
18 lessons from 5 years to the world

18 lessons from 5 years to the world -

Five years have to be a long time on the road. live five years from the backpack, with no fixed abode or address. I never thought I would be traveling so long. It was only a year Gong, perhaps exceeding 18 months, and then I would go back home, to find a "real" job, it is in life, and now, I would be married, have a house, 2.5 his children and complain about my pension to my friends.

But here I am, five years later, in Romania, with the same backpack, still traveling, still stay in hostels and still have the time of my life.

I celebrated five years of travel through all giving away my frequent flier miles, but I think, 5 years, where is a good point and lean reflect back exactly what trip has taught me through this long, strange trip .:

It is not difficult to get up

Every day people go and the door to travel the world. And they survive and thrive. In fact, the travel industry has it's very easy to get it done. Just get on that plane or train or bus. Everything else will work itself out. Everything worrying and fear that I had was for naught - the travel, which is much easier than you think. It's not like the first person ever to do so.

you learn a lot of good skills.
around the world travel has taught me how to be more social, adapt, be flexible, and, most importantly, non-verbal communication to understand much better. It helped me figure out situations, even if I can not understand. It has independent me open, and overall just a better person. There is no reason to be afraid that you can not "it" in that you might have. You'd be surprised how often you can be surprised.

They make a lot of friends.

There may shockingly easy throw themselves there and talking to strangers, but we are all strangers in a strange land. At the end of the day, everyone was very friendly. It took a while to get used to, "hello" to say to strangers, but now it seems like a second nature. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming on the road, even if you travel alone, you are never really alone.

traveling to meet some of your closest friends.

This time I just want to relax and do nothing, are the days when I did my closest friends. Whether in a hostel in Vietnam, was on a boat in Thailand, or on foot in a hostel in Spain, when I least expected (or wanted) to meet people when I met the best. And even if you can not see them for years, you still get to at their wedding, Christmas dinner, or family celebration. The distance and time, the bond you formed, do not break.

relationships come and go on the road.
I have met many people on the street, including members of the opposite sex, I have found attractive. But the type of travel is not always lend too much long-term relationships. It's hard to make something last if all moving in different directions and on holidays end. Although you often get attached, you will have nothing but grief as people come and go. But I've realized you just have to enjoy your time together, what it is and remains on good terms when it ends.

But chasing that appeal to you.

Once in a while, you are someone you really find a connection with. Meaningful romance on the road happened. And if you to be anywhere or no place to go unless you want to, sometimes there is no reason not to follow. Do not force yourself another to say goodbye when you do not have to do. Tracked it even when the distance seems too big, because you never know where it might lead, or how long it might take. Sometimes you only get one chance, and when it's gone, you are filled with nothing but regret.

It's good to try new things .

I used to be a very rigid person, but has to travel has helped me expand my worldview. I have to the limit, new food eaten pushed, taken cooking classes, magic tricks learned new languages, tried to overcome my fear of heights, and called my views on people. I have learned that the more you know and the more you try new things, the comic life.

be adventurous.

This could swing the gorge was hard. So the boat was jumping in the Galapagos. How to eat the maggots in Thailand. And always thrown my butt in Thai boxing. And while I will not do it again, I do not regret of my comfort zone strengthened and to try new things. Even if you only try out things, it's good to challenge yourself and be adventurous. Scare yourself once in a while. It makes life less boring.

There are no such thing as a mistake.
No matter what happens on the road, it is never a mistake. As once said was: "Your choices are half chance, and so everyone else." If you were to go with the flow and just leave the road unfold in front of you, there is no reason to have regrets or think you made a mistake. They make the best decisions possible and, at the end, the journey is the adventure.

Do not be stingy .
If you are traveling on a budget and need for your money last, it is easy to be cheap. But why so long as a beggar living while you were at home, so you do not eat the food in Italy, you drink the wine in France, or eating sushi in Japan? While it is good to be efficient, it is also important, once-in-a-lifetime splurge on doing and not miss things. Who knows, for example, if you get another chance to dive in Fiji? only to be cheap, fills you with regret.

That being said, do not be wasteful.
But remember not made money, so do not ever feel like you need every night to do with your new friends party or any activity in a new place. Sometimes it's OK just to sit and relax or cook your own food. Be frugal, but not cheap.

The current .

Sometimes it's great to have a plan. If there is only a limited time, you want to try as much as possible to see and stay on track. But will halt wedged by this plan. Traveling is open to change about yourself and life let you down where you want to go. At the end you throw the plan away anyway, so why even, getting caught in a bother? Do you have a rough idea of ​​what you want to do, and fill in the details on the way.

Let the guide.
Do not be a book to be glued. You can travel in order without them, especially with so many good alternatives on the Internet these days. You buy it and anyway hardly use. Ask people for advice and information. It's just extra weight in your pocket.

It is never too late to change.
Even if you are going to be in your head is not the traveler or the person, it's never too late to change. Travel is all about change. The more you say, "tomorrow", the less likely it is that tomorrow will always come. Tourism has aspects of my personality shown me I wish I did not, and I also am really lazy shown. I have always lived with the phrase "Carpe Diem", but sometimes I can not really do it. However, it is never too late and realize to be the pro-active much easier.

Relax .

Life is amazing, has made. There is no reason for concern. The universe is unfolding as it should. Relax and just go with it. You can not change the future - it's not yet happened. So make the best decisions you can today and enjoy the moment. Let's try not to be caught, to see all, "must sees." There is nothing wrong with a day to spend games, reading a book, or lazing around the pool.

Other languages ​​play (seriously)
There are some great benefits for the language not to know -. as miming out "chicken" to know the lady that you want eggs for breakfast - but languages ​​is fun, is very helpful to learn when you are traveling, and works well when you can meet other travelers. You can not eavesdrop on their conversations only, but there is also nothing like surprising to talk people through their language. It brings a smile to everyone's face.

wear more sunscreen.
Seriously. Science has proven that it helps, and with all the beach time you do when you are traveling, you could always use a little more. His tan is large. to have skin cancer, it is not. SPF up.

The people are good .

All over the world, I have met great people who not only changed my life, but have gone out of their way to help me. It taught me that the old adage is true - you can always rely on the kindness of strangers. My friend Greg has taught me to be long not guarded against strangers. We grow in this culture of fear in America to which is unrealistic. 99.9999% of people in the world are not murders, rapists or thieves. There is no reason, someone has to take over. Sometimes people try to be just friendly.

I have learned more about the world and, as I have myself in the last five years of traveling in the previous 25 years of my life. No matter what happens in the future, I know that I am very blessed to have these last five years, and I am a better person because of them.

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