
Vagabonding the Green Way

Vagabonding the Green Way -

One of the best things about traveling long term, that it ... well, long-term. And because more time to travel, you have a greater chance to choose green traveling.

As someone who has traveled long term, I know it can be hard, as we feel as individuals can still make a difference. But here are some ways you can help the environment and on the road green travel.

effort from the beginning
From the beginning, think of ways you can make your trip a little greener. Whether it is by a conscious effort to eat on the spot or a mile rather than by bus walk, be aware of your impact and think about the changes that you make on your trip. (If you have no idea where to start, look at the tips at the end of this post.)

These efforts in habits rotate
Once you make the initial commitment to green travel, turn your efforts into habits. Turn off the lights, carry a reusable bag with you (which is almost a must when traveling because many countries you for a shopping bag charge) use, or again a water bottle. Do these little things every day and make them habits. The more we get used to doing something that more second nature it is.

Respect the local culture
Sometimes when stray, you start to miss your home country, customs, and culture. As a green traveler, you should not only respect, remember, but also to entrench themselves in the local culture, wherever you are. When I lived in Russia, there was a bar by an American Expat run, which we visited often. Yes, it was fun to have a hamburger and banana split once in a while, but we could really frequenting local spots were, Baltika sipping in beer tents or vodka in the park Downing. The "Western lifestyle" has to be inserted into the rule, and the transportation of goods is a sure way to increase your carbon footprint. Life in the area ... you went there for a reason, right?

Hold to keep Slow Travel
The best way to be a green traveler is slowly traveling. Bus, bike, walk, or take the train. Try to avoid air travel. Airplanes have exacerbated a huge impact on the atmosphere and climate change. Choose an alternative form of transport and see the scenery! There is no need to rush to get to the next target if the green way to stray!

5 Practical tips for the green Vagabonder

1. Unpack less stuff
Why is it green .: If you pack light, fewer resources are required to carry your stuff
Why it helps you .: you 'save you your back (we all know, a time when we were unhappy from carrying too much stuff).

2. Apply a water bottle
Why is it green .: creates no waste from empty bottles
Why it helps. : you save money because you do not have to buy water. Another option (if you do not drink the local water) is extra-large jars to buy with water and leave them in the inn; fill your bottle only with what you need on this day.

3. Walk, Run,
Why is it green .: There are no carbon dioxide emissions were walking
Why does you .: you are to stay in shape and save money.

4. If you can not walk, take public transport
Why is it green .: less carbon dioxide emissions than a car or taxi
Why it helps you .: you really get to experience the local way of life and perhaps a couple of interesting locals meet (plus, it is cheaper.)

5. Eat less food and eat locally
Why is it green .: The "carbon footprint" of food is exceptional! Eating less means there is less waste, and in the room means a smaller footprint eat
Why it helps you .: you will be healthier and save money. You will also find a greater appreciation for the local culture to win.

To use to help these tips, green travel and to protect the environment!

Elizabeth Sanberg is an avid traveler committed to reduce their environmental impact without spending a fortune. She currently lives in Washington DC and is co-editor of Go Green Travel Green.

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