
Interview with Lara Dunston, Part 2

Interview with Lara Dunston, Part 2 -

travel writer Lara Dunston
, continuation of our interview with the author Lara Dunston, this week with the discussion on the future of travel literature, online tools the nitty gritty of the company, and whether or not travel writing actually not fun is

Nomadic Matt :. Chuck Thompson said last month that it was meant to travel writing great, but you could not live to do it do it unless you had someone like Bill Bryson. Do you think that's true? Or do you find that you can only travel writer
Lara Dunston: Well, I for one is not always a travel writer. The first work that I published for two university newspapers, which were film, book and tape meetings and interviews with comedians and performers. I wrote film criticism for a number of years for Australian film publications, so I concentrated on movie reviewing but also the coverage of the film industry, film festivals, industry conferences. I studied film and making films (and so written scripts), and went to teach in film. I also write PR, and I wrote Teen fiction published for a while (a few books), for a series under a pseudonym for HarperCollins. And it was around this time that I was doing my first trip in writing. I think a good writer who can develop skills necessary to write on a number of issues, that is, to describe research skills, narrative skills in analysis and the ability and inspire.

Thomas Kohnstamm the question of dishonesty in the field. Chuck mentioned briefly in "online" update my authors, that is, they go there information online without having to go to the destination. Do you have a lot of that can be seen in the field?
As with any profession, any field, there are honest, hard working travel writers who do the hard slog of research on the ground, working hard new scout locations, check their facts thoroughly, etc. But, look, there are unethical doctors and lawyers, there are bad teachers, dishonest politicians, lazy graphic designer, bad programmers, lying advertising sales guys. I do not see how other travel writers work. Sure, I have friends who are travel writer, but I do not see how they work. The best way for me the quality of a writer is to assess work to actually the book are used in the field, and I have used (and updated) good books of great writers wrote, and I crap books of lazy researchers haven used written 't updated everything.

It is also worth considering that there are different types of travel writers are out there, and they all do things very differently from one another. There are writers who mostly guides writer who write stories for magazines / newspapers and create digital content, and it is the guide that they get into the field to then be able to collect content, writing stories , (This is the category my husband and I fall in.) Because we started out as a leader writer, we are always used in the field, every day the pavement in cities all day pounding, methodically shit ticking away, talking to locals and new scout locations.

Then you travel writers travel sections to work full-time for magazines and newspapers, which have a kind of naivete to its letter, because they. In places, just write them not previously have been But unless they came back from writing a guide, they tend to not be as thorough as a leader writer. I have read many stories in Conde Nast Traveller and the New York Times travel section, which are full of errors. The NYT will correct those if you point them naturally. But the thing is, how you want these authors make it 100% correct when they fly for a few days in one place and see as much? I trust magazine content is less, unless I know the person a leader was a writer because I know then that they are experts on parachute art. But I think what these stories give us a feel for a place.

In the last interview indicated that the Internet's quality writing is not as good as printing. I think there are many places to find quality information. In my opinion, travelers are always the best source of information.
I'm not suggesting there is not online good quality, accurate information is, it's just a hell of a lot harder to get through quality advice online as it is in books, and you have a lot of crap to sort the good stuff to find. What is also happening online that a lot of people who make websites and travel blogs entry fee of advertising and they are only set up a lot of content that they are from other sites to steal, which was often stolen from books. You have to spend time to find the bloggers and websites that you trust and produce quality content. So, as leader writers who are better than others (ie, more knowledge, more experience, more demanding), there are web producer, travel bloggers and travelers that better than others.

But I have to say that I "are travelers still the best source of information" a big problem with this statement have. If they are professional travelers yes. And that's what leader writers or any travel writer. You paid to travel and spend a lot of time honing their craft (art) of travel. Sure, I seek the opinion of the ordinary traveler, when I'm on the road and visit an inn or a resort or a restaurant or whatever, but I see it always to my own experience and what I know. Some advice may be helpful, but not all advice is good. The first thing I try to measure, is moved as much the person and what kind of traveling they do. Some people have only 3-4 weeks a year. Become that person to trust the review of a hotel than a professional travel writer who spends annually 0 nights or more in hotels and airplanes? A professional travel writer, but has experienced every level of travel so that they. Will be able to compare the best advice and deliver And the traveler who has been on the road for a year is not the whole day to spend every day in a place where every museum and attraction in the city visit, visit each hotel, go eat three times a day, every café check-out , bar, Pub and Club, visit tourist offices, bus stations, railway stations and so on.

Any chance that you publish your own book? Is there a "Lara's Guide to Rome" in the works?
Art. We are working on a few of our own projects. One is a book about these years of continuous travel on the road together - it is more than 3 years will be on the road until we stop traveling and start writing in March! The book will be part of the travel literature, guide part, part insight into the travel writing and travel publishing industry. It is about the places we have been working on and the projects we were. It is necessary to examine whether it is possible to live a good life from travel writer is to make, whether it is possible to live out of a suitcase for 3 years, and if it is possible, as a couple to survive! Normally Terry and I write together and edit the work of others to ensure there is a single voice, but for this book we will hold separate votes - me is more descriptive, emotional, female, perhaps optimistically, Terry is insightful, funny , funny, and perhaps a little cynical - and what we do is, these two perspectives in different places and people and topics and events contrast - not always, but sometimes. We are looking forward. We have a few other projects also.

to give after a series of interviews, I have moved to the opinion that recommended writing is not as fabulous as I once thought. It seems a lot of work for little reward. Thoughts?
I consider myself a travel writer primarily (although I have published in other genres) and a part (a big part) is writing of what I do guide, and I absolutely love my job. I think it's fabulous. Every day I meet people and they tell me, "You have the best job in the world have," and I smile to myself, because I think they are right. Yes, it's damn hard work, so it is not a job for people who do not work hard not to enjoy. But Terry and I always hard and we prefer to work hard for us to travel the world, worked as working for someone else in one place. It is not enough for paying what is involved, and the frenzied expectations of some editors do not correlate with the low fees they pay. But no other job allows you to travel in this manner, and to know to so many places, so intimately and meet so many great people.

How to Compare publisher? Well, they are all different. Since we decided to stop writing for Lonely Planet, we have worked for DK, Rough Guides, Footprint, Insight, AA Guides, Thomas Cook Publishing, and we also have some work for Fodor. Some of these publishers pay better than LP, has a few little pay less, although those who pay less not so much by writers expect as LP does. However, I must say, they are all quite simple to work with; LP expects an enormous amount of the authors (the AQ process is a time-consuming nightmare) that equate not necessarily lead to better books.

But ultimately I have to wonder what makes fabulous a job for me. Well, it's doing something I love to do that is satisfactory, which is something that I consider to be meaningful, it gives me the freedom and flexibility to do what I want, when I want a job, which makes good money for includes work / with nice interesting people, and a. For me traveling all met to write those requirements. I can travel wherever and whenever I want. If I do not have a good experience with a publisher, then I did not return to work with them. We managed things so that we do have enough money doing what we want to do in life. And through the research that we do and the decisions we about to write what, we humans are the inspiration and information have the best travel experience they may have. We mainly people having a good time. And how can not that fabulous?

If you missed the beginning, you should make a check of Lara part interview. For more information about Lara visits her blog Cool Guide.

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