
Traveling as a couple: An interview with Wandering Why

Traveling as a couple: An interview with Wandering Why -

Traveling couple in the snow with some huskies
It's been a while since I've posted an interview. In the past I have interviewed guide writers, authors, film producers and other travel prominence. But I thought, to begin a new series of interviews, I would focus more on ordinary people. My experience as a traveler is characterized I shaped travel alone. My thoughts, my experiences, my interactions with people are different from other people because of it. People who travel with children, travel differently. As people do who are married.

Dawn and Sean, the pair of WanderingWhy, are for more than 18 months on the road have been. I met her on the Internet, but was lucky enough to travel with them in Thailand and Singapore. I was always interested in what their perception of the trip was like. Traveling as a couple, is different to be bound, as a single, young, male backpack as traveling

Sean and Dawn from Wandering Why in a field in Southeast Asia

Nomadic Matt :. Many couples have conflicts. It is normal. How do you handle conflicts during the trip
Dawn: I think that we encounter conflicts faster on the road, as we have at home. If you travel together like this, you can not let it go too long without dealing with them, because you are always together things. You have to work together as a team, as the conflict has to be resolved quickly
Sean .: have A lesson learned for us on the road, is the need to solve problems faster. Life is more intense on the road and seemingly small things can cause disproportionate ill feelings. We have the truth is to find the little things show appear below the surface to a larger problem. We learned earlier to dig the problem and talk of

Have you nervous, traveling as a couple
Twilight:.? No, not really. We were on the same page on this trip, and we wanted to travel. I'm afraid that we want each other to kill us, but like I said, you learn quickly form problems and I think that our communication is even better than when we left home
Sean . Not so much . The idea to spend more and more time together, as we have, because we thought started dating, I was big. get as many couples to do that?

Wandering Why couple smiling while traveling abroad

Have to get already on your nerves?
Dawn : I'd be lying if I said that we do not. Sean hates it when I talk to him when he writes, and I'm doing that to him much. I can be grumpy when I'm hungry or tired, and if I am, Sean gets on my nerves. But I think that we have learned more about what each of us is driving crazy on this trip, because it is magnified when it's just the two of you, and try to control it more
Sean . With a little for joining us, this is a trick question Matt? Yes sure. Your partner's quirks, habits, pet peeves are enhanced when long travel. You will find a new rhythm to the dance you usually occur at home, and things are fine.

What advice would you have for other married couples who want to travel in the long term?
Dawn : Recognize that traveling together is completely different than at home. There is no work, no external activities that you do not plan together. Make sure that you have the same expectations for your trip, and plan for the time alone, too. Reach other travelers as well as for fun and entertainment
Sean .: -Plan, plan, plan and be very well organized, if you are not there. You probably are a bit older and do not want to go home to move to your parents. Long-term travel is a bit different for a couple then a fresh college graduate who can provide garage a few boxes in the parents. Strip life down to the essentials. This helps to save the big trip, do less get used to as you are, if you are traveling to take life easier at home and plug in again when you return.

Cold couple standing in front of an iceberg and river overseas

Have you seriously planning a trip as a married couple?
Dawn : No. Again, we were on the same page with budget and places to see-we separated a list of our "sees must" done and then came together to plan a route. This route changed a few times, but do not sacrifice what was on our to see lists must. Perhaps the only planning issue that Sean can say is that I am type A and sometimes planned before we left. I had planned, as before, if we were to get in the car to the airport! I think the trip itself has healed me that- a bit on the road can have its own plan for you
Sean . Not at all. Long-term travel is a dream come true. The dream of and the list of things that we do and the places we wanted, when more than 2 weeks was vacation, had not wanted to go hard. We are both organized quite as planning relative came naturally. The dream is an obsession with time. If anything, there was a point where I'd say: "Can we talk about something else other than the trip?" But if not for this focus may remain just a dream.

Sometimes married couples need some space. How do you go to make some personal time when you with someone all the time?
Dawn : We do most things together, but there are some times when we split for a day, an hour, etc. For example, Sean still submerged, and during this time I do my own thing. Or I'll take a yoga class, while Sean reads. We respect what the other will do. Time alone is really refreshing, even if it is only an hour. At home, you go alone in the car to work alone in your office, etc. On the road, you always have to share with your spouse, a bath in a hostel to share a bus seat with two other people. that the time to take alone is to be important for my sanity anyway.

One of the things I like most about about solo travel, you get to meet a lot of people. Have you as a couple will find your ability trips Disabled travelers come to
Dawn : I do not, because we strive to meet other people. I'm sure it's easier if you are in a hostel and not a double, but we depend are locked in our room in public areas in comparison to more. We have traveled with individuals and couples, but I would say a couple that we most often associated with other couples hanging at the end of
Sean : No. We are pretty easy going and do not care if we are traveling with another couple or a single person / reversed. I think we have gone through phases where it seems that we are always with new friends and other times on the road do not have to make the energy and just go together.

Couple in England popping out of famous red tollbooths

What is the greatest thing, as a couple about traveling
Dawn :? the memories that make you together, are the things that we get to see together for the first time. You can learn a lot about each other on a trip like this, and I think overall it's a stronger pair and team for every aspect of your life makes
Sean : a. Life can never be possible and to share it with your partner. share an experience or see a view I call it a journey of time and without the need for words, looking at each other, but overall communication with. Creating memories together for rocking chairs.

For more about Dawn, Sean and her travels, her website at Wandering about why.

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