
Learn a foreign language

Learn a foreign language -

Signs in Chinese and English
A few weeks ago I was at the Taiwan Lantern Festival. I was with my guesthouse owner nieces and a Korean man in the pension extended stay. We were walking around and they were speaking Chinese especially. They talked about the boys problems of the nieces (I think that all teenage angst and romance you have when you are 16 is universal). Although they spoke Chinese, I knew what they were saying. I followed along, I laughed, I made a few jokes to understand them, I understood -. It was

Yup, learned great Chinese fluently in my month in Taipei, I have. Wandering the streets, listening to the night markets, and the impromptu lessons in the club late at night the whole language seep into my brain made. Well, I know all about T boy questions

O.K, that's a lie - .. I do not know Chinese. I know about three words, and I hardly know such.

But I knew what they were saying, and I was able to contribute. As? Well, while we were walking, it hit me. I thought about how one of the things people always ask your trip is, "How are you different?" It is to answer a difficult question, because most changes happen slowly and they remarkably rare. But during the Lantern Festival, I realized I'd never noticed before a difference: I understand nonverbal communication! From only facial expressions and tone of voice I could the essence of what people said to get around me. I have not need to learn Chinese. This ability had slowly crept into my life, so naturally that it seemed as if it has always been there. But it was not until the festival that I actually had I realized this capability.


The whole trip I have done has helped me master the non-verbal communication. Years confused looks, shows, sounds, imitating and pigeon English to what the point understand me, people allowed to obtain without words was. With this capability, I could probably never learn another language, and still everywhere. It works now; they do not speak English very well in Taipei, but I get by. I note, grunt, act things, and I manage.

People from different cultures coming together
Learning how to communicate without words, a trip is skill that you can use throughout your life and in all parts of it. It can help you navigate bad situations, deal with the feelings of the people, understand people, and play cool tricks with people in a bar. Most importantly, it will receive while on the road by helping. You will be able to a person to understand even if you do not understand their language. Why? Since many of the human communication happens without words. , People facial expressions and body language say just as much about what a person like the words feels they say

Do not get me wrong - I love to learn languages. I will continue to learn even if I never mastered. I take Chinese classes next week and hope this summer to learn French. It is good to know a few words in the local language, but you do not need to learn the language fluently. You can do without them. Even if you never learn a word, you can still, without getting it. I'm not saying never to learn the language - you should make attempts. The locals really appreciate it. If, however, once in a while, not . Practice some non-verbal cues. Learn to get along with signs. commented Learning without words.

This is my challenge to you. Next time you are on the road, not to learn the language. not even speak yet. to promote experiments without words understanding and communication. Point, use mimicry, mime, act out what you want, draw - whatever it takes. Only not words. Forget the local language. Do not use a vain attempt to make a dictionary to find out how to order food or ask what her name is. Forget everything. Be bold and an ability to develop, which will help you in all areas of your life. Because learning resources to the non-verbal communication will help you communicate better in all your areas of life and help you to read situations and feelings for the rest of your life. (You do not need all the time to do, but try, if I dare ...)

But, okay - if you really want to learn the language here is a guide on how to talk about a foreign language day oNE

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