
The Saturday City: Boquete

The Saturday City: Boquete -

river near boquete, panama Boquete. This small mountain town can be easily overrun with expats now, but I was one of the few places in Panama I really loved. The town is small, quiet, located in the mountains and surrounded by breathtaking jungle and rivers. After returning from the noisy islands of Bocas del Toro, this place was an oasis of calm.

were my days spent in the mountains relaxing, walking, visiting coffee plantations, and catch up on my work. They were pretty days. There were days that I wish could have lasted longer. One night while we were in town, the power went out. Stepping outside to see if it was just our area, we found the town black. Instead of looking around, I looked up and I saw a sky with the light of the stars filled unseen me for years, was the glow of cities, who I lived or who have lost visited. I could clearly see the Milky Way. I could constellations, whose name I never learned. (I Brought My iPhone app to identify them. If you do not have it, get the Star Walk app. I have learned so much from it.) Went also after power, there were still many stars to see and I longer remained on star I did not even look to often notice.

Boquete is surrounded by many mountains, which allow for some great day hikes. The paths are easily mapped and I encourage you simply on your own on the way. You never know what you can find anywhere. On the way to the waterfall San Ramon, we have the best strawberry ice cream place called found "The Power of Fruit". (I recommend it) walking side only ways, here are four activities I suggest you before you leave the city,

Mi Jardín It Su Jardín - This garden a private garden for everyone is made. There are a lot of plants here and funky design. There is an impressive view of the valley and the surrounding mountains, which you look at through the observation tower. The garden is free to give

river near boquete, panama

a coffee plantation tour Take -. Most of the coffee in Panama is grown here and in the mountains there are tons of coffee plantations. Make an a tour and see how coffee is grown and processed. A lot of work goes into your cup of Joe! Most tours are half a day and costs about $ 25 USD. They are actually quite interesting and you get a lot of free coffee

walk the Sendero Los Quetzales Trail! - These 13 km route starts about 10 km outside the city and ending in Cerro Punta. If you go from Boquete, go uphill. From Cerro Punta, downhill. But some people think that walking uphill hike is actually easier than downhill because the exit part is very hard on the knees. The path to go a whole day, so it is best to leave early in the morning. While you will not see many animals here, you will see many birds and great views and waterfalls along the way, see

Climb Volcan Baru -. This volcano is one of the biggest attractions for travelers here. You walk on for great views of the area on the top of the extinct volcano, the caldera and good hiking. While it is possible to do it in a very long day hike, most people this volcano hike over two days. In this way, you can spend the night at the top and witness the spectacular sunrise in the morning. You can do this yourself hiking or going for $ 50 USD with a guide on a night tour.

river near boquete, panama

For me, the best part of the city was the food. It was really enjoyed the only place in Panama where I eat. It was the only place I found where the local food taste had. It was a lunch cafeteria near the town square, which had the best cheap food in Panama. There are also many good western food here, which should be no surprise, consider the number of expats.

My friends and I found an article to tell us about some of the best restaurants in town, and we decided to try them all. By far the best was "The Rock". The food here ... ohh, the food ... it was just great. The homemade bread had a thick crust and nice texture. I had duck as a starter and the meat was very moist. My friend Steak flavors had I knew never existed. And my main course, their signature dish of pork ribs, the bones turned out so well that it makes Texas BBQ look amateurish. It was a steal. For three of us and two bottles of wine, we spent $ 100 USD. I still dream of this place. If you are ever in Boquete, you must try this restaurant.

river near boquete, panama

Boquete was my favorite place in Panama and I would like to come back. I can see why so many Americans moving down there. Life in the mountains is pretty good. Although Western influence was not here, I would like to surround a nice little quiet life in the foothills of the jungle of coffee plantations to live. Come here, mountain hiking, cool off in the rivers from, and relax with the stars at night.

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