
How much does Greece really cost?

How much does Greece really cost? -

ruins in athens, greece Last week I wrote an article entitled "Five goals to visit for under $ 30 USD." One of the places listed I was Greece, which brought a lot of pleasant surprises comments from readers. Most people never think as a cheap destination of Greece, it is in the other countries of the euro zone as too expensive clumping. However, I have been twice in Greece and think it is a very underrated budget destination, especially for Europe. One commenter did not agree:

"Greece is definitely not cheap, especially not Athens clubs require around € 20 entry The Acropolis is as 25 € Admission to go... sure, taverns are fairly cheap, but if you go from backpacker hostels and low-end taverns Greece is hella expensive. I'll wait until they get kicked out of the euro and go back to drachmas. There is a reason why people go instead of Greece to Turkey. Telling people that is on a par with Thailand and Bali just misinformation ... "

and he's right. would travel in this way Greece expensive. But could travel in this way make expensive anywhere. Another place on the list was Bali. Bali is a very cheap destination, but if you were resorts in the $ 1000 USD, it could very well be, "hella expensive." The same in Thailand is the case. The same is true throughout the world.

I am often in New York City. It's not the cheapest place in the world, but it must not be the most expensive. Avoid to spend the $ 0 dollar sushi dishes and expensive bars, and you do not have much money. It's about how you travel. The commentator is right when he says, Greece is not cheap, if you go to many clubs. It is not cheap if you visit in mid-July (high season) and spend time in Santorini or Mykonos.
paros greece

So, how much do you really need?

the only thing that is missing the commentator in his argument that there. Over as you travel every place either cheap or expensive, as each money spent otherwise. There is always someone to do it for less, and there is always someone to spend more. So I created a number of different budgets, to give you an idea of ​​how much Greece costs depending on travel style

( Note: These are .. daily averages some days more money to spend on some days you will spend less money)

the harbor on naxos greece budget # 1 Backpacker
Hostels - 10 € (bedroom)
Food - € 7 (cheap Gyros and street food)
Beer - € 5
were a total of 25 euros ($ 30 USD)

budget # 2 Less Broke Backpacker
Hostels - € 10
Food - € 7
Beer - € 10
activities - € 10 (museums and so)
Total: 37 € ($ 45 USD)

budget # 3 The Flash
Hostels- 10 EUR / budget hotel: 20 €
Essen - 15 € (cheap Gyros plus a nice dinner)
the harbor on naxos greece Beer - € 10
activities - € 10
Miscellaneous - € 10
Total: 55-65 euros ($ 70-88 USD)

budget # 4 The "I just two weeks, so I Do not Care" Traveler
Hotel - 25-30 EUR
Food - 20 €
Beer - € 15
activities - € 20
Total: € 85 ($ 115 USD)

budget # 5- The Semi-Luxurious Traveler

hotels - € 50 (! this amount of money you will be a really nice place to get)
Food - € 25 (nice meals with wine all the time)
Beer - € 15
Activities - € 40 (museums as well as day trips )

Total: € 130 (181 USD $)

explanation of the figures:

  • I am these figures do not include souvenirs. This is very discretionary and variable. Obviously, the more you buy, the more will be your daily average.
  • While contain alcohol if you drink or go clubbing a lot, do much to spend. Summertime in the Greek islands is a bit hedonistic, so if that's your thing, bring more money.
  • Prices of mid-season to reflect here. Greece high season of July and August, and if you go then, I'd be a few extra euros a day to add your budget.

As you can see, Greece, like every country, has a wide range of budget options. You can do it on the cheap, or you can go nuts and spend a few hundred euros per day. It's about how your trip. But I included Greece in the original article, because when people think of euro countries, they think "expensive." While this is very true for many countries on the euro, it is not true for Greece. Compare these prices with prices up in Paris or Amsterdam or Rome where Hostels costs 20-30 euros per night, the cheap food is five euros, meals cost 10-15 euros, and beer is much more than 1-2 euros! I spent less on a hotel room in Athens when I was a dorm room in Amsterdam. If you are looking for a budget destination in Europe, Greece is the perfect place to go. It may on the euro, but that does not mean it is expensive.

If you are planning a trip to Greece, looking at my country and city guides to read the land. I visit every summer, so that the information fresh, precise and detailed.

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