
Expert passenger Tips for New travelers

Expert passenger Tips for New travelers -

Back in April I celebrated 3 years traveling and blogging in 5 days, I will celebrate five years traveling. In honor of these two occasions, I asked you, my readers, six questions as a lead up to my big travel anniversary. It's really interesting to see your responses in recent months. We have been through five of the questions and now we are with the last conclusion: What advice would you give new travelers? One of the first blog post I ever wrote my advice for new travelers. As I shared my advice, it's time for you to let you know:

"Most people in the world are to help, not hurt We spend so much time said no candy from. to accept strangers, because they will go us harm, that we that sometimes forgotten, the woman next to you on the bus a few spare candy has to share. "- Alex

". never expectations Open itself for the endless possibilities and the world can offer you more than you knew there. "- Jessica

" Take it slow and do not plan too much have an idea of ​​what you want to do and see. but not try to lock something down until you have to. "- Mike

". you'll ten times more to enjoy when you are back home, these experiences will relieve any moment, regret everything you do not, and make it much more exciting to be when you realized that it was time. While few newcomers realize it at the time, your travel experience will only get better when you are at home and as time goes by. "- Aaron

" A big smile and some enthusiastic show you will get a lot more than looking stricken, as you struggle with unfamiliar verbs. That being said, if you can remember "hello", "thank you" and "I'll have a beer, please", it does make life a little easier. "- Susan

" Traveling is not as much about the places you visit or do things, it's about the people you associate with and the experiences you share. It's about self-learning in dips and about another culture, so receptive and respectful, so you get the most out of your trip. "- Niki

" If you travel, things go wrong.. "That's for years my mantra when people live in peace with that may be, before they leave home, they are much happier have trips. the further away we step of our comfort zones and our houses where we know how to do it, the greater the chances that things can go wrong. If we like to have travel, we do not have those moments .. resist to accept it later, it our best stories at the end is usually "- David Fox

" Slow down and enjoy your time so many new travelers try to see everything in a short time. , and they are burned. "- James

" Pack spend less and less as we did Asia first, we soon realized that all the expensive clothes that we bought and packed in our large backpacks we a! waste of money and time. Just buy the cheaper T-Shirts & Tops, as and when you need new, they last about as long and cost less a great deal. "- JW

" Do not skip because you do something, never know if or when you will return. "- Michael

" All that stuff can really have to fit in a bag that is easy to carry, no matter how long the journey. "- Sarah

" go it slow! You have your whole life ahead of you; there is no need, everything fit possibly in a single trip can. Moreover, in a few days to build recovery, especially if you want long-term travel. It is important to worry about yourself to remember, even if you are (or maybe especially if!) Go. "- Christy

" accept every invitation, because you do not know the result until it arrives. "- Maria

" Go with the flow! Be accessible to change. Not everything goes to plan to go, and you have to be okay with it. Embrace spontaneity! "- Allie

" you can do the journey. It's easier than it seems, and there are so many other people are doing the same thing to do. "- Mike

" with stay home contacted. Some folks will tell you that the online travel has destroyed, and I their point. Once in a while, it is good to separate. However, Solo travel means that you get lonely, and even a five-minute Facebook chat with a friend back you can help at home, cheer on a blue day. "- Tom

" Be open to everything. a new experience to be traveling, so do not have to worry about things you close first reckon you will not like, how likely is than not be surprised. "- Rob

" Clean underwear are a luxury worth. "- Crystal

" to book the flight, travel company, and to leave the rest on the street. The first ensures that you do not put it aside forever, and freedom, then it leaves everything raises the randomness travel to you. "- Stephen

Many thanks to all who participated and sent in the answers to the questions in the last few months it was very interesting, and I learned a lot about you (I hope you much.. learned about each other)

I asked my readers a set of 6 questions about traveling Read the answers to the other five interesting questions:.
has Why you travel start
What memory your largest travel is "
What is an item that you can not without traveling
What's the worst ?? , what happened to you?
What is your biggest regret?

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