
Costa Rica Cahuita National Park

Costa Rica Cahuita National Park -

The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is usually dominated by two places: the Amazon jungle as of Torteugero the north and the party beach paradise of Puerto Viejo in the South. But the Caribbean coast travel, it was a place I liked most: Cahuita. About an hour north of Puerto Viejo on the southern Caribbean coast, it is a popular stopover for many travelers, but it is not as crowded far along the coast than other spots. Most travelers visit the national park of the same name to see. The town is very small, with most restaurants and inns, not tour shops and bars.

And the Park? The park is amazing:

Unfortunately the day I visited many of the roads closed due to heavy rains and floods. (I spent inside the rain for 24 hours here my first two days!) The entire route of Cahuita town to the other end of the park is 8 km. When I went, just opened the first 2km. That was still enough to hang on a beautiful beach, see howler monkeys, iguanas, monkeys white faced, enormous quantities of birds and beautiful butterflies. When I saw in a field near the city, I can only imagine what it would be at home more, away from most people.

Practical information
opening times : the park is 06:00 to 5:00 a.m. [1945003open] The costs . the park is free, but they ask for donations
It First : You can take a bus from San Jose or Puerto Viejo. The buses from San Jose is around $ 4 USD, while it was $ 1.25 USD from Puerto Viejo is
Eating .: I found only two places I really liked in the town. Cafe Choco Latte, the freshly baked bread has, huge breakfast, great sandwiches and coffee. The second was called in the middle of town Riconita de Sabor local "soda" (a cheap restaurant). Great local food for only a dollar or two.

If the coast towards Puerto Viejo come down, for a few days in Cahuita stop. While the beach may not be as beautiful, the hiking and wildlife are much better. If I was not so had limited time during this trip, I would have stayed longer.

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