
Have (Travel) no regrets

Have (Travel) no regrets -

walking down the beach with a camera When I was in college, studied many of my friends abroad. They came all talk about life changing back stories and experiences. They made it sound like a movie, and it was something I always thought to do. When in a foreign country, learn a new language, to reinvent themselves, meet girls and to be able to legally drink. For a college student, it sounded like the perfect experience.

Until I never went. I was always too scared. No fear of what would happen, but afraid of what I would miss home again. What if I "something" miss - never really sure what was anything except that I knew I did not want to miss. I did not want to hear stories from my friends. I wanted to be a part of them. In my mind, I knew I would have created my own stories abroad, but I was too scared about what stories I would miss.

So I never went abroad.

And I regret that decision today.

I let fear rule my life. I went with the devil, whom I knew, because it was easier. I took the easy way out.

If I fear can hold back from traveling, as it did at school, I would never know the world and started on the path to this life led me. I have a great experience because I even scared. I did not let that happen again.

living life at la tomatina Do not hold back your anxiety. In previous posts I've written about how now is a good time because of the economy to travel and how the only secret to long-term travel is desired. But even those who can travel with the greatest desire to be restrained by fear. It can consume us and hold us back.

It is always easier to go with the known than the unknown. When the Dutch say: "He who is already on his doorstep the most difficult part of his journey behind him."

before the fear of what we could miss home a lot of people holding. What if someone is pregnant? Married? What about the celebrations? The wacky weekend antics? My favorite places to eat? The list goes on and on

But if you talk to any traveler, they will all say the same thing. Nothing changed back home. People could get a new job or a new friend. Maybe they will move. Someone could marry. A restaurant could close. A bar could no longer cool. But the day to day life will be the same, and if you know this, you will thank yourself that not to give into fear.

Life never gives you the same chance twice. You will never get a chance again. Door again do not open. Once closed, it will close forever. It is much easier to travel than you think. Once you take the first step out the door, anything is possible. Whether it is a two-week trip to Bali, one year trip around the world, or finally make the family at Disney, go go now because you are missing a big world out there.

at the end, since what you are not going to regret, as you'll regret.

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