
The loss of the wonders of travel

The loss of the wonders of travel -

man gazing out on city
Last month I was traveling with a friend Greece. My friend is a kind of travel newbie. Although not the first time in Europe, it was her first time traveling without leaving the comfort of their family or a group of friends. It was her first backpacking adventure and everything we did everywhere we went everything we saw was exciting, breathtaking and wonderful to her. There was always a sense of awe on her face. One day in Athens, I noticed that the reverence was missing, she asked me, "Did you excited still about a place? They seem so unexcited." "Of course! If I go to a new place, I love to explore" ! I answered. "It's just that I've been to Athens." But the impact of their question got me thinking, and I realized I envied them and all the other new I can meet on the street. For them, traveling is new- a miraculous moment around every corner brings some awe inspiring moment and new experience.

But for me, traveling is not new. Travel is a lifestyle an endless journey that I live every day. Some people get up and go to work. I get up and go to a new city. My trips are not defined around the world trip with a start and finish date, it is continuously. My friend's question got me thinking sometime, we have the endless nomads, losing the sense of wonder and awe? Did I lost the sense of wonder? I do not mean that those who spend on the road years lose their desire and love of Travel- far from it. The more I travel, the more I realize travel is the only thing I want to do, and I would never my lifestyle for a cell act. But finally, it does are repetitive- more trains, more waterfalls, more beaches, more, more, more. I've lost, I've done the hostel, I drove the trains, explored jungle, seen bridges and drank with people from all over the world. I partied, I slept, I have thousands of faces I met'll never see again, taken day trips, short explores ruins, I've done all the activities, over and over again.

And that repetition take the shine out of travel times. It even comes to those around the world travel defined. I remember watching a ticket for Saturday (a great film about around the world travel) and also the characters talk about it as late in their trips suffered from this feeling "things to be just another."

And so I thought I lost the wonder of travel? the awe of me has gone? And unfortunately, the answer is yes. It has. The wonder is gone. My love of travel has not disappeared anywhere. And that's not to say that there are not places in the world, the awe and inspire me. I still get intimidated by moments in life. I was blown away diving in Fiji. I was intimidated by the rice terraces in Bali. Tongariro in New Zealand Hiking is one of the best things I've done. And 4 years later I'm still in love with the Cinque Terre

But while still places blow me, the act of traveling -. The adventurous feeling the first time on the road - left me. If travel has become a way of life, it does not become a permanent adventure, it's my life has become easy. Traveling is what I do. A few days ago, I told a few people at a hostel on my blog. "They have the coolest job ever!" Answered them. But just thinking about how life. The sense of wonder I had come into new cities, trying to guide maps to find out people meet in hostels- it's gone. Not completely, but only a little. Sometimes I do not want to see in a new city or go exploring easy. Sometimes I want to see only True Blood.

But, as they say, what life is. If you do something long enough, maybe that's what happened. Whether traveling, playing tennis, teaching do something enough, and it is a routine. And if it is routine, it loses its wonder. And though I have lost the initial feelings you get when you begin your journey to see it on the faces of others, reminded me how life journey sometimes changes can be, and why even without the sense of awe, would I do not change a to this life I've chosen. But sometimes it's good just to take a break, relax, breathe, sleep and your energy back.

And in two weeks from now I'm going back on the road to get his itching and wondering what the hell I was bored about in the first place.

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