
The life of a traveler

The life of a traveler -

a map for saturday image from movie cover
Last night I saw the film "a ticket for Saturday." It was amazing. Completely and absolutely amazing. The film was recommended by another traveler and chronicles a man is filled around the world journey in 05 with interviews of other backpackers, and very accurately captures the ups and downs of traveling.

It is the best movie I've ever seen. For anyone who has ever backpacked or traveling for a long time, it is to relate a simple film.

There is every journey of ups and downs:

instant friends

the same question of solo travelers always ask people - "do not you lonely" is the truth, you are never alone. On the way you meet again people. You get in hostels, and you will immediately find friends. It is as if they have known each other for years because it is every man for many of the same reasons. In addition, each a lonely emptiness to be filled in the lives of others. And on that day, week or month, you and your traveling companions are best friends.

Why we do it

The movie nailed it on the head. Why do we go? Interviews with all travelers echoed a theme - "We do not want to look back and regret." All these travelers the feeling that there was more to life than just the car, and they could see the trajectory of their lives - women, houses, children. There were no surprises. None of them wanted to be 50 and say, "I want ..." A lot of people feel that way, but these travelers have to jump. It's hard to motivate yourself to go, but they did. Why? Because we only live once, and no one wants to look back and say what if.

in a lifelong traveler turning

Brook, the main character says at the end of the film that he did this trip travel to get "out of his system." Then he would come back to get a job and live the life of society wanted, but he was held, that he get out of his system, he only got more addicted to travel. Now he can not go back to the way things. He is different. He can not live without travel imagine. If you talk to travelers, you hear the same thing. They travelers are now forever A Map For Saturday


It is the hardest thing to do. At first it is hard, and you promise to always stay in touch. But as you travel, you get to use goodbyes. They say that they are deaf to them after a while each day and. Finally you realize that while you shared perfect moments with your instant friends, you will never these moments can recover, and you probably will not see the friends again. The advent of social networking sites, has it easier to stay in touch, but the reality is that we move away to another life and move. As Brook says he came longer at home was, the less often the e-mails. I have always found it is hard to say goodbye, but in the end you realize that the memory is the important part.

The "impending doom of the house"

All good things must come to an end. As the journey comes to an end, all you can think is, "I'm going home", and it scares you. All you have known for a year or more is traveling lifestyle. It is a way of life. Hostels, trains, buses, anger, instant friends. Then, as quickly as it began, it is over. As a woman who is described in the film, there is a feeling doom and fear of impending home. We want to go home, but deep down, we do not know. Perhaps it is because we recognize it more in life than we knew before is. I'm not sure, but whatever it may be, no one ever wants to go.


After a while you become numb to everything. "Ohh another waterfall?" "Another historic building?" After so many beautiful things to see in the world, things lose their wonder. You should be impressed, but you're not. You get tired of meeting new people and have the same conversations over and over again. Saying goodbye. making promises to see each other. At the end of my trip, all I wanted was to do at home, go. I could not, new people to be bothered to meet; I had so many hit. I was burned out. After 18 months, I had seen so much that in Australia was not exciting. It should have been, but it was not. All travelers going through it, and I liked how Brook talked about.

As home

The hardest part is coming home. It is to be funny back. Few people can relate to their experiences, and most do not want to hear about it. The world remained the same, while you were away, but changed it. And that's the hardest part - to realize that there is nothing else. They expect that life changed while you were gone. A year is a long time, and then come and realize your world forward never moved home. It was shocking to me. In the movie, you will hear travelers like once catch the honeymoon was over, all they wanted was to get back to do out there. Home suffocated. It feels as if you are not moving. After a week back home, all I wanted to do it again, was deserted. to be home, is sometimes more difficult than to be gone.

If you ever want to understand why travelers do what they do and how it feels to be out there, then watch this movie. It explains everything.

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