
Bali Monkey Temple

Bali Monkey Temple -

One of the favorite things to do in Bali to visit the monkey temple in Ubud. I really do not know why. There is nothing special, and you can not enter the actual temple, but the reasons the area are on is very nice ... and so, filled with lots of monkeys. I'm not a big fan of visiting places where monkeys are used to people. Once in Lopburi Thailand, I was attacked by some food stealing monkeys (They snatched it right, as I was in my mouth Putting ... TWICE !!!) was and experienced a few monkeys the hair of a Japanese tourist draw. When monkeys to people accustomed they get aggressive.

But all raved about this place so I decided to use it as part of a long walk to visit in the area. The landscape in the area is beautiful, but the monkey gets quite aggressive. I have a video of my experience and because pictures are worth a thousand words, I'll let you judge the range for yourself:

Tips for visiting the monkey temple

  • Watch out for the monkeys! Many people feed the monkeys, so they can be used to interact with people. This can cause problems because some monkeys to humans could get too close. If you decide to feed them, put the food on the ground in advance. Do not be too close to them. I saw a monkey get "in attack mode" at this woman and another attack the leg of another tourist.

All in all, I would not this place a priority make a visit, especially if you have little time. There are than to see much better things in Ubud. Skip this and go on a day trip to the Jatiluwih rice terraces. It is a far better way to spend the day.

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