
20 Random Facts About Me

20 Random Facts About Me -

nomadic matt It's a new year and I thought a good way to start it, in an easy way. I do not often talk here about me. Yes, I'm talking about my travels, but I do not go often to personal information about my life like many other bloggers do. So from 2011 I will contact some random facts about me and my life:

I hate flying. I love airports, lounges, and elite status, but the act of flying makes me sick. I like heights not (I recently went skiing and had almost a panic attack on the chairlift) and any turbulence makes me think about the aircraft's crash. Needless to say, I'm not a good flyer. (Ironically, considering how often I fly!)

When I was younger, I was tremendously obsessed with Pinky and the Brain. I even had a T-shirt collection. I also had one of those bowl haircuts, but I prefer to forget.

I've never really traveled independently until I went to Costa Rica at the age 23. My travel experiences by then a number of car trips were with my parents and a drunken weekend in Montreal when I was 19 and I went never from the Mississippi westward until I was 25

I got really bad food poisoning when I was in Costa Rica. It was so bad, in fact, that when I got home, I had three days and on a morphine drip to the hospital. It is the only time that I was in a hospital.

I went to school, a high school history teacher to be, and I end up a whole year teaching on. I should mold the young minds of the future, but I realized that it was not really for me and I want to make a career change at the end.

I am a really good cook. I've been on the road to cook not much around, because I hate how hostel kitchens are fully stocked and each they measured at the same time, once in a while, I like to cook a massive meal for my fellow travelers.

I used to be a vegetarian. Fast Food Nation After reading, I decided to forego meat and was a vegetarian for four years. I gave it up when I started to travel. It was eating meat, I was not against, but the stuff in the meat. I started there to eat again partly as a matter of convenience. But I think it's rude to turn down food in different cultures. If you go to Mongolia in a village and you are given food, it is offensive to refuse. "Sorry, not going your traditional and friendly cooking with my dietary needs." I think that it is culturally insensitive. But that's a rant for another post.

That being said, I refuse to eat veal, I think that is unethical. It is the only meat I do not eat. I once in a great fight with an ex-girlfriend about it, because, as it turns out, her grandfather veal.

I'm a big fan of Soul, Motown, blues and jazz. It is much better than is plenty of pop music. When I hear "G6" or Ke $ ha once again, I could scream. Sometimes it is good to be all these bad music out there these days overseas and out of the loop.

nomadic matt If I ever I could pick what time live in 1920 I could Prohibition America would be. I think that would be an exciting time to live. It seemed to be in America as a carefree time. But maybe I've just read The Great Gatsby too much.

I am intensely political. After traveling, politics is my second love. I live and breathe politics, and it is the only message that I keep with step during the trip. I am always willing to discuss the world at any time of the day and to discuss with anyone, no matter how well I know you.

One day, when I become semi-nomadic Matt, I want to open my own hostel. in so many hostels in recent years after the stay, I think I do not have a really good idea of ​​what works and what. I want to make the coolest, eco-friendly hostel in the world.

I do not have to visit a burning desire most countries of the Middle East. There are parts that I want to visit (Dubai, Jordan, Israel, Qatar, Oman), but as a whole just not the area was not so much interest. Only one of those things

People always ask, "I will do this forever?" My answer. I dont know. Forever is a long time. I would like to travel for the coming years, but who can say what the future holds and where it will take us? For now I enjoy the ride and see no reason to hang my backpack only.

I see a lot of movies, even bad chick flicks, simply because I have so much time during the trip. I'm addicted and leg to boot films, as they are downloaded to my iTunes.

Although I do not always go back to Vietnam, I kinda like Vietnamese pho and rice noodles. I must say that Vietnamese food is pretty good.

I've been Dave Matthews Band concerts in more than 30th I am a super fan.

I am a Japanophile. I love everything about the culture - the food, the history, etiquette, the landscape, the architecture-all. I would also eat sushi every day if I could. I even ate it for breakfast.

I'm a workaholic. Maybe because I grew up in New England, I have the Puritan work ethic, but if I have no work, I think something is wrong and provide work for me. My 2011 goal is to relax and realize that most of my blog runs itself and that it is okay to take a break more.

I decided after a meeting he shared taxi 5 backpackers to travel while on holiday in Thailand. I was so amazed at what they were doing that I decided the next day to finish my job. They were two Australians, a Canadian and a couple Belgium. They changed the course of my life and have no idea.

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