have worked with several companies in contact, which offered me the lowest prices, and finally found a date that my schedule perfectly and had four people on the tour

I chose a tour that offered me the prices down. : $ 870 go

  • for one person alone on the journey
  • $ 485 for 2 people per person
  • $ 375 per person for 3 people
  • per person $ 340 for 4-6 people

Stunning gorillas in the jungles of Uganda, Africa

, the total cost of my gorilla trek was $ 840: $ 500 for the gorilla permit and $ 340 for the tour , If you are traveling alone, you can add an extra $ 50 to pay for a single room. Breakfast and lunch were included in the tour.

to display a list of tour operators in the tourism find Rwanda and Uganda tourism sites.

I came the day before my trek was scheduled just in case there were no last minute problems and I needed to find another tour operator. But there was nothing to fear. I paid the tour operators, and we were on our way. Tip :. If paid in cash, make sure you bring larger bills that were printed after 00, no one else in Uganda they accept

Breathtaking view of the mountains in Biwindi National Park in Uganda

Which country should You decide?
DRC was immediately deleted my list because the visa process is very complex and expensive. I just heard from many people who had significant problems at the border.

There are about 720 mountain gorillas left in Central Africa, and half of all gorillas in Uganda Biwindi Impenetrable Forest to find. This alone was the main reason why I have chosen for my Uganda Gorilla Trek.

I have found that since Rwanda and Uganda almost get the same process for approvals and booking tours, it just comes down to price. As the prices for permits Rwanda will increase in June, the complete cost of a tour and approval will be cheaper in Uganda.

If you have booked your trip ahead of time, you can fly into the capital city of Kampala and find many tour operators who sell to would love a package. Remember that a special permit is required, so it is better if you buy a tour as soon as possible, so the tour operator can the gorilla acquire permission. You run out, since it will be available for a limited number of permits

Want Gorillas trekking. The tour itself

Standing at the equator in Uganda, Africa
It takes a full day of Kampala to drive in the Bwindi National Park, a stop at the equator including. Buhoma, Ruhija, Nkuringo or Rushaga: Depending on which group is assigned your permission, you will come in one of four cities outside the national park. We arrived in Nkuringo on the southwestern edge of the park. is

After you spend the night, the next day all about gorillas be! We woke up at dawn and began our journey in the Park, 07.45 arrive at our outposts. It was only a brief introduction, and then we drove deep into the Ugandan mountains where it was a short orientation. We were given a set of rules specifying that the gorillas can you approach, but you can not approach the gorillas. (Do not touch wild animals!) Prepare After orientation to seek the Ranger for the gorillas, and you begin your hike into the jungle.

to find the actual gorillas, can last from one to five hours everywhere. It all depends on the movements of gorillas, and they are constantly in motion. Once the rangers to find the gorillas, you will spend about an hour or two to observe and possibly interacting with them (if you're lucky), before heading back to the hotel. (If you have chosen a longer tour, you will get back the next day again to find more gorillas.)

Gorgeous gorillas playing in the jungle trees of Uganda

We had the Fortunately, as we found it within 45 minutes. They were not hard to see either because they were eating and playing on the edge of the forest near the Ranger Camp.

I can not tell you how amazing it is to be customs of such unique creatures away you. The gorillas, especially the silverback, are incredibly strong and could easily injure a human in seconds. You have nothing to fear from us - they will walk up to you when you are in their way. (Tip: to move out of the way) There were several times that we went to see different silverback, and no matter where we were and how we positioned ourselves, they completely ignored us. They just wanted to go about their daily routines, while we were busy snapping photos and video.

Gorillas are beautiful creatures and can be found in the jungles of Uganda

Gorilla trekking in Uganda was one of the unique and memorable things I've done while traveling around the world. If I ever have the opportunity to do this again, I will not hesitate for a second. And if you have the chance, take it.

Marcello Arrambide is a professional day trader who travels around the world. He runs the blog Wandering Trader, which is focused on everyone who loves to travel the world and offers a unique view on how to finance it: day trading. You can find Marcello on Facebook and Twitter.

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