
The best travel books

The best travel books -

A portion of the tool belt of any traveler is a good book. Long bus, train or plane trips can be pretty boring and you can give a lot of "dead" time, if you have not mastered the art of the 10-hour blank stare.

During the trip, I always enjoy books on travel, exotic locations, and live to read your dreams. It makes me feel good about what I do and keeps me in different places dream. Even if you are not on the road, can book a good trip to help motivate you to get out there

Here are some of the best travel-related books that are dreaming deter .:

The Alchemist

The Alchemist The Alchemist to follow a story of your dreams, this is one of the most widely read books in recent history. It is 65 million copies sold and has been printed in 150 languages. The story follows a young shepherd boy from Spain to Egypt, when he follows his heart, with the current, learns to love, and learns the meaning of life. The book with amazing quotations is filled, as my favorite, "If you still can concentrate on the present, you will be a happy man ... Life will be a feast for you, a great festival, because life is the moment we are living now. "" it is one of those books that makes you feel alive, makes to be good. it is located a fast, partly because it is only 167 pages, but also because you can it has not put it down. And when you do, you will bring it back on.

on the street

Written 1957 Jack Kerouac beat generation classic is a classic travel novel. Kerouac character (which he claimed himself modeled) frustration, desire to see the world and adventures resonate with all of us who need a little relief from modern life. the story follows his character, Sal, when he leaves New York City and heads west, ride the rails, friends, and celebrate the night away. He finds thrills, adventure, love, sex, drugs, poverty and excitement as they move from a weak character in someone whose life experience brings confidence. It is a true American classic.

Do Travel Writers Go to Hell?

Travel Travel A book about the underbelly of travel literature, Thomas Kohnstamm caused a firestorm of controversy with the publication of this treatise. His story of freebies, plagiarism, and subsequent interviews sent to post the travel world into a frenzy and caused some serious ulcers in Lonely Planet. Despite the debate, it's actually a good book. Smart, witty and seriously funny, the book follows the first paperwork the author for Lonely Planet and all the mishaps, sex and drugs that went with him. It will have you laughing while.

Improbable Goals

Unlikely Destinations Written by the founders of Lonely Planet, the band tells the start and rise of the company whose leader is now in the backpack. The story follows them when they come out to the beginning of the 21st century in the 1970s from England. In between, you can hear all your travel stories and learn about their early business struggles. See also seen many other well-known travel names in pop history. While the book drags in some parts, it is ultimately a fascinating read about the company, beginning helped the travel guide industry and forever changed how we travel.

The Beach

The Beach The Beach History Alex Garland about backpackers and for the paradise of their search can be found everywhere on the streets of Asia. Following Richard and his search for "something else" in Thailand, we see the desire of backpackers to explore and find new places, but never really complete. The book is part adventure and part an exploration of the reason why we are looking for these utopias and the consequences of this search always. It was turned into a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The book is very different, with a different end, different characters and even another love story

Oracle Bones

Oracle Bones Oracle Bones -. Written by Peter Hessler, this novel about China extends over the end of the 0s and early 00s. There is a fascinating look at many aspects of China, from their culture to their food for his policies. The author lived for many years in Beijing, and his observations in daily life are revealing. He befriends a Uyghur, one of China's ethnic minorities, and the plot is much insight into how China treats some of its underclass citizens. This book is thick, specifically to read no beach, there will certainly be a lot of information about the world's rising dragon. We often think of China as a monoculture, but this book clearly shows it is not.

Smile If you lie

Smile When You’re Lying Smile When You’re Lying Written by the slightly jaded Chuck Thompson, this book is a humorous criticism of the travel writing industry. Chuck Thompson rails against the glamor of travel magazines, overused euphemisms and Lonely Planetization the world. He argues that this all travel magazines are nothing more than glorified brochures. All good stories - and it contains a number of its own (my favorite was his story of Thai school girl robbed) - were not included. Sometimes the book winds all over the place, but it still kept me laughing all the way through.


Vagabonding Vagabonding Posted by the godfather of stray, Rolf Potts, this book is a must for those who read travel with long-term. Rolf spent 10 years on the road (he even Israel went). This book contains valuable insights, quotes and practical information for first-time vagabond. From saving for life to keep on the road, so this is a must for beginners. It is an inspiring book and while a seasoned traveler could not get much practical information from him, it's a good read is the affirmative. The practical advice will also really help you on your journey.

Seven Years in Tibet Originally published Seven Years in Tibet

Seven Years in Tibet 1953 told this classic story of Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer 1943 escape from British India, his journey over the Himalayas and his stay in Tibet. Welcome, he was the teacher of the young Dalai Lama. He tells vividly Tibetan traditions and customs that were little seen or known by the people in the outside world. Tibet was relatively unknown then, and Harrer tells of a world destroyed by the Chinese invasion of 1950, which forced Harrer to go. The book is a great insight into Tibet, as it was earlier.

In a Sunburned Country

It's hard to pick just one book by Bill Bryson which is good because they all are. He is one of the most prolific and best-known name in travel literature. This book tells a journey through Australia. It runs from east to west, through tiny mining towns, forgotten seaside towns, and off-the-beaten-path forests. Bryson contains many Trivia information in his story as he travels around in awe - and sometimes in fear (box jellyfish, riptides, crocodiles, spiders and snakes) - of this vast country. This is one of my favorite books, and it has inspired me to go to Australia.

The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries This is the story of Ernesto "Che" Guevara's eight-month motorcycle trip through South America as a 23-year-old medical student in 1951- 1952nd The book (recently turned into a movie) mixes watching, adventure and politics. Guevara left the house with a doctor friend of his, and the eight-month motorcycle trip was the beginning of his way a revolutionary towards. He explored Inca ruins, visited a leper colony, helping miners and farm laborers. His time with the subclass kindled his desire for political change.

Geography of Bliss

Writer and NPR correspondent, Eric Weiner Set out to find on a year-long journey of the world's happiest places. He directs in places like Iceland, Qatar, Denmark, India and Moldova (the unhappiest in the world) on his quest and while he never found the secret to happiness, his trip makes for an amazing and serene reading. In attempting to answer the question "what makes a society happy?" Has Weiner some amazing interactions with locals and cultural experiences that is what really make the book interesting. It is one of my favorite travel books.

The Lost Girls

Written by the infamous Lost Girls (Amanda, Holly, Jen) on their journey around the world, this book is great inspiration for people who quit their day jobs and travel the world go. It is particularly encouraging for women who leave are worried about their jobs or travel around the world. The book chronicles her journey and is on a good look at what it's like to travel with friends, do not kill each other, and come back as a stronger friends.

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